
Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
typical scumbag red sox attitudes.

Gotta disagree with you here, PJP. Who is the most likely person to have said this? Two words:

Keith Foulke.

The only person who has had a worse season AND has a tendency to shoot his mouth off at the least appropriate time is the same guy who insisted he wasn't injured...until he needed knee surgery and then came back and bitched about how he wasn't being used as the closer...until he was put on the shelf for the rest of the season because of ANOTHER knee problem.

The true members of this team wouldn't pull that kind of shit. And we fans are more than willing to give our players our full support until a player's screw-ups become too much for us to ignore. Timlin's blown some big saves and he doesn't get boo'd. Millar's been a total bust this season and, for the most part, he hasn't heard it as much as he probably should. Renteria's been a disaster in the field and both the fans and the media spent the better part of the year supporting him. There are only three people who've been boo'd mercilessly. Two of them are on the Yankees right now. And the other one is Foulke.

I suspect that Foulke will be gone in the offseason, though. Hansen will be the closer. Manny Delcarmen will stick in the major leagues. Papelbon will be a starter. And Foulke can take his "Johnny Burger King" show to a team with fans who don't care as much if the closer stinks.

Fair enough......My main point was.....no matter what Schilling ever does again.....they will always be cheering for Game 7 against the Yanks, and rightfully so. The guy is a legend.