everything with Joker in it. Also I'm not giddy about where Fables is going. They removed the two most dynamic characters and now we have to play interested in the weiners that are still around? Lucifer is great though, I thought it was gonna suck but then WOW it totally came back for me. Y-The Last Man is turning to teh suckage a bit but it also seems to be in a kind of reawakening as to what its main goals are. So that's alright for now.

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"