TheElisaPrincess: glacier i still cant fidn it :P
rexstardust99: GRIMM!
MtotheJLA: I wrote the review for the Capitalism game
TheElisaPrincess: my dogs are getting restless gonn ahve to go to bed soon
Glacier16: its after all those pics of disco steve and doctor
TheElisaPrincess: grimms??????????? he aint here
rexstardust99: I just invited him.
The Time Trust:
MtotheJLA: Cowgirl is here, though!
rexstardust99: I think she left.
Glacier16: ooo, direct
Glacier16: theres more than that one
MtotheJLA: who is that an image of?
The Time Trust:
The Time Trust:
TheElisaPrincess: YEAH I FOUND ITokay glacier you're hot
The Time Trust:
TheElisaPrincess: im tired :P
rexstardust99: Go to bed.
TheElisaPrincess: by scrolling down trust
TheElisaPrincess: im good :P
MtotheJLA: those last two images need to be darker
TheElisaPrincess: you remind me of my freshman algebra teacher n high school
MtotheJLA: who?
The Time Trust: Mr. Stromboulopoulos?
Pariah186: It was Ages of Empires
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
rexstardust99: heeh
Balloonknot666: Hi Guys
MtotheJLA: those graphics are sick
rexstardust99: balloonie!
Pariah186: Yes. Yes they are.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ballooooooon!!
MtotheJLA: It's Balloonknot: In Satan form!
TheElisaPrincess: i had a crush on him jla.......that takes me back to the day ;P
Balloonknot666: How the Fuck did Oakley win Immunity
Glacier16: no clue
MtotheJLA: who are you talking about, E?
rexstardust99: dumbass posteres
TheElisaPrincess: bk you're a lil late weve been talkin bout this for a while :P
Pariah186: You had a crush on satan
Pariah186: ?
Glacier16: heh
TheElisaPrincess: Rex thinks the posters were voting him off and not immunity
Balloonknot666: yeah well I was out
TheElisaPrincess: no a crush on my algebra teacher
MtotheJLA: I really wanted to be voted off the island
TheElisaPrincess: that looks like glacier
Pariah186: oh
Balloonknot666: Thats what I think too
TheElisaPrincess: freaky resemblance :P
MtotheJLA: I want a fucking shark to kill me.
rexstardust99: It is galcier.
TheElisaPrincess: Btw glac i used to live in alaska.......
TheElisaPrincess: brb
The Time Trust: Mr. Stromboulopoulos
MtotheJLA: First episode: shark attack!
rexstardust99: yes
The Time Trust: He's quite hot.
rexstardust99: I'm so fucking drunk. I got two more bers though.
MtotheJLA: Did anyone see the previews of the Gilligan's Island show?
Glacier16: yup
TheElisaPrincess: stromys?
rexstardust99: No, that looks horrible.
TheElisaPrincess: i knew a stromys
TheElisaPrincess: no stormys
TheElisaPrincess: that was it
MtotheJLA: I wanna be stuck on the island with the Mary Ann slut
Glacier16: chicks rex, chicks
TheElisaPrincess: programming thing
TheElisaPrincess: rex dont drink them all
Glacier16: care less about the show
rexstardust99: I want to.
MtotheJLA: But instead I'm stuck on RKMB island with you guys
MtotheJLA: Fuck
rexstardust99: I like drinking.
Balloonknot666: what did you guys Mute jaburg
rexstardust99: Its one of the few night I can
Glacier16: jaburg leaves the chat on all night
Balloonknot666: Ahhhh
Pariah186: oh
rexstardust99: Jaburg pussed out and went to bed.
TheElisaPrincess: lol@glac
Balloonknot666: Yeah he does that a lot
The Time Trust: He's busy praising Allah.
TheElisaPrincess: chicks and your in an rkmb chatroom where the closest one is a few thousand miles away
rexstardust99: We're trying to leave this chat on all weekend.
TheElisaPrincess: LOL Time
TheElisaPrincess: thats FUNNY!
MtotheJLA: ;P
Pariah186: Speaking of Whomod
Glacier16: actually you are only 4 hour drive away
TheElisaPrincess: id have jla rack you
Pariah186: Is he gay?
Glacier16: dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Pariah186: seriously
TheElisaPrincess: speaking of which jla.........sneaks deserves serious racking points
TheElisaPrincess: no freakin way glac?
MtotheJLA: whomod is married
TheElisaPrincess: where bouts do you live?
Glacier16: yup, dallas aint far
TheElisaPrincess: i knew that jla
rexstardust99: Shit, I just realized I'm babysitting saturday and sunday night, so I won't be able to keep this open those night.
The Time Trust: Hold the phone!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'm getting a rack?
Pariah186: Doesn't seem like ity
rexstardust99: nights
TheElisaPrincess: you cant say its not far and tell me whta major state/city you are close to
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: will they feel real?
Glacier16: okc
MtotheJLA: sneaky bunny hates my FUCKING guts
The Time Trust: Is someone keeping track of the rack points?
TheElisaPrincess: she even made an rkmb video
TheElisaPrincess: i mean come on jla
TheElisaPrincess: dish it out man
MtotheJLA: right sneaks?
The Time Trust: Dammit, are they being tracked?
Pariah186: Damn Rex
Pariah186: you fucking deciever
TheElisaPrincess: My cousin and his family live there
rexstardust99: I forgot.
Pariah186: you said you could keep it open you fcking asshole
TheElisaPrincess: is it true it rains sideways?
Pariah186: you prick
Pariah186: you shit
TheElisaPrincess: my uncle and aunt used to live in um....whats it called? tulsa
MtotheJLA: i'm keeping track of the rack points
Pariah186: you fucking assholic motherfucking prick
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no i lub jla
TheElisaPrincess: dude i am tired :P
MtotheJLA: next week
rexstardust99: I need to log out on my computer so I can chat on my sisters.
Pariah186: I'll hunt you down and I'll kill you for lying
TheElisaPrincess: and now parys in the anger stage
TheElisaPrincess: that wasx quick transition
Balloonknot666: I have a grand totla of 0 Rack points
rexstardust99: totla?
MtotheJLA: bunny wants to reach inside my chest, pull my heart out, and shove it down my throat
Balloonknot666: Total
Pariah186: Her syphilis infested hand would your heart syphilis
MtotheJLA: then pull my heart out again, and repeat the process
Glacier16: dunno bout the sideways bit, but it rains like it does everywhere else. Tis the tornados we gots to watch out for
Balloonknot666: I got fucking called for Jury duty this week
rexstardust99: heh
Glacier16: I did that last year
Glacier16: lasted a week
The Time Trust: I've been called for Jury duty twice.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: heh no i didn't but thats not a bad idea
MtotheJLA: Then, bunny wants to rip my intestines out of my stomach, and strangle me with them
The Time Trust: Got out of them both.
MtotheJLA: But other than that, she has no problem with me
Pariah186: And that case, she'll give you crabs
The Time Trust: First time they didn't want me, second time I was in the middle of finals.
Pariah186: I've never been called for jury duty
rexstardust99: heh
Pariah186: but if I do
Pariah186: I'll burn down the courthouse
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hey you gave it to me first
Balloonknot666: This is the second time I have been called, i got out of the first one. This one I am going to act like a Big Fucking racist. I think I can pull it off
TheElisaPrincess: glac you've lived this close the whole time and never said anything?
The Time Trust: We believe you.
TheElisaPrincess: we gotta meet up
TheElisaPrincess: *yawns* i could even drive halfway
MtotheJLA: just show the judge your RKMB posts. You'll be dismissed in no time
TheElisaPrincess: um......yeah JLA so dish out the huge sneaky points
Pariah186: Not before you gave me the screaming shites!
TheElisaPrincess: at least 1000 i mean come
Pariah186: er.......Um......retract?
MtotheJLA: I didn't see the video. Link didn't work
The Time Trust: ...
Pariah186: :-[
Glacier16: I served it, now they won't call me for another 3-5 years
MtotheJLA: you got served?
Glacier16: lol
Pariah186: Metallica - No Leaf Clover
MtotheJLA: Own3d!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: not my fault you got tircomoniosis
The Time Trust: You don't got game. You got served.
MtotheJLA: I got tircomoniosis in the gaspecktagozoink
Pariah186: Right back at ya you herpes infested Michigan menace
TheElisaPrincess: course it works
Balloonknot666: I just went and watched star wars for the first time in the theater
TheElisaPrincess: served what glac? you in the military?
The Time Trust: I'm scared to click that link.
TheElisaPrincess: bk you're like four weeks late :P
Glacier16: nah, jury duty
Glacier16: last year
The Time Trust: I don't trust PE.
Balloonknot666: No I am not, I watched it the day after it came out in my living room
rexstardust99: What did you think of it BK?
The Time Trust: Think she's trying to trick us.
TheElisaPrincess: Trust come on?
TheElisaPrincess: my parents were could it be that bad?
rexstardust99: WHOA!
The Time Trust: You could be BK in disguise.
Balloonknot666: I thought it was alright except for hayden christenson and the Horrible Dialog
TheElisaPrincess: gotcha Glac......I cant believe you live in OK i mean seriously
TheElisaPrincess: HEY! NOTHING WRONG WITH HC, the acting was great
TheElisaPrincess: and the dialogue wasnt horrible
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: least my shit doesn't slide right out of my ass from all the anal eze
rexstardust99: The actng ruined it for me, I'm gonna se it again though.
TheElisaPrincess: what is it with you boys/ I thought it was pretty amazing
rexstardust99: In a better theater.
TheElisaPrincess: the nagain i had waited in line ten hours, hungry, and tired at the time :P
Balloonknot666: Well Yove got the IQ of a carrot so there is no surprise there
The Time Trust: I hate seeing movies at theatres. They're usually better on DVD.
The Time Trust: I'll probably enjoy it more when the DVD's released.
Balloonknot666: I agree. I have Revenge of the Sith on DVD already
Pariah186: What the hell is HC?
rexstardust99: Its good if you go at the right times. I usually go on a sunday night.
Glacier16: Sure, whenever I'm headed that way again
TheElisaPrincess: parys is drunk :P
Glacier16: heh
TheElisaPrincess: hayden christensen
Glacier16: I might be the scary one
TheElisaPrincess: iq of a carrot? Oh no he di'nt
MtotheJLA: that movie goes by too fast, and some of the text is tough to read
MtotheJLA: 2,000 points though
TheElisaPrincess: whatever glac.............i met a guy in a trenchcoat once, he was the scary one :P
MtotheJLA: someone remind me
TheElisaPrincess: but i only knew him a month online so ya know
The Time Trust: We should all pool our money together and hire Pariah a prostitute.
Pariah186: Only cuz' YOU applied it in my sleep bitch!
The Time Trust: One question, though:
Balloonknot666: I have a trench coat
rexstardust99: yes
The Time Trust: Male or female?
Glacier16: heh
MtotheJLA: whoa!
rexstardust99: ha!
Glacier16: both
rexstardust99: tranny's rule
TheElisaPrincess: yeah but he was six two, red hair, pale skin, was all up in my face, brought his freaky looking friend with him
TheElisaPrincess: just get this eerie feeling when iw as around him
TheElisaPrincess: male
Pariah186: The animated one's do indeed rule
MtotheJLA: So this tuesday, I'll probably a do a "Top 5" review, for the last two weeks
Pariah186: you'de be surprised to know though
TheElisaPrincess: rex and pary and their trannys
Pariah186: that I feel like hurling when I see a real one
MtotheJLA: I didn't do one this week
Pariah186: seriously, that shit is sick
Balloonknot666: Well am am 5'11" Red Hair and Jaburg can be kinda freaky lookin
TheElisaPrincess: so is researching it and posting the pictures on THE RKMBS darn it
TheElisaPrincess: yall arent freaky lookin bk
TheElisaPrincess: besdies ive known you guys for years
MtotheJLA: awwww....
Pariah186: They're just pictures!
TheElisaPrincess: that id ont wanna see!
Pariah186: Drawings
TheElisaPrincess: you're almost as bad as BK sometimes ;P
MtotheJLA: I think E is flirting with Ballonknow
Balloonknot666: impossible, i havn't been posting on the RKMBS for years
TheElisaPrincess: no bk has a gf and i have better taste
Glacier16: ooooooooooooo
MtotheJLA: WHOA!
TheElisaPrincess: nobody racked sda
TheElisaPrincess: sad oopsy
Balloonknot666: yeah Elisa like them young, Like Her students
TheElisaPrincess: lol
TheElisaPrincess: nice response
Pariah186: heh
MtotheJLA: You know BalloonKnot is not going to take that lying down, E
TheElisaPrincess: took you about a minute though
Glacier16: dayum!
TheElisaPrincess: speaking of which........gotta learn spanish this summer
MtotheJLA: GEEZ!
TheElisaPrincess: JLA i thought you wanted me to lay down for bad
The Time Trust: LOUISE!
rexstardust99: Imigration!
Pariah186: Bunny hasn't replied
TheElisaPrincess: got the boys confused again
Pariah186: ......I WON!!
MtotheJLA: I'm still waiting on CJ
TheElisaPrincess: you won what?
TheElisaPrincess: she should so be racked
TheElisaPrincess: seriously jla.......all the promoing ive done for your modship
rexstardust99: I think CJ passed out.
rexstardust99: Or something
Pariah186: Bunny's admitted that she has more sexual diseases than me!
TheElisaPrincess: yeah rex or on the phone
TheElisaPrincess: wheres the sad smiley face ;P
MtotheJLA: no, she's just talking trash about me. :sad
rexstardust99: :-(
MtotheJLA: LOL
MtotheJLA: ;P
TheElisaPrincess: JLA cuz you wont freakin rack her
MtotheJLA: who?
MtotheJLA: CJ?
TheElisaPrincess: who in the history of the rkmbs has ever put a video together integrating all the pictures,
TheElisaPrincess: hilarity, sarcastic wit, and intelligence?
MtotheJLA: I just met 'er
TheElisaPrincess: of the rkmbs oopsy ;p
Glacier16: alright, im out. Best Chat Ever.
TheElisaPrincess: i mean sneakys
rexstardust99: heh
MtotheJLA: RACK Glacier
TheElisaPrincess: if glac is leavin im out.........i need to sleep
rexstardust99: by blacier
Pariah186: It's not gonna last more than a few more hours
TheElisaPrincess: cuz he said best chat ever?
TheElisaPrincess: wtf?
rexstardust99: glacier
TheElisaPrincess: so sad...........
The Time Trust: In my imagination CJ is too busy with her friend who's sitting on her bed to post anything.
Pariah186: Heh
Glacier16: yes TTT!
TheElisaPrincess: sweet dreams glac
Pariah186: hehehe
MtotheJLA: who, Dokota?
Pariah186: heheheheheheheheheh
Glacier16: I will now
TheElisaPrincess: dont you wish trust
Glacier16: hehhehe
TheElisaPrincess: what is ti with guys and lesbians anwyays?
Pariah186: Lesbians!!
Glacier16 has left the room.
The Time Trust: Lesbians?
MtotheJLA: I thought Dakota was a male
Pariah186: I thought she was having sex with her rabbit!!
The Time Trust: I never said anything about that.
TheElisaPrincess: you said girls together on a bed
TheElisaPrincess: and talked about your imagination
TheElisaPrincess: what else could it mean?
The Time Trust: Yeah.
The Time Trust: Busy...
MtotheJLA: Dakota
The Time Trust: ...but with what?
The Time Trust: Probably homework or something.
Balloonknot666: Yeah I have been trying to bark up that tree for awhile with my GF
MtotheJLA: Dakota's getting his reakon
MtotheJLA: freak on
The Time Trust: I have a very lame imagination.
The Time Trust: :-(
TheElisaPrincess: yeah trust whatever :P
TheElisaPrincess: in the rkmb perspective its usually perverted!
TheElisaPrincess: THus my comment
MtotheJLA: happy?
MtotheJLA: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: JLA you have to rack sneaks :P
MtotheJLA: ;P
rexstardust99: I like boobies.
The Time Trust: Points?
Pariah186: Getting your pet in on the action is a pretty tough tree to climb
TheElisaPrincess: you cant rack me :P
MtotheJLA: I just met ;er
MtotheJLA: 'er
MtotheJLA: fuck
Balloonknot666: No, But can we shoot E
Pariah186: heh
MtotheJLA: WHOA!
TheElisaPrincess: what abou the vid? What do I gotta do? Beg?
TheElisaPrincess: I vote for that BK
TheElisaPrincess: before the fall semester starts ;-)
MtotheJLA: I gave bunny 2,500 points
rexstardust99: Fuck, its getting hard to follow, too drunk.
The Time Trust: ROLL CALL!
TheElisaPrincess: yeah!!!!!!
Pariah186: Pariah
rexstardust99: rex
The Time Trust: Wonder Canary Black Woman
rexstardust99: mxy
MtotheJLA: And bunny gave me a cyber kick to the balls, so we're even
TheElisaPrincess: not on the thread yet
Pariah186: RKMBs!! ACTIVATE!!
TheElisaPrincess: i liked canarys appearance on what was it called
Pariah186: Double Date
Pariah186: Cat and the Canary
TheElisaPrincess: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: now the show they had with oracle a few years back
Pariah186: C&C sucked
TheElisaPrincess: that was suposed to be the new smallville only bat related
Pariah186: Double Date was god
Pariah186: but as I said
rexstardust99: heh
Pariah186: I hate that Question and Huntress BS
TheElisaPrincess: birds of prey
TheElisaPrincess: i KNEW i knew it
TheElisaPrincess: you alright pars?
Pariah186: Why do you ask?
The Time Trust: hurm.
TheElisaPrincess: just makin sure you havent startted the crying stage yet
The Time Trust: That's the title of a monthly comic-book too. You know that, right?
TheElisaPrincess: mabbe boys dont cry like girls do when something bad happens
MtotheJLA: Well, I'm going to jack off to some Chasey Lain porn and call it an evening. Goodnight, young peoples!
rexstardust99: One time I shaved my head, and tried to be a monk
TheElisaPrincess: NOOOO Trust im totally that clueless :P
Pariah186: Boys don't cry at all
TheElisaPrincess: night jlas
Pariah186: They inherently bottle it up
TheElisaPrincess: thus the tv show
rexstardust99: night JLA
Balloonknot666: I would so love to nail this chick
MtotheJLA has left the room.
Pariah186: in that rite
Pariah186: Men have more problems than women
The Time Trust: Why cry when you can make fun of people who do?
Pariah186: A middle-aged American working man
TheElisaPrincess: poor bk
TheElisaPrincess: trust because of the shock and hurt of it all not working out
Pariah186: could be more fucked up than 10 menstrating womens.
Balloonknot666: why poor BK
TheElisaPrincess: dreams being beaten down with a stick
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh whatever
TheElisaPrincess: i dont know bk im tird
TheElisaPrincess: sneaks he said he would rack you
Pariah186: AHA!
TheElisaPrincess: who the heck cares, I super, duper racked you!
Pariah186: So you did linger
Balloonknot666: what I really want is her and mf GF at the same time
TheElisaPrincess: there you go again..........
TheElisaPrincess: not really parys i think she was workingQ@
Pariah186: She was prolly festering her STDs
rexstardust99: And I don't wanna be an old man anymore, its been a year or two sine I was out on the floor, shaking bootie making sweet love all the night.
The Time Trust: WHOA!
The Time Trust: Rex!
Pariah186: in a bucnh of anal gang bangs
rexstardust99: I'm so drunk I'm posting weezer lyrics.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh no i was on the phone with family overseas
The Time Trust: WHOA!
The Time Trust: Sneakys!
Pariah186: Wow. Nice Pic. I didn't know you were Darth
Pariah186: BULLSHIT!!
TheElisaPrincess: weezer?
TheElisaPrincess: thats pretty drunk ;P
Pariah186: You were having an anal gangbang!
Pariah186: Admit it
TheElisaPrincess: yeah like the darth bk
Pariah186: Everyone in the room had syphilis
Pariah186: and the ones who didn't
TheElisaPrincess: i didnt know you had family overseas
Pariah186: got it fromyiou
TheElisaPrincess: where bouts?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: they make me so hot
TheElisaPrincess: lol
Pariah186: AHA! Admission!
TheElisaPrincess: aha! parys desperate :P
Balloonknot666: look it's my Gf's back
captainsammitch: what's goin on guys?
TheElisaPrincess: nothin samms everybody elft
TheElisaPrincess: bk when you gonna pop the question?
rexstardust99: I wanna go back, I wanna go back, and I don't even know how I got off the track.
captainsammitch: there's a lotta people still in here
Pariah186: uh huh
Balloonknot666: I'm not
captainsammitch: they must just be holding out to be the last one standing
Pariah186: but Jaburg went to bed
rexstardust99: yes
Pariah186: he just left his chat on
Pariah186: like a bit5ch
captainsammitch: he wants the record
The Time Trust: I'll be here all night.
TheElisaPrincess: wow bk has a cute g/ shocked
Pariah186: apparently his cat is watching over things
captainsammitch: heh that could've been worded better E
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i always thought she'd be large marge
The Time Trust: Not chatting all the time, though. Other things to do.
TheElisaPrincess: um.......congrats on the girl who probalby doesnt know you post twisted pictures on the rkmbs :P
Pariah186: T3 might beat me

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.