
The ER? What's up?

Thankful, everything seems to be okay. I've just decided to stop working out for a week or so.

I woke up Thursday morning at four with really bad chest pains. I mean really bad. I honestly thought it was the beginning of a heart attack or something, because I felt weird and weak in my lower back and arms. I stood up and walked around in my bedroom, to see if that helped, and after about fifteen minutes I realized it was getting worse. So I went downstairs to get a drink, and I ended up on the floor because it hurt to stand. I finally got up and told my parents I was driving to the ER.

Apparently, everyone's a MD at four in the morning. My mother had to go to the ER about six months ago for a really odd EKG and when that happened, my sister told her that she had been hospitalized a while back for inflamed cartilage at the sternum (right in front of the heart). She went to the ER the first time it happened, but she's had it about four times in the past eighteen months. She just took painkillers during the day.

Apparently, inflamed cartilage is the biggest reason women between 20 and 40 go to the ER with chest pains. My sister's was causewd by bacteria (she had the flu at the same time), but we still have no clue why I was suffering. But I took a bunch of ibprofin that morning and took some the rest of the day. I could still feel something funny, but it wasn't the really bad pain like that morning. Everything seems to be okay now, but like I said, I don't want to aggrivate anything by working out, so I'm taking things slow this weekend.

Back to Dr. Who...I've got the third and forth disc now, so I'll probably tackle those soon.

"You're either lying or stupid."
"I'm stupid! I'm stupid!"
Megatron and Starscream