Balloonknot666: Dude she get's shocked every time she looks in a mirror
Pariah186: I'm succumbing to alcohol
Pariah186: albeit it slowly
rexstardust99: me to
captainsammitch: who's got the record right now? Sneaky?
TheElisaPrincess: poor parys has turned to the dark side!
rexstardust99: I've been here since the beginning.
TheElisaPrincess: she should get super racked sams........jla probably wont do it thoughs
Pariah186: For how many cocks she's taken into here ass? Yes
The Time Trust: Put a cock in Uschi.
Pariah186: This is my first binge
captainsammitch: gah'
Pariah186: truthfully
TheElisaPrincess: not again........night guys! Good luck sneaks!
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
captainsammitch: okay back to Baldur's Gate
Pariah186: it's prolly gonna be my last
Pariah186: I don't like beer
Pariah186: guinness is no exception
Pariah186: had to force it down
rexstardust99: Uschi said: My penis fell off in pariahs bottom. He said it hurt and has been arguing against sodomy ever since.
Balloonknot666: hey guys check this out, this is a picture I got from one of the posters on the board
Pariah186: hehe
Pariah186: yeah
Pariah186: I got her on the defensive
Pariah186: I should get ten RACKS fo that
rexstardust99: no
Pariah186: yes!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sure whatever you want to feel good about your poor little self
rexstardust99: owner of a lonely heart!
Pariah186: Oooooooooh!
Pariah186: I hit a cord with bunny
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no not really
Pariah186: Sure Michigan, suuuuuurre
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hey i never said i liked it here
The Eurostar has entered the room.
The Time Trust: EURO!
Pariah186: .....Then what the hell are you doing?!
Pariah186: Oh
Pariah186: you mean Michigan
The Eurostar: Hi to all
Pariah186: yeah well, you're own fault
Pariah186: AHH!!
Pariah186: Anoth foreigner!!
The Time Trust: There were a lot more people in here before
The Eurostar: Who did I miss
Pariah186: Elissa
Pariah186: JLA
Pariah186: Jaburg
Pariah186: Rex
Jlfgrimm13 has entered the room.
Pariah186: oh, he's still here
The Time Trust: GRIMM!
rexstardust99: I just peed in my back yard
Pariah186: GRIMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
rexstardust99: GRIMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: Who the fuck is Grimm?
The Eurostar: Hi Grimm
Balloonknot666: It's good for the lawn
rexstardust99: I'm drunk
Jlfgrimm13: lies. lies, I tell you.
rexstardust99: My neaigbor almost saw me.
Pariah186: Zuh?
Jlfgrimm13: they know. they know. they do.
Pariah186: "saw" you?
Balloonknot666: Good thing your neighbor isn't G-Man
rexstardust99: heh
The Time Trust: I need to write a post.
The Time Trust: Something with Rama buying guns in Vegas.
Pariah186: Ranma you say?
rexstardust99: ?
The Time Trust: Anyone know much about assault rifles?
rexstardust99: no
Pariah186: Ranma = "Wild" in Japanese
Balloonknot666: two days till GTA San Andreas Comes out for the PC
The Time Trust: Dammit, you're Americans -- you're supposed to know stuff like that.
rexstardust99: sweet
Pariah186: yeah, what about em'?
rexstardust99: heh-TTT
The Eurostar: LOL at TTT
rexstardust99: yes
Pariah186: I'm surrounded by anti-Americans
rexstardust99: Whose eurostar? Aren't you one of the writers block people?
Pariah186: yeah
The Time Trust: Yes
The Eurostar: No, why? I love Americans. They are so cute
rexstardust99: oh
Pariah186: those esoteric milanthropic types
captainsammitch: whoa Grimm's here
The Time Trust: I love Americans, too.
rexstardust99: Thats a big word.
captainsammitch: gotta return for that
Pariah186: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA--That's not funny!
captainsammitch: ehy Euro
The Eurostar: Hi Sammitc
The Eurostar: h
rexstardust99: heh
Jlfgrimm13: he does. he even keeps a few in his basement.
captainsammitch: ok Baldur's Gate time again
rexstardust99: fine, be that way
Jlfgrimm13: so. . .all of you gathered here in one place at one time. . .
Pariah186: When Europe decides to expand its industry exponetially
rexstardust99: We had more earlier.
The Eurostar: It'ìs the end of the wortld, pprobably
Pariah186: it'll find itself in the same way iy sees America
Pariah186: In which case
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
Pariah186: I must tell it and its condescension to fuck off
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
rexstardust99: one more gone
Pariah186: ARGH!!
rexstardust99: another one gone
Pariah186: I can't do this on my own!
Pariah186: I got six more hours to go for fuck's sake
Pariah186: and my PS2s upstairs
The Time Trust: How would a tall Indian man with a sword go about buying assault rifles in Vegas?
Pariah186: let's see
Pariah186: He's Indian you say?
rexstardust99: So now its sammitch, whose not really posting, CJ, who isn't here, grimm, whose here, pariah, whose here, me whose here and drunk, eurostar, TTT, and jaburg who isn't here.
The Time Trust: Currently, yes.
jaclynangelo: back
Pariah186: well, there's plenty of Organized crime in Las Vegas.
rexstardust99: Hello
The Time Trust: JACKIE!
jaclynangelo: looooooooooooooong talk with the roomie
rexstardust99: I thought you abandoned us.
The Eurostar: Hi CJ
rexstardust99: I'm drunk!
Pariah186: I'd imagine the deal would go down in the desert
Pariah186: best place
Pariah186: as for who he would go to in the city
The Time Trust: Makes sense.
jaclynangelo: not really an arguement, just a lively discussion about her sister, me being too much of a planning, the reason i'm single, and why she can't make friends. very interesting
rexstardust99: damn
Pariah186: I suppose you could just make up a Casino
The Time Trust: Not at all like my imagination, then.
jaclynangelo: i mean, she was raised very differently. private school and what not
The Time Trust: :-(
Pariah186: or use an existing one--What do I care
The Time Trust: Ah, that's good -- I've got a casino already.
The Time Trust: Hotel-casino.
rexstardust99: This has to be the most interesting chat we've ever had.
Jlfgrimm13: yes, by the small cactus with the growth that looks like nixon. you know the one. don't act so coy.
Pariah186: anyway, I figure you could have him put pressure on a lowly peon
Pariah186: like a pimp or something
The Time Trust: heheheh
Pariah186: ask him the whodunit' of illegal merchandise
jaclynangelo: this is an interesting chat
The Eurostar: really
rexstardust99: It is.
The Time Trust: It really is.
jaclynangelo: i'd like to get drunk, but i'm too full. no more is entering my tank
Pariah186: We'll post the entirety eventually
rexstardust99: Aren't you a couple weeks away from legally drinking?
jaclynangelo: er....yes
Pariah186: I hope T3 is saving it peridoically before it starts writing off
rexstardust99: BUSTED!
The Eurostar: Call the cops
rexstardust99: I'm saving this chat
jaclynangelo: but i've been drinking since my 119th of my few 'bad girl' moments
jaclynangelo: dad IS the cops...
rexstardust99: Damn, your old
The Eurostar: 119 th ? =-O
jaclynangelo: oooooops....
The Time Trust: 119 what?
The Eurostar: birthday
The Time Trust: 119 Mercury years?
Pariah186: I just started drinking tonight....Err. last night
rexstardust99: I didn't drink until I was 20.
The Eurostar: ehg eh eh eh
rexstardust99: I was a prude.
jaclynangelo: okay, so you are a bunch of guys, so let me ask you a few questions
Pariah186: go ahead
jaclynangelo: 1. are you intimidated by goal-oriented women?
The Time Trust: Don't expect serious answers.
Pariah186: just don't ask about my girth
Pariah186: no
Pariah186: as a matter of fact
rexstardust99: You already know my answer to that.
Pariah186: women should be the dominant work force in the office
The Eurostar: No, usually I got arused
Pariah186: since they can handle mental stress
Pariah186: better than men
Pariah186: If it wasn't for that bloody motherly instinct
The Eurostar: Knowing my wife you wouldn't say that
Pariah186: I'd imagine society would be exactly that way
jaclynangelo: 2. is it possible for a women to have diverse interesting in many things, some of them not very feminine, and still retain a certain about of feminality?
The Time Trust: I like goal-oriented women. Very attractive. Only problem is that they're often too busy for an active relationship.
Jlfgrimm13: oriented? you mean like asian women? no, not at all.
Pariah186: and men would focus on manueal labor generally
The Eurostar: gah
rexstardust99: I've mostly dated women who were goal oriented, its both good and bad.
Pariah186: Uh.......What?
Pariah186: You wordead that oddly.
rexstardust99: heh
Jlfgrimm13: bwahahahahahah!!!!!!!
Pariah186: As far as I'm concerned
jaclynangelo: okay
Pariah186: faminity is defined by a girl's sexual organs
jaclynangelo: let me rephrase
Pariah186: my interest in a girl I don't know is first confined to image
Pariah186: then IF I get to know her and IF I like her
jaclynangelo: i like action movies. i play music loud in my car. i like playing rough. playing with the boys, as it were. does that still make a girl feminine?
Pariah186: the interest is personality
The Time Trust: You sound like my sister.
jaclynangelo: that a good thing?
Pariah186: Hurm....Okay
Pariah186: interesting question
The Time Trust: I think so.
Pariah186: Yes
The Eurostar: I think it make it feminine for some males, and for some others
The Eurostar: not
rexstardust99: It all depends on if you do feminine things also.
Pariah186: As a girl, you are still afflicted with a greater emotional weight
The Time Trust: I like sporty girls, anyway.
captainsammitch: greater weight can be a good thing
jaclynangelo: not sporty. i'm not a jock. just...rough, for lack of a better term
Pariah186: That, in and of itself, being that you experience more than a guy emotional, defines you femininely
The Time Trust: I don't understand the distinction.
rexstardust99: Are all of us drunk?
captainsammitch: no
rexstardust99: I can't remember.
jaclynangelo: i am not drunk. i've only had three drinks
Pariah186: I'm not sure if I'm drunk
The Eurostar: No, it's nine AM here
Pariah186: I just had a six pack of guiness
jaclynangelo: nine AM is a good time to get wasted...
Pariah186: but I'm not feeling inebbriated
Pariah186: just pissed
The Eurostar: well, when you are at work not. ;-)
The Time Trust: Too much purple on the screen...
rexstardust99: I've had four Sierra Nevada Pale ales.
Pariah186: and I'm pissing a lot
The Time Trust: can't...
The Time Trust: read...
The Time Trust: words...
captainsammitch: bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue
rexstardust99: I gotta pee again.
captainsammitch: blue
captainsammitch: blue
captainsammitch: blue
captainsammitch: blue
captainsammitch: blue
Pariah186: Next QUESTION!!
jaclynangelo: because my roommate things i'm wanting a complete paradox. i'm tough, independent, but still feminine...but i'm never happy with a guy that seems any way 'weaker' than i am.
The Time Trust: Ah...
jaclynangelo: so she says there's no one out there 'tough enough for me'
The Time Trust: Sounds like a very old story.
The Time Trust: Katharine Hepburn syndrome.
captainsammitch: ooooooooooo 'The Usual Suspects'
jaclynangelo: hepburn, eh? interesting...
The Eurostar: No, I think there are males whose thoughness is determined by thougher things than keep the volume of music loud
The Eurostar: so, yes, there are males for you out there
The Time Trust: .
The Eurostar: :-P
The Eurostar: I didn't mean that
Jlfgrimm13: taming of the shrew.
jaclynangelo: it was just an example...lets face it, y'all know i read comic books, i occasionally play a video game, and i've got a trigger finger. those are traditionally masculine things
The Time Trust: Just separating the purple again.
The Time Trust: heh
The Time Trust: Well, sure, in the 1950s.
jaclynangelo: 'if i be waspish, best beware of my sting'
Pariah186: Ah fuck. Depression's kicking in again
Pariah186: Cats just said she's having a grad celebration
captainsammitch: KAISER SOZE!!!
Pariah186: I graduated years ago
jaclynangelo: phil, are you drunk too?
Pariah186: Missed out
Pariah186: Fuck...
Jlfgrimm13: she knows what I mean.
The Time Trust: Sammitch is being random again.
jaclynangelo: oh, i've read the play
Pariah186: I could have gone back. But I figure....At what cost?
captainsammitch: I don't drink Ceej
jaclynangelo: makes perfect sense
Pariah186: I can't mix with gen. pop.
captainsammitch: never touched the stuff
Pariah186: People don't like being in my vicinity and vice versa
Pariah186: I just wanted to hit the self destruct button.
Pariah186: *sigh*
The Time Trust: I never had a grad, either.
The Eurostar: What's a grad?
Pariah186: Go on a fucking rampage.
Pariah186: Graduation
Pariah186: everyone around me is graduating
The Time Trust: Didn't miss out on anything, I figure.
jaclynangelo: the thing is, my roommate is in no position to talk...she's a social disaster, and i can't stand introducing people to her. i mean, i love her to death, but i'm one of the only few people that 'get' her
The Eurostar: That mean when you end University?
Pariah186: No
Pariah186: highschool
Pariah186: I was homeschooled for highschool
Pariah186: finished before everyone
The Eurostar: Ah. I had it in the Jurassic
rexstardust99: I was home schooled for a while also.
Pariah186: education wise, I feel it was the best route
Pariah186: but truth be told, even though I hated the kids, I felt a bit of nostalgia not going to school.
The Time Trust: It's overrated.
The Time Trust: I hated high school.
Pariah186: I hate all school in general.
Pariah186: It's just the feeling that
The Time Trust: I love college, but high school was crap.
jaclynangelo: it's not that i hated high school, but all the things i did really weren't worth it
Pariah186: You're missing something
Pariah186: I'll fill it in with something else eventuiallyu
Pariah186: Oi. BRB
jaclynangelo: now, college is even worse. let's not get started on 'what am i do with a degree in animal sciences'?
Pariah186: it's not that i hated high school, but all the things i did really weren't worth it
Pariah186: That's almost precisely how I feel
captainsammitch: haha, I got a BA in music remember?
Pariah186: Anyway, BRB
The Eurostar: Don't flood the place with the tears, people...
The Time Trust: As long as you have a degree in SOMETHING you'll get hired for all kinds of jobs, though probably not for what you studied for.
jaclynangelo: yeah, that's what my brother-in-law said
jaclynangelo: my unemployed brother-in-law...
The Time Trust: Heheheheh
Jlfgrimm13: too late, euro.
The Eurostar: At last you have not the rate of unemployed we have here
The Time Trust: Great punchline.
captainsammitch: it's why I'm planning on grad school
captainsammitch: Ceej how goes the calendar?
jaclynangelo: much better than my plan of marrying ioan gruffudd...
Jlfgrimm13: you have to get a degree in something practical to find work. liberal arts majors are not going to be most sought after for high paying jobs in general.
captainsammitch: if your computer supports Direct IM I will send you some renders
The Time Trust: That is true, Grimm.
captainsammitch: I'm not interested in the highest-paying job
jaclynangelo: i am
captainsammitch: I'm interested in doing what I'm meant to do with my life
jaclynangelo: i admit i like nice things
Jlfgrimm13: and so you should be.
The Time Trust: Isn't there a list of pay-scale with degrees on the RKMBs somewhere?
The Time Trust: Thought I saw it once.
The Time Trust: Maybe it was somewhere else.
rexstardust99: There's nothing wrong with wanting to make money.
captainsammitch: no not at all
Jlfgrimm13: but it's also supporting yourself while making your way to that. you see?
ChrryVanilla06 has entered the room.
captainsammitch: as a composer I will be able to make royalties if people like what I write
captainsammitch: hi Korina
jaclynangelo: yeah, but if holding off on stuff today means i can get nicer stuff tomorrow, then it's worth waiting for
Jlfgrimm13: you don't wanna be flipping burgers until the band takes off, you know? just as a for instance.
jaclynangelo: well, i have a certain level of class...
The Time Trust: Greetings.
jaclynangelo: korina? hey girl!
ChrryVanilla06: hello :-)
The Eurostar: Hi
The Time Trust: Are you from the RKMBs?
captainsammitch: yeah - she be's mah gurlfriend :-D
rexstardust99: HI Meeko
The Time Trust: Oh, Meeko. Hi.
ChrryVanilla06: hey :-)
ChrryVanilla06: :-P silly boys
captainsammitch: missed you today honey
ChrryVanilla06: pretty busy day
The Time Trust: (Should we interrupt?)
captainsammitch: chill T3
The Time Trust: Chill? I'm not hot.
captainsammitch: it's everyone's chat
rexstardust99: yes
The Time Trust: Everything got real quiet suddenly.
captainsammitch: indeed
The Eurostar: Maybe we were interested in the romance... ;-)
jaclynangelo: lol
The Time Trust: As long as Phil doesn't call her Leslie -- that'd be creepy.
The Time Trust: ;-)
captainsammitch: gah
captainsammitch: life imitating art
captainsammitch: I could never get my girlfriend confused with a fictional character
captainsammitch: even if that fictional character was based off a high-school crush
jaclynangelo: i actually met a griss once. creepy as hell
ChrryVanilla06: ah, you told me it was based on me....hmmmmm
captainsammitch: zuh
captainsammitch: it is
captainsammitch: you and this other girl
captainsammitch: the personality is yours
captainsammitch: I designed it that way
jaclynangelo: not that he was creepy. it's just that the situation was creepy
ChrryVanilla06: interesting
rexstardust99: Whats a griss?
jaclynangelo: chewy's character
The Time Trust: It's a name.
rexstardust99: oh
jaclynangelo: james bond meets jason staham
rexstardust99: More writers block stuff
captainsammitch: I originally made the character my sophomore year of high school, but after meeting you I redesigned her
rexstardust99: Meeting me?
captainsammitch: Korina - because she was romantically involved with a character based on me and I wanted to try and capture even the slightest little bit of the spark in our relationship - sorry guys
rexstardust99: :-*
captainsammitch: shut up Rex
The Eurostar: :-D
The Time Trust: crazy drunk reax
captainsammitch: yeah - the Leslie character is Korina - sort of
captainsammitch: I could never capture what makes her her
The Eurostar: Especially because you never write anything.
jaclynangelo: burned, dude, burned!
captainsammitch: pffffffffffffft
The Time Trust: LOL
The Eurostar: LOL
captainsammitch: burned out is more like it
captainsammitch: this one-character crap keeps me from being able to write those interactions and build character
jaclynangelo: phil, if I can make time to post, anyone can
captainsammitch: burned out on posting - even if I had more time
The Eurostar: Write in solos, Sam. I)t took me a life to understand it, but that' sreally better
The Time Trust: I've been finding it very difficult to write fiction, myself.
The Time Trust: I've been writing so many fact-based, argument essays and articles lately.
The Time Trust: Hard to get back into fiction.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.