The Time Trust: I'm getting more into kayaking right now, anyways.
klinton77: My bf is really into that. I'm thinking of taking lessons this summer
The Time Trust: River or ocean?
klinton77: CJ....what's up?
klinton77: river
The Time Trust: Ah, I've never done that.
jaclynangelo: not much
klinton77: it's closer than the ocean
jaclynangelo: about ready to tackle some cleaning
The Time Trust: True
jaclynangelo: i have to wait until dakota comes out from under the sofa
klinton77: cleaning...on a saturday...why?
klinton77: lol
klinton77: I want a rabbit
UltimateJaburg53: Heh
The Time Trust: Does Dakota have a website yet?
jaclynangelo: lol. he's HTML skills are better than mine
klinton77: I need to scam my buddie's digital camera again so I can post pics of my turtle
klinton77: she'S hot!
The Time Trust: Yeah, he's always posting on the Star Trek forums.
UltimateJaburg53: We can't risk another frontal assual, that rabbit's dynamite!
jaclynangelo: that's what everyone says about it
The Time Trust: I like ducks.
UltimateJaburg53: Quack.
The Time Trust: Can't help it.
jaclynangelo: it takes about 2.3 seconds of meeting dakota for a friend to go 'oh...just like in monty python!'
UltimateJaburg53: Lol
klinton77: they taste good with plumb sauce
klinton77: ducks...that is
The Time Trust: I had rabbits when I was a kid, though. They were all eaten by coyotes eventually.
The Time Trust: Rabbits are delicious, too.
klinton77: no
The Time Trust: Rabbit tapas. Mmm-mm.
klinton77: thier not
jaclynangelo: i've had rabbit on pizza. that was interesting
The Time Trust: Just like chicken.
UltimateJaburg53: Ribbit on Pizza?
klinton77: I was shocked...appearantly lapin is a staple food out can get whole ones at the grocery
The Time Trust: I tried horse once, in sliced meat form. Couldn't stomach it, knowing what it was.
klinton77: horse is good shit!
The Time Trust: But it's a common meat in Sweden
klinton77: here too
jaclynangelo: the little bastard better come out from the sofa soon...
The Time Trust: Yeah, I guess it would be in Quebec also.
klinton77: use the vacume CJ
UltimateJaburg53: Use the Holy Hand grenade!
klinton77: lol
jaclynangelo: the vacuum might work. he's shedding, so he's half pink at this moment. it' quite funny
UltimateJaburg53: Lure it out with Dr.Pepper
jaclynangelo: he must no he looks hideous, so he hides under the sofa
The Time Trust: Growing up around horses much of my life, I don't consider them food.
klinton77: I did too...Alberta prarie boy over here...
UltimateJaburg53: A horse would eat you if it could.
klinton77: they still taste great though
The Time Trust: Probably. I never gave it a chance.
klinton77: low in fat too
klinton77: much better for you than beef
jaclynangelo: good, i'm so hungry now...
UltimateJaburg53: Fat=Flavor
The Time Trust: I don't eat beef. More of a pork, fish & chicken person.
klinton77: Fat=fat
UltimateJaburg53: No beef?
The Time Trust: Nah.
UltimateJaburg53: Is it because of sacred cow?
jaclynangelo: i hardly eat pork
The Time Trust: I guess.
The Time Trust: Not.
UltimateJaburg53: I eat almost no junk food
jaclynangelo: same here
jaclynangelo: i rarely buy 'sin food'
The Time Trust: No, my family never ate beef while I was growing up because my mom's allergic to it.
klinton77: not even when you smoke up J
UltimateJaburg53: Nope
klinton77: huh
The Time Trust: We ate porkchops instead of steak, and I never got used to eating beef.
UltimateJaburg53: Peanut butter is my friend
jaclynangelo: florida's beef country. and i'm an ag major
klinton77: I like beef...kinda hard to avoid in Alberta
klinton77: except for KD Lang
klinton77: bitch
UltimateJaburg53: lol
The Time Trust: HahahahahahahahIdon'tgetit
jaclynangelo: gotta go clean. later boys!
jaclynangelo has left the room.
klinton77: bye
UltimateJaburg53: bye
UltimateJaburg53: d'oh
UltimateJaburg53: brb
UltimateJaburg53: coffee
The Time Trust: I would've said bye if I had enough warning.
The Time Trust: I should food eat
klinton77: yup
The Time Trust: coffee go drink now
klinton77: shit yeah!
klinton77: I'm on my fourth cup since I got in here
UltimateJaburg53: I just got up again
UltimateJaburg53: My head is all fucked up
klinton77: That's nice to know...I guesss
UltimateJaburg53: damn Radio Shack
klinton77: you work there?
UltimateJaburg53: Do you guy have them?
UltimateJaburg53: yes
klinton77: yeah, we do
UltimateJaburg53: Cool
klinton77: there's one about three blocks from my home
klinton77: I never go there
UltimateJaburg53: I understand
UltimateJaburg53: You are probably better off
klinton77: really?
klinton77: Why6
UltimateJaburg53: It's a horrible company
klinton77: pour quoi?
UltimateJaburg53: You can get everything we have cheaper
klinton77: I knew that
UltimateJaburg53: Plus they dump on thier people.
klinton77: that'd be why I never go
UltimateJaburg53: Half of them are swindlers
klinton77: Every company does that. I used to manage a Blockbuster
UltimateJaburg53: It's commision based
klinton77: ugh...commision...hate that
UltimateJaburg53: in a place where mostly people come for battaries and parts
klinton77: seriously, eh.
klinton77: Do you spooge all over the folks looking at computers?
UltimateJaburg53: No
UltimateJaburg53: Cell Phone customers
klinton77: good commish?
UltimateJaburg53: Yep
UltimateJaburg53: Unless you move phones you don't make money
klinton77: cool. I used to work at a call center for Fido...I made about $1500 a week
UltimateJaburg53: With computers you don't make much unless you add a printer, cables, warrenty
UltimateJaburg53: Fido?
klinton77: cell carrier
UltimateJaburg53: Ouch
klinton77: it was good money...but high pressure
UltimateJaburg53: I imagine you took alot of crap from customers
klinton77: yeah
UltimateJaburg53: People are stupid with thier phones
klinton77: I don't have one...don'T want one....
UltimateJaburg53: They make thier own bill
klinton77: That shit is just stupid expensive
UltimateJaburg53: It's not our fault
klinton77: exactlyè
klinton77: I think we lost TTT
UltimateJaburg53: If you understand your bill and how you provider works there should be no problem
klinton77: most people don't pay attention thought
UltimateJaburg53: They hang themselves
klinton77: worse was pushing ballance transgers on credit cards....Hell I tell you!
UltimateJaburg53: Credit cards
UltimateJaburg53: Another thing people think work on magic
klinton77: The average American has over $5000 of credit card debt
klinton77: scary shit that
UltimateJaburg53: Average interest is what 18-21 %?
klinton77: yup. something like that
klinton77: another thing I don't use...I have one, but I never use the fucker
UltimateJaburg53: Good if there is an emergancy
klinton77: or if I need to book a room, or a flight...or somesuch
Gooz03 has entered the room.
Gooz03: hi?
klinton77: ello
captainsammitch has entered the room.
klinton77: Who's gooz?
klinton77: Hi sammich
captainsammitch: yo
captainsammitch: so out of the people in here who's actually awake??
klinton77: jsut me I think
UltimateJaburg53: I'm lurking
The Time Trust: WHOA!
klinton77: Shit....I though TTT passed out
UltimateJaburg53: I'm also cleaning up my desk
The Time Trust: Was eating
captainsammitch: "Amazing!"
Gooz03: was up all?
The Time Trust: Now that I've got a cup of coffee, life is good.
The Time Trust: How's life, Gooz?
captainsammitch: hey Gooz
klinton77: who is gooz?
The Time Trust: Gooz is... Gooz.
klinton77: it....
captainsammitch: Gooz is
captainsammitch: period
klinton77: female?
The Time Trust: Male. New Yorker.
Gooz03: hey don't get fresh
Gooz03: life is awesome, brb food
The Time Trust: Still in the film industry?
The Time Trust: I'll take that as a yes.
captainsammitch: I think you may have offended him
captainsammitch: JUBARG
UltimateJaburg53: Hello
Gooz03: i said brb yo
Gooz03: indeed i am
captainsammitch: what up man?
UltimateJaburg53: Not much
UltimateJaburg53: Trying to collect my head from sleep still
Gooz03: i put up my zombie flick
UltimateJaburg53: Xombies are my favorite of the undead
captainsammitch: I'll have to check it out
UltimateJaburg53: Zombies
captainsammitch: I'/m about to take some one - it's Baldur's Gate time
captainsammitch: some on*
Gooz03: cools
The Time Trust: Wasn't there a comic called Xombie?
UltimateJaburg53: I don't know
captainsammitch: you know what would make a good comic?
The Time Trust: I think it was a Milestone comic.
captainsammitch: Plan 9 From Outer Space!!!
UltimateJaburg53: It appears Mr Kitty is now awake as well.
The Time Trust: Kitty?
UltimateJaburg53: yes
The Time Trust: OK
UltimateJaburg53: Mr Kitty the Brave
The Time Trust: I believe you.
The Time Trust: No, really, I do.
The Time Trust: I'm not just saying that.
UltimateJaburg53: So I guess Oakley got immunity
klinton77: Seriously...what the fuck was that?
Glacier16: I think Prom is messing with us
klinton77: I think he's been servicing Prom
The Time Trust: It's a conspiracy
UltimateJaburg53: People probably thought they were voting him off
klinton77: wich speaks volumes for the RKMB collecvtive IQ
UltimateJaburg53: Just clicking buttons with reckless abandon
klinton77: In that case...Oakley should win
UltimateJaburg53: Uh oh
UltimateJaburg53: Oh
UltimateJaburg53: Nevermind
The Time Trust: Stay tuned for a PSA (Public Service Announcement)
The Time Trust: :-X:-X:-XThis is the All-Weekend RKMBs Chat!:-X:-X:-X
The Time Trust: That is all.
klinton77: I...feel....informed.....
UltimateJaburg53: Yep.
klinton77: so is there beer in this joint?
The Time Trust: There's something that looks like beer but smells like urine.
The Time Trust: Same effect in the end, though.
klinton77: hmmmm....
klinton77: I think you've been sitting in that chair too long
The Time Trust: You forgot an "h" in there somewhere
klinton77: damn I did....
klinton77: Back to Canadian politics
klinton77: I keep meaning to post a thread on the boards about all this shit...but damned if it's not too much fucking work
The Time Trust: I learned long ago that nobody on the RKMBs gives a shit about Canadian politics, culture, history, etc. So I don't bother.
klinton77: seriously
klinton77: I talked to Uschi on the phone one night...and all she remembered was that I mentioned 'random Canadian city # 23'
The Time Trust: Heh.
The Time Trust: Might as well be on the other side of the world
klinton77: It'S funny...considering how much of thier formative history is entwined with ours...
The Time Trust: I think Trudeau mentioned something about an elephant and a mouse once.
The Time Trust: As a metaphor for the U.S. and Canada, I mean
Gooz03: i'm out, ttyl
The Time Trust: Later
klinton77: back...I was just getting my chicken ready to go in the oven
The Time Trust: More zombies means more iron
klinton77: I love zombie films
klinton77: favorite genre
The Time Trust: There's a downloadable zombie flick on here:
captainsammitch: later Gooz
UltimateJaburg53: Encore is playing all the Bond movies today
klinton77: TTT, I bookmarked that addy....I'll check it out later
The Time Trust: Heh. I love student films.
klinton77: sometimes...
klinton77: too many are just painful
The Time Trust: True
The Time Trust: Small doses is the key
BooBerryFanatic: I've been in a few student films in my day...
klinton77: really, really, really small
klinton77: me too. An ex was an aspiring director
BooBerryFanatic: Ah. You an actor, klint?
klinton77: fuck no
klinton77: it was forced labour
BooBerryFanatic: Heh.
BooBerryFanatic: You don't have anything against actors, do you?
The Time Trust: I liked acting when I was a kid. I always hammed it up too much, though.
BooBerryFanatic: Because I might have to kill you...
klinton77: against? Nope. They keep me amused
The Time Trust: BOOBERY!
klinton77: I just can't possibly count myself as one of them
BooBerryFanatic: I think that's a natural childhood thing, though - hamming it up. I mellowed out considerably as I got older...
BooBerryFanatic: Ah. Gotcha.
Glacier16 has left the room.
Glacier16 has entered the room.
klinton77: glacier is glitching
captainsammitch: STEPHEN
BooBerryFanatic: What?
captainsammitch: nothing
captainsammitch: O:-)
The Time Trust: Someday I'd like to get into acting again, strictly as a local community theatre thing, though. Might be fun.
BooBerryFanatic: That's what I'm doing now - hoping to build up to something bigger as I go.
BooBerryFanatic: But I really do enjoy community theatre. It's got a unique sense of comraderie about it. There, it's not a job - it's fun. And that's what I like about it.
The Time Trust: Ever tried Cabaret?
BooBerryFanatic: Nope.
The Time Trust: Me neither.
BooBerryFanatic: Should we invite Brian A. Ortiz to chat?
BooBerryFanatic: Or Soyunperdedor?
The Time Trust: Sure, why not?
Sjshahman has entered the room.
BrianXzavior22 has entered the room.
BooBerryFanatic: Dammit... Rob isn't accepting chat invitations...
klinton77: community theater is the shit!
Sjshahman: Hello, what's this?
BooBerryFanatic: Rob's Damn Boards chat! w00t!
BrianXzavior22: booberry fanatic?
BooBerryFanatic: I am Chewy Walrus.
The Time Trust: Shahman
Sjshahman: Time Trust
Sjshahman: We meet again
The Time Trust: Morning.
Sjshahman: for the first and last time
Sjshahman: (that makes no sense)
The Time Trust: This room ain't big enough for the both of us.
BooBerryFanatic: That's why it's funny!
Sjshahman: Sooo
The Time Trust: This the chat that never ends
BooBerryFanatic: So...?
BooBerryFanatic: It's true!
Sjshahman: it has come to my attention, that there is to be a chat room conversation to be held on...
Sjshahman: well, now, I guess.
The Time Trust: It just... uh... goes on and on...
klinton77: I...and on...
klinton77: Do they have Lamb Chop in the US?
BooBerryFanatic: Say that I need to go to Goodwill. I just leave the computer, leave the chat room open, drop my carload of crap at Goodwill, then come home and rejoin the chat...
BooBerryFanatic: We certainly used to.
Sjshahman: then nothing prolific will have happened
Sjshahman: Kristo might have banned you from his list
The Time Trust: I'll be nodding off eventually, but I'll leave my chat window open.
Sjshahman: and unbanned you about 5 times
BooBerryFanatic: Speaking of Lamb Chop, I need to go to Goodwill. Later, all.
klinton77: shush! Lamb Chop was some good shit!
klinton77: She was a real actress...
klinton77: She could sing with a hand crammed up her ass
The Time Trust: She had trouble with the letter S, though.
klinton77: it was the JD...
klinton77: she had a 'problem'
klinton77: but so would you if someone had thier arm up your ass all the fucking time....
The Time Trust: Once in a while, fine, but not all the time.
klinton77: Jd...or the hand?
The Time Trust: Maybe not a whole hand. A finger's enough.
klinton77: about this weather...?
BrianXzavior22: not bad at all
klinton77: who're you?
BrianXzavior22: I am Brian A. Ortiz
klinton77: the bleeding heart?
BrianXzavior22: you forgot romantic...and at the moment, starting to fall in love with the woman i posted that thread about
BrianXzavior22: but yeah. the bleeding heart.
Sjshahman: Brian A. Ortiz, the blatant homosexual?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
klinton77: which one? there've been twenty of those things
klinton77: hey bunni
klinton77: wanna cyber?
Sjshahman: see, I stopped posting, so I could never figure out if he was sensitive or trying to use the senstive side to get to women
BrianXzavior22: the latter
BrianXzavior22: using my sensitive side to get women
Sjshahman: It doesn't work
klinton77: I think it was all an act. Gay men aren't even that sensetive
BrianXzavior22: yes it just takes 23 years
Sjshahman: So, one girl said she liked you?
Sjshahman: Which one?
klinton77: Rex
BrianXzavior22: no. remember "D?"
Sjshahman: Is (s)he hot?
BrianXzavior22: hell yes she's hot
The Time Trust: Very hot.
BrianXzavior22: exactly!
Sjshahman: link me to a pic
Sjshahman: I wanna see this hotness
BrianXzavior22: i'll try, but i'm using aim express, so this might not work
The Time Trust:
The Time Trust: That's her, right?
Sjshahman: heh. How old?
BrianXzavior22: yes, that's her. thanks TimeTrust
BrianXzavior22: 19
ChrryVanilla06 has entered the room.
Sjshahman: Well, congrats
ChrryVanilla06: Word 8-)
ChrryVanilla06: anyone in here
The Time Trust: Hey
captainsammitch: hi honey
Sjshahman: So, I take it you have actually met her, or is this all cyber?
ChrryVanilla06: Hi TTT
ChrryVanilla06: hi phil
captainsammitch: I'm just about to go put money on Dan's card to do laundry
captainsammitch: I'll brb
BrianXzavior22: yeah we're dating
The Time Trust: Sammitch was here all along?
captainsammitch: indeed
The Time Trust: Now I'm scared.
captainsammitch: be back in a jiffy
ChrryVanilla06: :-)
The Time Trust: That boy is like a ninja...
Sjshahman: You guys close to each other, or is this an ldr?
Sjshahman: I am curious about the success of internet relationships
Sjshahman: I remember back in... the day, they kind of went shitty
Sjshahman: lot of compromise and shit happening.
Sjshahman has left the room.
BrianXzavior22: dag, i was about to answer his question...
BrianXzavior22: we're fairly close to one another. she and i only live an hour or so apart
Sjshahman has entered the room.
BrianXzavior22: to answer your question, we're only an hour or so away from each other.
The Time Trust: I've got the theme from BRAZIL stuck in me 'ead.
Sjshahman: cool. Friends of mine were living in Denver and Queens. It was messed up
Sjshahman: try working that one out.
Sjshahman: week after they broke up, she was pregnant by another guy.
The Time Trust: Had a friend in Vancouver with a girl in Sydney, Australia.
The Time Trust: Three years long distance.
Sjshahman: Hmmm...
The Time Trust: Married now.
Sjshahman: No Deanne and Martin?
captainsammitch: ok I'm back
captainsammitch: miss me Korina? O:-)
Sjshahman: not

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.