jaclynangelo: my problem is motivation. i mean, i'm not paid for this stuff, and some days i'd rather work with the stuff i could sell and make money
Jlfgrimm13: sammitch already has a solo. he doesn't write in it, either.
The Time Trust: I need to draw on real-life experience from it, and my life has been fairly busy with my courses.
captainsammitch: actually Grimm I have a 'featurette' from it that I want to post as a one-shot
Jlfgrimm13: doesn't mean anything until you actually do it.
The Time Trust: It used to be so easy to write my characters.
jaclynangelo: my characters just do stuff without my permission
The Eurostar: TTT, the key is to write. You sit down, and then it all flows out
The Eurostar: Liike CJ said
The Time Trust: Yeah.
jaclynangelo: by the way, when i do become a famous novelist, i've picked out a pen name
The Time Trust: I wrote something at Dave's board based on a comment by Lothar about my writing a story for Penthouse magazine, and it was actually fairly simple to do.
captainsammitch: what's your pen name Ceej?
jaclynangelo: see, i like my mother's maiden name...and i think Jaclyn Toole has a sort of suggestive value to it
The Time Trust: Hey, me too.
Jlfgrimm13: stop overthinking it. just sit down and let it flow. euro is correct.
The Time Trust: I'm Jack Cunliffe.
captainsammitch: feh. continuity! bah!
jaclynangelo: but have a level of control
Jlfgrimm13: jaclyn toole is far too suggestive in to many ways.
The Time Trust: lol
rexstardust99: yes
ChrryVanilla06 has left the room.
jaclynangelo: don't get to random. do some planning, just enough to focus your thoughts
captainsammitch: I don't think I'd ever need a pseudonym - like my character, my name is so generic that nobody really reads into it
Jlfgrimm13: whatever you say "captain sammitch"
jaclynangelo: lol
jaclynangelo: and of course it's suggestive. why the heck not?
captainsammitch: pffffffft
jaclynangelo: besides, everyone pronounces my last name wrong. drives me insane
The Eurostar: How they pronunce it?
Jlfgrimm13: you just like toole because of that james bond line.
jaclynangelo: instead of an-GEL-o, they usually switch from 'angel' to 'angle', which are two totally different things
rexstardust99: So it rymes with jello?
jaclynangelo: the AP did it at my high school graduation. i pitched a fit until she got it right
jaclynangelo: yeah
jaclynangelo: yes, the james bond like is funny. but that's o'toole, not toole
Jlfgrimm13: same difference. you're setting yourself up for it. and worse.
Jlfgrimm13: especially with this crowd.
jaclynangelo: i gave up being modest with you guys a long time ago. ANYTHING i say can an will be used againt me in the court of rob
jaclynangelo: 'oh, she said snatch!'
rexstardust99: hehe
Pariah186: back
Jlfgrimm13: it wasn't that you said "snatch," it was that you said you "wanted to see snatch."
The Time Trust: LMAO
The Time Trust: Can't... stop... laughing...
rexstardust99: I think that kind of stuff is to be wxpected at Robs.
Jlfgrimm13: you see?
rexstardust99: expected
The Time Trust: Sorry.
captainsammitch: wanxpected?
jaclynangelo: look, i didn't even know snatch had any induendo until you guys made a joke of it
captainsammitch: heh - joke
rexstardust99: I was telling elisa the other day that the majority of the posters there found out about robs boards by being banned from the dcmbs. You can't post there without having a sense of humor about those kinds of things.
The Time Trust: I never laughed when I read that originally in the Media forum, though. Just now, while my mind's in the gutter.
Pariah186: We practically invented it really
jaclynangelo: i didn't get rags morales 'peacock teaser' joke for about six months
Jlfgrimm13: or at least, perfected it.
rexstardust99: Really?
jaclynangelo: believe me, i admit to be slow on the uptake....
jaclynangelo: *being
Jlfgrimm13: actually, that was one of mine. . .
Pariah186: Eh? Morales' said "peacock teaser"?
Pariah186: Where?
Jlfgrimm13: no, I did.
Pariah186: oh
jaclynangelo: i can't even remember where. i just remember sitting in lecture about six months later and thinking to myself...'peacock tease...you know, i don't think he was talking about the bird...'
Jlfgrimm13: heh!
rexstardust99: But you still have that as your user title.......
Pariah186: My stomach feels empty
Pariah186: but I'm not hungry
Pariah186: I hate this feelings
jaclynangelo: well yeah, it's funny now that i GET it
Pariah186: I want to eat
Pariah186: but I don't want to cuz' it'll feel awful going down
Pariah186: like it was forced
jaclynangelo: ugh, all i've had in the past nine hours was alcohol and brownies...eek...
Pariah186: huh!
Pariah186: Me too
Pariah186: Mom made a batch a few hours ago
Pariah186: I hate this house
The Time Trust: Alcohol and brownies sounds good about now.
Pariah186: Wondy takes it in the mouth!
Jlfgrimm13: alcohol at least.
jaclynangelo: yeah. and for something reason, me and my roommates started getting really drunk and talking about hawkman. i just got my other roommate into the series
Pariah186: That poor individual
jaclynangelo: 'jackie...you read from left to right, right?'
Pariah186: Although, if he actually stays with the series it's his (or her) own fault
jaclynangelo: pariah, i like you, but don't bitch about my man
Pariah186: I can't help it if his character is of boring stature
The Eurostar: Jackie have you ever read Hawkworld by Tim Truman?
jaclynangelo: i'm not a big fan of the 80s...
The Time Trust: Manga-readers might have difficulty getting the left-to-right thing working.
Pariah186: Heh! Too fucking true
jaclynangelo: she's never touched manga. i've never either, actually...
Pariah186: I've become addicted to reading Berserk
The Eurostar: well, I think you should. Pass over the series, but the miniseries you should read
Pariah186: Battle Royale and Ranma 1/2
Pariah186: now every time I read comics
rexstardust99: I know absolutely nothing about hawkman.
Pariah186: I have to remind myself to read left to right.
Pariah186: Understandable.
rexstardust99: Everytime I see him in a comic I get confuesed.
jaclynangelo: euro--no money for back issues. no resources, either, actually
Pariah186: There are torrents out there
Pariah186: For Hawkman though.....Hurm.......Forget I said anything
jaclynangelo: rex -- it's confused for my roommate, but i have this great ability to condense things for her
jaclynangelo: my favorite question today was 'what does the JSA stand for?'
rexstardust99: Justice society of america.
rexstardust99: I know at least that mcuh.
rexstardust99: much.
The Time Trust: According to Google, it's "The Junior State of America".
Pariah186: To pass the time I'm currently writing a story involving the Question.
Pariah186: It involves Batman too
The Time Trust: Or the "Japanese Standards Association".
jaclynangelo: lol
The Time Trust: Job Safety Analysis
Pariah186: Because I must remain awake
Pariah186: Have to focus.
Pariah186: Making Question a paranoid Conspiracy Theorist is easy enough
Pariah186: but it's hard to not make it too over the top
Jlfgrimm13: that's not the search engine "google." That's ttt's neighbor, Floyd Google.
jaclynangelo: lol
Pariah186: I mean, conspiracy-wise
The Time Trust: You know him?
Jlfgrimm13: you talk about him all the time.
Pariah186: I could have just spout a whole of shit about 'the secret behind shooe-horns"
Pariah186: *have him
The Time Trust: Well, it's understandable. Once you see Floyd Google's googly eyes, you'll never forget him.
Pariah186: But that's hackneyed and stale
Jlfgrimm13: I'll say!
jaclynangelo: interesting...
Pariah186: Giving him a silent demeanor would be more logical
Pariah186: can't be too sure of bugs.
The Eurostar: I should go, but it's like I am hypnotized by this chat. Must be the purple...
jaclynangelo: lol
Pariah186: Hurm...
Pariah186: A CULT!
jaclynangelo: the haze?
Pariah186: That's it
Pariah186: Vic Age is investigating a cult
rexstardust99: The purple does make it easier to follow.
Jlfgrimm13: but what is Vic Sage doing?
Pariah186: He's looking into politicians
jaclynangelo: my sister complained of my color choices...i then mentioned she had Bubbles as her buddy icon...
Jlfgrimm13: Euro, when you go. . .go with a smile!
The Time Trust: I'm up all night tonight.
jaclynangelo: yeah, between the alcohol and the 'deep thoughts' with my roomies, i'm wide awake
The Time Trust: Need to stay up until tomorrow afternoon to go pick up comics.
Pariah186: Hethinks that Politician A is in collaboration with Politican B tolaunder money from the treasury so they can fund a space program forMexico
rexstardust99: I think I'm staying up all night also, if I get that job I applied for I need to start getting up at 3am. I might as well do it this way.
Pariah186: It turns out he's wrong
The Time Trust: No kidding?
Pariah186: But he stumbles upon cult gatherings that are composed exclusively from congress members
Pariah186: Yep
Jlfgrimm13: the pinatas burn up on re entry. go figure.
Jlfgrimm13: :P
The Time Trust: Shoot. Back to the drawing board.
rexstardust99: Damn, this chat has been going on for about five hours.
jaclynangelo: and i've been here for like...one...
The Time Trust: I remember hearing fireworks almost every night when I visited Tijuana a few years ago.
rexstardust99: Its been five hours and five beers for me.
Pariah186: The rituals consist of your typical orgies and pagan gods
The Time Trust: You'd think, with that background in fireworks, they'd have an advanced projectile program.
Jlfgrimm13: not enough beer per hour, rex.
ChrryVanilla06 has entered the room.
jaclynangelo: great, and i have to be up at eleven to go to the pool...
rexstardust99: I'm a lightweight.
rexstardust99: Being poor does that to you.
ChrryVanilla06: im suprised anyone is still here
Jlfgrimm13: I can see that.
jaclynangelo: heh. i'm irish-italian with a hint of german. i can hold my whiskey...
The Time Trust: I'll always be here.
rexstardust99: I rarely drink whiskey.
Jlfgrimm13: except when you're there.
rexstardust99: I like beer.
The Time Trust: Until such time as I am not..
jaclynangelo: it's so sad. when i run out of milk, and i'm too lazy or broke to go the store, i just add bailey's
Jlfgrimm13: no wonder you got a C. ;-)
Pariah186: But the twist here is the guy they're worshipping is dressed in a Batsuit
Pariah186: EXACTLY like Batmans
Pariah186: Except he's not claiming himself to be Batman
jaclynangelo: grimm, you're walking on dangerous ground with that comment...
Jlfgrimm13: right down to the brown streak in back.
rexstardust99: I have a store a block and a half away from my house. I can get there when I'm mostly drunk.
Jlfgrimm13: I like to live on the edge. sue me.
jaclynangelo: yeah, but my daddy owns a snipper rifle...
jaclynangelo: *sniper
jaclynangelo: ugh, whatever
Jlfgrimm13: snipper?
rexstardust99: heh
The Eurostar: :-) I am going with a smile :-)
jaclynangelo: i couldn't even spell madagasgar today
jaclynangelo: which i don't recommend anyone waste their money on...
Jlfgrimm13: unless your daddy can hit a target from two states away, I'm not overly concerned.
jaclynangelo: who said he'd do the shooting, 'sugar'?
Jlfgrimm13: lol
Pariah186: But that's not the most shocking thing
The Time Trust: You leaving, Euro?
Pariah186: This pseudo-Batman's doctrine consists of going into space and DESTROYING THE PLANET EARTH!!
Jlfgrimm13: good night, Eurostar, wherever you are.
rexstardust99: Fucking dog. I had to go to the bathroom and he was laying outside the door, I almost tripped over him.
Pariah186: Awwwwwwww
The Time Trust: Heh. They always do that.
jaclynangelo: i am going to bed too, before i can misspell any moore thingies
rexstardust99: He should know to get out of the way when I 'm drunk.
Pariah186: My cat likes to do that
The Time Trust: Right where you walk, they lie down.
Jlfgrimm13: heh.
jaclynangelo: grimm, shoot him for me
Jlfgrimm13: remember the snipper rifle. ;-)
Pariah186: Worked like a charm
Pariah186: HA!
jaclynangelo: right, ladies, goodnight!
jaclynangelo has left the room.
The Time Trust: Bye, everybody, buh-bye!
Jlfgrimm13: shower, then bed.
Pariah186: http://img46.echo.cx/img46/5969/ahorinauchiyama2nb.gif
Jlfgrimm13: vaya con diablo.
captainsammitch: poice TTT
Jlfgrimm13 has left the room.
The Time Trust: Oh, I'm not leaving.
ChrryVanilla06: bye :-D
ChrryVanilla06: oh
Pariah186: DAMN!
Pariah186: Thought I'd won
captainsammitch: "Fooooooooooooled youuuuuuuuuu!"
captainsammitch: "Now you see that evil will always triumph - because good is dumb!"
Pariah186: HOLY FUCK!
Pariah186: http://www.ezmangaforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=1538
The Eurostar has left the room.
The Time Trust: Bye Eur--
The Time Trust: oh..
rexstardust99: Damn. Everyone left.
captainsammitch: not everyone
captainsammitch: Korina's here :-D:-D:-D
Pariah186: *sigh*
The Time Trust: I may stop talking for a long period of time, but I'll still be here.
Pariah186: UJ should have signed off
Pariah186: He's giving me false hope
rexstardust99: We're going to try to keep this chat open all weekend.
Pariah186: Dude
Pariah186: It's not gonna last
rexstardust99: Were going to have a couple people keep it open overnight.
Pariah186: Fine
rexstardust99: Fuck I'm drunk, I got a couple more sips of my last beer.
The Time Trust: Most people on my chat list are never online.
The Time Trust: Are there any Englishmen on AIM?
rexstardust99: Pretty much everyone on my list are from these chats.
The Time Trust: They'd be getting up now, I'll bet.
rexstardust99: nowhereman has AIM, he's on most the time.
The Time Trust: What's his nick?
Pariah186: Sir-fucks-a-lot
rexstardust99: idunapoo
The Time Trust: Seriously?
rexstardust99: Seriously, thats his name.
Pariah186: no
rexstardust99: Its fucking brilliant.
Pariah186: Well
Pariah186: idunpoo
Pariah186: Eer---What's Rex said!
rexstardust99: yes
The Time Trust: Is he on now?
rexstardust99: no
The Time Trust: Ah
Pariah186: That was directed at you Rex.
rexstardust99: BASTARD!
Pariah186: :-(
The Time Trust: I should watch my director's cut of Donnie Darko.
Pariah186: What's different about it?
rexstardust99: I still haven't seen that movie.
The Time Trust: So far the music at the beginning is different.
The Time Trust: Haven't watched all of it yet.
Pariah186: It's something you watch once
The Time Trust: I liked the music in the original one, so it's really jarring to have it changed.
The Time Trust: Licensing problems, I suppose.
Pariah186: is the ending supposed to be different too or what?
The Time Trust: Don't know.
captainsammitch: KAISER SOZE!!!
The Time Trust: Random Sammitch
captainsammitch: 8-)
The Time Trust: Are you still looking for quotes for your sig?
captainsammitch: always
Pariah186: Feh! I'll jut watch Equilibrium
Pariah186: Ah hell! No I won't
captainsammitch: don't waste your time
The Time Trust: I have all these movies on video I bought years ago that I never watch, and I can't sell.
Pariah186: setimental value aye?
The Time Trust: Some of them, I guess.
The Time Trust: Conan is over.
The Time Trust: I could switch the station and watch softcore porn on a local broadcast station, if I was in the mood.
rexstardust99: Alright, I think I'm done for the night. I'll still be here, but I won't be posting.
rexstardust99: Night everyone.
Pariah186: Nooooooo!!
Pariah186: okay fine
ChrryVanilla06: bye :-)
captainsammitch has left the room.
Pariah186: Softcore Porn
Pariah186: how does one define "softcore"
The Time Trust: No muff shots
rexstardust99: No penetration.
Pariah186: Ah
Pariah186: Didn't know since I only watch hardcore if ever
ChrryVanilla06 has left the room.
Pariah186: And now....I'm alone.
Pariah186: II kno it hardly matters at this point, but I'm gonna be AFK for an hour
The Time Trust: I've gotta reboot. Back in a sec.
The Time Trust has left the room.
Pariah186: DUDE!
Pariah186: You've ruined Miller Time!!
The Time Trust has entered the room.
Pariah186: Home again home again
The Time Trust: Thanks
Pariah186: np.
Pariah186: Where were ya?
Pariah186: I mean, it WAS a bit longer than a "sec"
The Time Trust: My connection got really slow for a while.
Pariah186: ah
The Time Trust: I had to shut down and restart the connections.
Pariah186: Um.....You did save the script right?
The Time Trust: Yeah
Pariah186: I mean, I can do it, I'm just wonering if you got careless
Pariah186: good.
Pariah186: The alchol's kicking in. I need water
UltimateJaburg53: tooo early
Pariah186: HAHA!
Pariah186: Success!
UltimateJaburg53: Meeting is the suxors
Pariah186: Huh? Got an engagement?
UltimateJaburg53: yup
UltimateJaburg53: work meeting in an hour
Pariah186: oh. Well then I'm happy and sorry for you
Pariah186: For Radshack?
UltimateJaburg53: yep
Pariah186: What the hell for?
UltimateJaburg53: torture
Pariah186: I...See.
Pariah186: Still here
Pariah186: Just sayin'
UltimateJaburg53: Meeting sucked!
Pariah186: What was it about?
UltimateJaburg53: completely pointless
UltimateJaburg53: Sell more stuff was about it
Pariah186: So........You talked about.....I got nuthin'
Pariah186: heh
Pariah186: A seminar
Pariah186: type...thing
UltimateJaburg53: More like a lame pep rally
Pariah186: And this was mandatory?
UltimateJaburg53: yes
Pariah186: ouch
Pariah186: I imagine you're going back to bed
Pariah186: Oh wait
Pariah186: its 9 there isn
Pariah186: 't it
UltimateJaburg53: yes
Pariah186: Oh well.
Pariah186: I've been downloading hentai this whole time
Pariah186: I feel special
UltimateJaburg53: I hate bit torrent
Pariah186: Had to free up about 23 gigs of space
Pariah186: Why?
Pariah186: Bittornado's a reliable client
UltimateJaburg53: I always end up waiting days for a download
Pariah186: It varys with the selection
Pariah186: I mean, is your preference rare?
UltimateJaburg53: yea
UltimateJaburg53: I guess
Pariah186: That explains it
UltimateJaburg53: Mostly comics
The Time Trust: Ever use newsgroups for downloading?
Pariah186: Not enough seeders so it's slow
Pariah186: Yes, same problem with me
UltimateJaburg53: Most times yes
Pariah186: when it comes to comics
Pariah186: by the by
Pariah186: do either of you have the Y-The Last Man 1-30 torrent downloaded
UltimateJaburg53: Newsgroups I really use for video and music
Pariah186: the one I have refuses to seed
UltimateJaburg53: Y?
UltimateJaburg53: Mayby
Pariah186: yeah
UltimateJaburg53: hold on
Pariah186: You got it!?!?!
The Time Trust: I've got scans of 1-21.
Pariah186: Ooohhh
Pariah186: You're getting me excited
The Time Trust: For some reason my news server suddenly got extremely slow a few hours ago. Really pisses me off.
The Time Trust: Lame retention, too. Only 2 days, tops.
Pariah186: Where'd you get the 1-21 from?
The Time Trust: Newgroups
The Time Trust: I haven't used torrents before
Pariah186: I'm unaware of these "Newsgroups"
Pariah186: linky?
The Time Trust: You need a news server to use them, like Xnews.
Pariah186: Do I need a subscription for that?
UltimateJaburg53: NO
The Time Trust: Most internet services have newsgroups
The Time Trust: Just, most people don't know about them
UltimateJaburg53: Just need to find out the server name
Pariah186: Gimme a name
Pariah186: I'll hunt it down
The Time Trust: My brain's too fried to think of it right now.
Pariah186: Kill yourself
The Time Trust: But once you do get newsserver access, the ones to check out are: alt.binaries.pictures.comics and alt.binaries.pictures.comics.reposts . There are also manga and hentai newsgroups.
Pariah186: danko-shane
The Time Trust: Check out the webpage of your internet server. It should say somewhere on it how to access newsgroups.
Pariah186: On it
The Time Trust: Then just download a program like Xnews to use them.
The Time Trust: You can get Xnews here: http://xnews.newsguy.com/
The Time Trust: I find it useful.
Pariah186: Damn. Like a needle in a hay-stack
Pariah186: Either of you use Netscape?
The Time Trust: Takes a bit of setting up, but if I can figure it out, anyone can.
Pariah186: Awwwww, that's a nice thing to say.
The Time Trust: I use Opera
Pariah186: Okay, I used my FireFox client
Pariah186: I saw something called "groups"
Pariah186: so I clicked on it
Pariah186: Are these things like Yahoo groups?
The Time Trust: Some are text-only, like Yahoo groups. Others allow for large files -- these usually begin with "alt.binaries"
Pariah186: Oi. Can't find em'. But that's fine cuz' I;m getting really tired anyway.
Pariah186: I'll figure it out later
The Time Trust: I've got 850+ CDs full of scans I've downloaded over the years from newsgroups.
Pariah186: Holy fuck!
The Time Trust: I know. I'm pathetic.
Pariah186: That's close to a teribyte of info
Pariah186: and it's all books you say?
The Time Trust: Some are old radio shows, but mostly comics.
Pariah186: Daym
The Time Trust: Full runs of tons of series.
Pariah186: I really gotta get in on this
Pariah186: Oi. Gotta turn off the comp.
Pariah186: Talk later.
Pariah186 has left the room.
rexstardust99: goddman.
rexstardust99: damn.
The Time Trust: I hate my service provider.
The Time Trust: Lousy frickin' know-nothing idiots answering the phones.
BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: The Time Trust: BooBerryFanatic has entered the room.
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: Message is too long or too complex
Glacier16 has entered the room.
spookyadler has entered the room.
klinton77 has entered the room.
spookyadler has left the room.
klinton77: Ok...let's spice things up!
The Time Trust: How?
The Time Trust: Do I have to put somethign special on for that?
klinton77: Uh...discuss Canadian politics?
The Time Trust: Such a quagmire.
The Time Trust: Let's not.
klinton77: hours of conversation though
The Time Trust: Which political party is worse?
klinton77: Liberal...by far
UltimateJaburg53: arnt they all the same?
klinton77: they're playing this shit 'like a harp from hell'
The Time Trust: I'm just waiting for the Revolution.
klinton77: It's comming
klinton77: Quebec is going to lead the revolt
UltimateJaburg53: Quebeck?
klinton77: yup...the frog kingdom to the east
UltimateJaburg53: There's no Canada like French Canada!
klinton77: yeah...unfortunately
The Time Trust: I've still never been there. So far away.
klinton77: where are you?
The Time Trust: Vancouver
UltimateJaburg53: Eh.
klinton77: Ah...I was from Calgary
klinton77: I moved out here on a whim
UltimateJaburg53: I usually go by car
The Time Trust: Calgary I'm more familiar with
klinton77: Calgary is the most boring city on earth!
The Time Trust: Really?
klinton77: fuck, yeah.
klinton77: I don't miss it at all
The Time Trust: I've only passed through it, really.
klinton77: Next time you're there you need to spend a night out at Cowboys....
The Time Trust: Is that a club?
klinton77: yup...it's the club in Calgary...or at least it was about six years back
The Time Trust: Hey, I have a question:
klinton77: yeah?
The Time Trust: How is Vancouver perceived in Eastern Canada?
klinton77: Crack central
The Time Trust: Heh.
The Time Trust: Thought so.
klinton77: it's true
klinton77: I've been to Van many, many times
klinton77: .....zzzz.....zzzzzzz.....zzzzzzzzzz......zzzzzz........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
The Time Trust: Yes. Up all night. Sleeping on my feet.
The Time Trust: Or my arse, rather.
klinton77: my coffee's just kicking in...I'm like ADD over here.....
UltimateJaburg53: I need coffee
The Time Trust: Coffee.
The Time Trust: Coffee good.
klinton77: coffee is good. Second pot and counting...
klinton77: fuck...I've been up for about two hours and already smoked almost half a pack....
The Time Trust: I'm going to be in and out for a while...
UltimateJaburg53: I know that feeling Klinton
klinton77: it'S disgusting...
The Time Trust: Hey, didn't you have a torture session, Jaburg?
klinton77: 'torture session'?
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
klinton77: 'splain that shit!
UltimateJaburg53: Meeting at work
jaclynangelo has entered the room.
klinton77: uh...ooh....
jaclynangelo: yo
klinton77: who's this?
UltimateJaburg53: 7:30 EST this morning
The Time Trust: Been here all night.
The Time Trust: Still awake
UltimateJaburg53: Cowgirl Jack
klinton77: you're a true Van native, eh TTT?
jaclynangelo: y'all are insane
UltimateJaburg53: Well, yeah.
jaclynangelo: hey klint. nice to see you online
klinton77: Hey CJ
The Time Trust: Naw, I'm from Saskatchewan, the armpit of Canada.
klinton77: true
The Time Trust: Been in Vancouver 13 years
klinton77: really?
klinton77: Do you board?
klinton77: I miss the interior
The Time Trust: Snowboard, yeah.
klinton77: the hills out here are all shit
The Time Trust: It's been gathering dust the last couple of years, though. Never seem to find the time to get out.
klinton77: SHUT UP!
klinton77: Get out now!
klinton77: You'll miss that shit when it's gone

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.