Jay: Okay, now, I hate to be repetitive, but Annilation is out in the world, and she has no conscience to hold her back.

Britannica Online: What makes Annilation so dangerous?

Ace: Yeah, you told us that she makes Chant look like a panty waist (not like it's that hard), but you never explained how.

Jay: Well, this is going to be a lomg story, so while I tell you guys this incredible and amazing story, my author will switch to Annilation interacting with Chant. You see, in the beginning, there was Also, who created Firia, otherwise known as Love...

In the meantime...

Chant: You mean I can't gloat even a little bit?

Annilation: That gives the heroes a chance to regroup, gather forces, or gives time for some non-entity character to save them, or give them a chance to save themselves. Bad idea.

Chant: I admit that the faking a weakness was brillant, but what is this about consorts? And the one about not making alliances with those more powerful than me?

Annilation: (Smirks) Here, let me show you...

(Annilation gathers her powers together and blasts Chant with a force so powerful that all that is left is a pair of shoes.)

Annilation: Now nothing can stop me from becoming the most powerful being in the whole world!!!! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Turns to Biz Money

Annilation: Now, how am I going to take care of you...

In the meantime in Purgatory/Satellite of Love...

Gob Almighty sees Chant standing, smoking (not a cigarette, I mean smoking with char marks) and looking slightly pissed.

Gob Almighty: Let's see, Chant, also not supposed to be dead. Greeat
So, who killed you off?

Chant: A beatiful, evil, two timing wench with yellow eyes?

Gob Almighty(giving Chant a look that is somewhere between worry and relief): Does she have tan skin, wild hair, and a rack to die for?

Chant: (smiles slightly, who could stay mad at such a nice pair of breasts?) Triple Ds.

Gob Almighty: Yes! That means that this isn't MY screw up! Hell, no wait, that means...

Wednesday: (with a beautiful girl on each arm) What's up, GA?

Gob Almighty: Life as we know it is over.

Back with the heros and the socks...

Britannica Online: Wow. So Annilation is really Betrayal, an element older than most Gods, and she wants to control the whole world?

Jay: Yep, that's about the size of it.

I don't do drugs, because I am drugs!-Salvador Dali

Master's Wife: The child is a female. She must not be destroyed. She will grow up to be a woman.
Joel: Oh, is that how that works!

Wednesday-I will make for you a brother. He will be Jason Jr.