MtotheJLA: adler is hiding from me
Pariah186: They're left with nothing
MtotheJLA: total bitch
The Time Trust: OK -- always.
TheElisaPrincess: so heros have trajedy in their life? They rise agboive it
TheElisaPrincess: thats why we like them
Pariah186: They just die a bit more on the inside
The Time Trust: Happy now, Rex?
spookyadler: the prime directive limits my involvement in this conversation
MtotheJLA: we know you're here, r3motherfucker!
Pariah186: They're not heroes
Pariah186: They're anti-heroes
spookyadler: hi, everybody
Pariah186: they have no heroic ideals
spookyadler: hello
Pariah186: they fight for themselves
MtotheJLA: fuck you, ray!
Oz Baxter: Hi Doctor Nick
Lord Mxypltk: and you
spookyadler: oh, welcome to the chat
The Time Trust: Who you?
Lord Mxypltk: you will be mean
Lord Mxypltk: and I
rexstardust99: I
Lord Mxypltk: I'll drink all the time
Pariah186: They have no ambition
Lord Mxypltk: cause we're lovers
Lord Mxypltk: and that is fact
Lord Mxypltk: yeah we're lovers
Lord Mxypltk: that is that
Lord Mxypltk: and nothing
MtotheJLA: nobody said hi to Ray, with him being a whore and all
Lord Mxypltk: will drive them away
Lord Mxypltk: we can beat them
Lord Mxypltk: just for one day
Glacier16: ha, funny vid
TheElisaPrincess: poor parys is depressed
TheElisaPrincess: I did JLA!@
Lord Mxypltk: we can be safer
Lord Mxypltk: just for one day
TheElisaPrincess: and hes not a whore!
Pariah186: They're they bad guys
Pariah186: from any angle you decide to look at them
MtotheJLA: Why do you insist on being nice to him, E?
Lord Mxypltk: and I
spookyadler: E?
Lord Mxypltk: I wish I could swim
spookyadler: ecstacy?
MtotheJLA: elisa
Lord Mxypltk: like a dolphin...
captainsammitch: TheElisaPrincess: I did JLA!@ <===== did I miss something???
spookyadler: my god!!!!!
MtotheJLA: fuck off
Pariah186: And this placement of roles
Lord Mxypltk: like dolphins can swim
rexstardust99: damnit
Pariah186: is a constant
spookyadler: JLA=Just a Lotta Ass
Lord Mxypltk: ecstassy
Pariah186: whether or not the writers intend it or not
Lord Mxypltk: I just wanna live in Ecstassy
TheElisaPrincess: Yeah sammys
TheElisaPrincess: what is it with yall reading too much into things
Pariah186: they paint bad as always losing
TheElisaPrincess: first pen now you
spookyadler: we are living in a material world
TheElisaPrincess: i did welcome spooks to the chat sams
spookyadler: and JLA is a material girl
TheElisaPrincess: you really arent readin the chat
Lord Mxypltk: And I was born under Videla
Pariah186: But not simply because bad TYPICALLY loses
Lord Mxypltk: And I was raised with no power
Lord Mxypltk: And I fought for liberty
TheElisaPrincess: Mxy cuz hes sweet and nice and funny and likes HOSUE darn it :P
spookyadler: power corrupts
TheElisaPrincess: thats why!
Lord Mxypltk: But could never have it
TheElisaPrincess: HOUSE oopsy
rexstardust99: hosue?
spookyadler: and electrical power corrupts electrically
TheElisaPrincess: or jla
Pariah186: but because bad will always lose--In reality, in fiction--Always
TheElisaPrincess: i meant jla
TheElisaPrincess: the tvs how rex
Pariah186: It's destined to lose
Lord Mxypltk: And I grew up between fascists
MtotheJLA: see what you're doing to her, r3x?
Glacier16: werd, the tvs how
TheElisaPrincess: but because we live in a fallen world it appears evil has triumphed but it has not
spookyadler: oh, right
Pariah186: No one can keep evil from losing
MtotheJLA: I don't know who you live with yourself
spookyadler: Mxys a foreigner
TheElisaPrincess: JLA he' sthe one that ims me ;-)
spookyadler: though to him we're the foreigners
Lord Mxypltk: And I grew up over there
spookyadler: what i just said was kind of deep and insightful
The Time Trust: You're all foreigners to me.
captainsammitch: whoa JLA's in here!
Pariah186: And this universal constant
Lord Mxypltk: And everything was all all right
Oz Baxter: Smoke break....brb
MtotheJLA: and to all of us, you're a bitch, r3bitch-o!
Lord Mxypltk: But at night it wasn't well
spookyadler: who's oz baxter
rexstardust99: Smoking what?
Lord Mxypltk: I spend my time,
Pariah186: eventually led to me to believe
TheElisaPrincess: yeah sams ;-)
spookyadler: i just smoke at the computer
Lord Mxypltk: wrecking hotel rooms
MtotheJLA: Oz Baxter is rob
TheElisaPrincess: i thought pj was the one with the bitch complex
TheElisaPrincess: now its JLA?!?
TheElisaPrincess: Did I miss something?
Pariah186: That there is more than just secular reality
Lord Mxypltk: demolishing hotels
Glacier16: ah snap!
TheElisaPrincess: no its not its PROMYS!!!!!!!!!!!=oz
rexstardust99: JLA has always been a bitch.
Pariah186: there is such a thing as bad and good
MtotheJLA: Yeah
TheElisaPrincess: i got snapped boyee
Pariah186: There's not only a CONCEPTUAL good and bad
rexstardust99: Pairah, lighten up.
rexstardust99: Have some fun.
Pariah186: there IS a Good and a Bad
rexstardust99: Don't let that shit get to you.
Lord Mxypltk: I know
Pariah186: I am having fun
TheElisaPrincess: he cant rex........his heart has been crushed
spookyadler: it depends on the relativism
MtotheJLA: Yeah, make fun of r3x. That's always fun
Lord Mxypltk: no one can stand me
Lord Mxypltk: I know
spookyadler: fuck you, gayla
Lord Mxypltk: nothing will prevail
TheElisaPrincess: its a process remember? Shock/grief/tears/anger, rage, bitterness
The Time Trust: He's a whiny teenager. 'Nuff said.
Lord Mxypltk: I know
MtotheJLA: r3x's elementary teachers used to make fun of him
Pariah186: I'm trying to be informative here!!
Lord Mxypltk: you're just in the table
TheElisaPrincess: you boys need to kiss and make up JLA
TheElisaPrincess: i expected more from you!
Pariah186: There is a God people
Lord Mxypltk: someone in the world thinks about me
Pariah186: accept it
Lord Mxypltk: I know
rexstardust99: Chat rooms aren't supposed to be imformative
The Time Trust: Preaching to the choir, man.
Lord Mxypltk: nothing can stop me
MtotheJLA: they drew cartoons of him in the weekly PTA newsletter
Lord Mxypltk: I know
TheElisaPrincess: lol rex :P
Lord Mxypltk: nothing can compete
Lord Mxypltk: I know
Pariah186: Feh. Whatever. I'm getting a sandwich
TheElisaPrincess: neither are the rkmbs bu they stometimes are :P
TheElisaPrincess: yeah parys
Lord Mxypltk: you're just a pineapple
TheElisaPrincess: i agree
captainsammitch: fill me in - what's up with Pariah?
Lord Mxypltk: someon in the world thinks about me!
TheElisaPrincess: youre an apple mxy :P
TheElisaPrincess: sams the army rejected him from their progrm
TheElisaPrincess: he just found out tonight
MtotheJLA: "Ziggy" is based on the live of r3x
MtotheJLA: life
TheElisaPrincess: ziggy would be a cool alt
TheElisaPrincess: i loved that cartoon
rexstardust99: no
Lord Mxypltk: It is a lie!
captainsammitch: that's gotta hurt
The Time Trust: Heh
Lord Mxypltk: It is a lie!
MtotheJLA: what's an alt?
Lord Mxypltk: play it on the radioooo
Lord Mxypltk: hallo!
Lord Mxypltk: can't call it hallo.
Lord Mxypltk: hallo!
captainsammitch: Mrs.
captainsammitch: will ya
Lord Mxypltk: can't call it hallo.
captainsammitch: make me tea
captainsammitch: make love to me
Lord Mxypltk: it is forbidden.
captainsammitch: put on the telly....
Lord Mxypltk: it is forbidden.
captainsammitch: TO THE BBC!
Lord Mxypltk: play it on the raaadio
Lord Mxypltk: HALLO!
TheElisaPrincess: bbc?
TheElisaPrincess: did i mis ssomething?
Lord Mxypltk: can't call it hallo.
captainsammitch: TO THE BBC! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Lord Mxypltk: HALLO!
MtotheJLA: Cowgirl Jack...?
TheElisaPrincess: one of you boys' shows coming on?
captainsammitch: BBC 1
captainsammitch: BBC 2
captainsammitch: BBC 3
TheElisaPrincess: JLA yo utoo?
TheElisaPrincess: so ad
captainsammitch: BBC 4
Lord Mxypltk: can't call it hallo.
captainsammitch: BBC 5
The Time Trust: It's a song from Austin Powers.
captainsammitch: BBC 6
captainsammitch: BBC 7
TheElisaPrincess: one sec brb
The Time Trust: BBC HEAVEN
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
MtotheJLA: Allo! Allo!
Lord Mxypltk: there's something strange
Lord Mxypltk: in the neighboarhood
Lord Mxypltk: who ya gonna call?
Lord Mxypltk: CHAT KILLER!
captainsammitch: did I wreck it? :-\
rexstardust99: yes
captainsammitch: WOOHOO!!!
The Time Trust: I need sanctuary!
The Time Trust: SANCTUARY!
rexstardust99: I'm listering to pinkerton right now. Greatest weezer CD ever.
The Time Trust: I never should've taught him that word.
Lord Mxypltk: I just need a place to hide
Lord Mxypltk: A place for me to hide
Lord Mxypltk: Can you give me soft asylum?
Oz Baxter: There is no sanctuary
Lord Mxypltk: I can't take it anymore
Lord Mxypltk: the monk
Lord Mxypltk: is
Lord Mxypltk: at
Oz Baxter: Logan
Lord Mxypltk: the
Lord Mxypltk: door
spookyadler: detective bunny
spookyadler: hey, db
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
Lord Mxypltk: When all else fails,
TheElisaPrincess: thanks jla!
The Time Trust: Dectective Bunny to you, sir.
spookyadler: don't you hate gayla
TheElisaPrincess: my screens not freezing yeah
Lord Mxypltk: we can whip the horse's eyes
MtotheJLA: fuck off, r3x
The Time Trust: Whoever you are.
TheElisaPrincess: wheres sneaks spekaing of which?
Lord Mxypltk: and watch them die
TheElisaPrincess: ewwwww that was so bdsm mxy
Lord Mxypltk: and cry.
captainsammitch: :-):-(;-):-P=-O:-*>:o8-):-$:-!:-[O:-):-\:'(:-X:-D8-)>:o:-*=-O:-P;-):-(:-):-D:-X:'(:-\O:-):-[:-!:-$:-):-(;-):-P=-O:-*>:o8-):-D:-X:'(:-\O:-):-[:-!:-$:-$:-!:-[O:-):-\:'(:-X:-D8-)>:o

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.