
Cowgirl Jack said:
I think the concept of the Dalek was just a little foreign to begin with. Which is odd now that I think about it, because they are kind of like the Borg? Just fueled with a desire to kill living things, right? And both are kind of hypocritical for being organic beings themselves masquarading as robots. But I suppose the Borg are into the whole 'join us' thing and the Darleks are just like 'die motherfuckers'.

Actually, the Cybermen (the robot head you saw in the case) are very much the inspiration for The Borg; cybernetic beings who want to remake all life-forms in their image.

The Daleks are, like you said, nothing but killing machines. They exist for nothing but the slaughter.


And assuming I'm not totally wiped out tonight (almost went to the ER at four this morning) I'll watch the next disc.

The ER? What's up?