
magicjay38 said:
While we're bitching about energy prices, does anyone recall the Energy Bust? After the price jumps in the 70's we began reducing our consumtion and prices tumbled. All those folks that moved from the Midwest to Texas for jobs, moved back home. Check out Urban Cowboy at the video store sometime! Enron was not the first disaster to create see-through buildings in downtown Houston. People closed escrows on new houses elsewhere then abandoned their houses in the oil patch.

You've got market economics playing live on the corner at your local gas station. Hope you enjoy the show!

Just because it sucked then, doesn't mean that it doesn't suck now. Gas prices are way to fucking high and they need to go back down again. Maybe consumerism or ethanol will sweep down and save us, but it still sucks for now and as long as life sucks, bitching will happen.

Before you ask, I'm 24 and remember absolutely nothing from the 70s.

Reveling in the knowledge that Sammitch will never interrupt my nookie ever again. 112,000 RACK Points!