Ready for another energy crisis?

    Soaring demand is pumping gas prices sky-high and has left America poised for a major fuel crisis this summer, watchdogs said yesterday.

    An industry expert warned any supply breakdown could trigger shortages more drastic than the aftermath of last year's devastating hurricane season, which crippled Gulf Coast pipelines and caused prices at New York pumps to approach $4 a gallon.

    "All that has to happen is another Katrina-like event, or political factors in the Middle East, and we are looking at major, major disruption," said Robert Sinclair, a spokesman for AAA's Automobile Club of New York.

    Oil markets are already jittery following terrorist attacks on oil facilities in Nigeria and rising tensions over Iran's nuclear program.

    Both countries are major oil producers.

    U.S. Energy Department forecasters warned that fuel costs - nudging toward $3 a gallon in New York - would climb an additional 10 to 15 cents by Memorial Day, one of the year's busiest driving weekends.

    Last week, it already cost motorists 40% more to fill up their tanks than it did the same time last year.