
thedoctor said:
I've been catching up the past few days. Watched the Christmas special and first two eps. of the new season. I have to say that it is getting better. Tennet isn't being as much of a campy goofball he was last season. I do think the Special and season premier showed the main problem with Davies setting too many stories in contemporary London like he did the first two seasons. His invasions have been to big and frequent for people to ignore. Unless he makes a major change in how characters start perceiving the Doctor and other aliens, it's all a buncha crap.

The last ep. was ok. I do like how they brought in more of the mystery of the Doctor's origins by pointing out that that isn't his real name and has no power over him. But I don't like the whole concept of trying to equate magic with science. Never have. Never will. I also wasn't a fan of spouting off Shakespeare lines that haven't been written yet so Will can say, "I might use that." It's cliche and been done to death. Also, the ep. had a pretty gay feeling to it. I dunno. Hopefully this is the worst they have to offer this season, and the show gets better.

His real name (perhaps) came up in "The Horns Of Nimron". The Doctor runs into a timelord in the undergrond cavens who calls him by a diffrent name.