
Pariah said:

Indeed she did, but Rucka decided to ignore the fact that she was going to spend her life with a man and titled her as "always gay" to get his storyline through the door.

Fuckin' editors.

Your sexual preference doesn't preclude falling in love with someone. It's just not quite the same. I've had serious girlfriends in the past that I've had every intention of one day taking to the alter. And with women, i've noticed that there are relatively few 'true' lesbians. They tend, more often than not, to oscilate between men and women.

The whole character developement for Montoya was believable, although I'll agree poorly executed. Franlkly though, I don't think anyone wants to read a tremendous exposition on why she's made her choices in a Batman comic. A bit character is just there for scenery, and cannon fodder should the need for a tragic death in a cross over 'event' ever arise.


If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!