Sjshahman: wait, she was in Melbourne, I think
The Time Trust: Naw. Andy and Kate.
BrianXzavior22: it's more like garfield and morris plains. we're both in jersey, at least.
Sjshahman: And I have no idea where Martin was from.
Sjshahman: (Mobius Infiniity/Athanon guy)
The Time Trust: Martin Hackett?
Sjshahman: yessir
The Time Trust: He moved to Aus, right?
Sjshahman: yup
The Time Trust: I think he was from Cali.
Sjshahman: That's what I thought. Knew it was somewhere on west coast
The Time Trust: I remember he had a west coast time zone, at any rate.
Sjshahman: Brian, my knowledge of Jersey is SHITE.
Sjshahman: I know Ocean City (love that place) ATL City, Edison (or Little India), and a few other places
Sjshahman: Hoboken
The Time Trust: Soy, you should visit Dave's boards more often.
Sjshahman: I really should. I don't know why I don't. I guess I have other shit going on.
BrianXzavior22: okay, garfield is in north jersey, about a half-hour from new york city.
BrianXzavior22: morris plains is closer to the center of jersey.
ChrryVanilla06: Sorry I forgot I was in a chat room! :-P
Sjshahman: TTT, what's going on with the anthology?
The Time Trust: It's virtually done, but Dave's really procrastinating with the final stages.
captainsammitch: lol
Sjshahman: and we know not of the price?
Sjshahman: "Know not do we."
The Time Trust: I think a rough figure was estimated somewhere or other.
Sjshahman: rough. was it put into dollars per page?
Sjshahman: Crap, I am gonna be reading a lot.
The Time Trust: I think so.
ChrryVanilla06: how can u be in chat and have an away mesage up
ChrryVanilla06: didn't know it was possible
The Time Trust: Oh, it is indeed possible.
captainsammitch: yeah
Sjshahman: That writing contest thread was high-larious
Sjshahman: On the 11th of May in the year 2005, I met a man who decided to join a writing contest. And then he was hit by a car.
Sjshahman: BRILLIANT
Sjshahman: They'll feel so guilty they'll change their evil ways.
ChrryVanilla06 has left the room.
Sjshahman: I feel so much pressure.
The Time Trust: lol
Sjshahman: Sooo much pressure...
Sjshahman: on my bladder
Sjshahman: brb
BrianXzavior22: lol
captainsammitch: I have gas!
The Time Trust: We know
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: smells like roses
Sjshahman: much better now
Sjshahman: If you guys had to choose 1 video game system (and if you cared) which one, of the next 3, would you pick?
The Time Trust: MyNoseHaHaHaI'llShutUpNow
captainsammitch: PS3
klinton77: Nintendo Rev.
Sjshahman: TTT, you so crrazy
Sjshahman: A system that would let me play every Zelda game ever made? Wowwww.
Sjshahman: Chances are, even though Revolution comes out a year+ after Xbox 360, we'll still see a perfect dark game on it first
Sjshahman: (wacka wacka wacka)
The Time Trust: That sounds so natural coming from you, Soy.
The Time Trust: For some reason I always pictured you as Fozzie Bear
The Time Trust: But then I picture most people as some kind of puppet or cartoon character. Easier that way.
klinton77: you are definaely Straberry shortcake TTT
The Time Trust: Mmm... strawberry shortcake...
The Time Trust: That makes me hungry again.
klinton77: I'm still waiting on my chicken
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: bah, hungry, time to go get some thai
The Time Trust: No I'm not.
The Time Trust: I was going to go get some Thai, but I decided on Korean instead.
The Time Trust: God, I'm tired,
klinton77: wake up!
The Time Trust: Sleep-deprivation is taking its toll.
klinton77: Get yourself some of that world class crack...
The Time Trust: Maybe after lunch.
klinton77: or run to guys have one on every corner....
The Time Trust: Too many.
klinton77: Do you know what I miss most from out west?
klinton77: 7-11
The Time Trust: Running the little coffee shops out of business.
The Time Trust: Strange thing to miss.
klinton77: I want a fucking slurpee
The Time Trust: But you have real poutine instead.
klinton77: um...yeah?
klinton77: I can't eat poutine
Sjshahman: fucking slurpee
klinton77: that shit makes me nautious
Sjshahman: nauseous
klinton77: slurpee is like ambrosia
klinton77: fuck is ambrosia
The Time Trust: Nectar of the gods?
Sjshahman: Fozzy Bear, (sorry, I was posting at Daves)
klinton77: yup
Sjshahman: My brother used to say I was like Fozzy
Sjshahman: my mom thought I was like cookie monster
Sjshahman: My dad? He thought I was a lazy shit. Don't think they made a muppet for that
The Time Trust: BW7 never ceases to make me laugh.
klinton77: that's who
The Time Trust: No, Sj is Soy un Perdedor
The Time Trust: No RKMB equivalent
captainsammitch has left the room.
klinton77: you kids al have this extensive
The Time Trust: Too long.
klinton77: seriously
klinton77: outside of the rkmb's I really don't go online.
klinton77: as it is...I've gotten too addicted to that shit
The Time Trust: How'd you get onto the RKMBs in the first place?
Sjshahman: well, there IS a world outside of RKMB
Sjshahman: skys
klinton77: I don't recall...
Sjshahman: clouds
Sjshahman: rainbows
Sjshahman: comics
Sjshahman: people come for comics
Sjshahman: stay for...people
klinton77: I think it was via the DCMB's...but as to who told idea
Sjshahman: What is Rob doing these days?
Sjshahman: I heard he let G-man take over
Sjshahman: and all the libs were rounded up and banned
klinton77: pretty much
The Time Trust: There are bigger, more active boards, but nobody knows me on them. Plus the rules are more stringent elsewhere.
klinton77: that's why I got there
Sjshahman: no cusserin'
klinton77: 'go'
The Time Trust: Against my better judgment I occasionally stumble into the Deep Thoughts forum until I realize why I hate that place.
Sjshahman: no placin' of the nudery pics
klinton77: I can't argue with them anymore
Sjshahman: I swear, G-Man is the reason i left the place
klinton77: it jsut hurts too much
Sjshahman: Rob was gung ho enough
klinton77: Rob's all right
Sjshahman: but he owned the boards, and I was like, okay
The Time Trust: Rob is actually fairly laissez faire
Sjshahman: he is alright, but back in 9/11
klinton77: yeah...
The Time Trust: Aye
Sjshahman: you had to be patriotic and shit. We were gonna fuck up them towelheads
The Time Trust: I know...
klinton77: PJP is still like that....
klinton77: I really don't get how uninformed most of them are
The Time Trust: There was a new thread on those WMDs being found almost every second day for awhile there.
Sjshahman: It's the Internet. it exposes us to people from all walks of life
The Time Trust: Oops. Fooled again.
Sjshahman: I live here in Wilmington, NC and well, it can get messy
Sjshahman: I volunteered for Kerry/Edwards, and we lost by over 60%
klinton77: shit...that had to hurt
Sjshahman: had a candlelit vigil on inauguration day (group changed the name to Cape Fear for Progress)
Sjshahman: and people came by, cussing us out
The Time Trust: It's a time of paranoia and the politics of fear.
The Time Trust: The biggest fear-mongers always win that game in that time.
klinton77: Nazi Germany...what?
Sjshahman: pretty much. And I guess the Republican feeds on fear. Primarily because it tells you who is bad/after you, and why we must be vigiliant
Sjshahman: "This is why you need to vote for me, I will protect America/American interests"
The Time Trust: The alternative is "too horrible to contemplate".
Sjshahman: I am more concerned with the repeating theme than anything else. People don't learn
klinton77: nope
Sjshahman: Yeah. We fight them and they will stop. Clearly.
klinton77: cattle.....the lot
The Time Trust: The U.S. media is the worst in the free world.
Sjshahman: But it is American/Christian fundamentals.
Sjshahman: Free world, yes. I have some serious issues with its fickle reporting
The Time Trust: There are so many things that go unreported.
The Time Trust: It's shocking.
klinton77: unreported...and flat out lies
Sjshahman: Terri Schiavo! Terri Schiavo! Michael Jackson! Newsweek was WRONG! Michael Jackson! (Maybe Newsweek was right.) MICHAEL JACKSON
Sjshahman: You read Greg Palast, I take it
klinton77: I hate that whole Jackson case....a shroud if you've ever seen one
Sjshahman: legally, I don't know.
Sjshahman: I think he has sexually issues--fear of sex, fear of women
Sjshahman: there was mention of how his brothers used to fuck groupies around him when he was a kid
Sjshahman: and Tatum Oneil offered herself to him, and he couldn't do it
klinton77: I think he just really likes kids...he doesn't get that they are not his equals
Sjshahman: So, I think he is scared of sex, and hanging out with kids was his way of holding onto youth
klinton77: I don't think he fucks them though
Sjshahman: yeah
Sjshahman: He's rich, kind of unstable, and he wants to help. People take advantage of wealthy people
klinton77: yup
klinton77: whole house smells like roasting chicken....I'm fucking hungry!
Sjshahman: People draw question to a man who spends time with young girls, well, you know, he was trying to be good.
Sjshahman: heh
klinton77: hmmm....cheerios!
Sjshahman: cheeries in the afternoon?
Sjshahman: what is your RKMB name?
klinton77: klinton
Sjshahman: see, I don't know this stuff
klinton77: come's a great way to kill a hangover
Sjshahman: DCMBs... what do you read?
klinton77: Just Catwoman and Ww
klinton77: I've pretty much given up on comics
klinton77: I get those mostly out of duty now...
Sjshahman: girl comics... you sound liek a woman
klinton77: I know...
The Time Trust: I'm getting rid of my subscriptions
klinton77: yeah?
klinton77: how come?
The Time Trust: My scholarship money is puttering away too quickly.
klinton77: Ah...that'll do it
Sjshahman: I only read...ummm...
Sjshahman: Joe Sacco and... ummm...
Sjshahman: Dan Clowes?
klinton77: I spend most of my income on beer and cigs...
klinton77: seriously...far too much
klinton77: the two comics that I do get don't even show up on the radar
Sjshahman: heh
klinton77: It's true...
Sjshahman: I just spent 300 bucks on HST's last book
klinton77: time I spent that much on comics related shit was for the 'Invisible Plane'
Sjshahman: This is Hunter S. Thompson's "Curse of Lono"
Sjshahman: Signed by Thompson and Ralph Steadman
klinton77: nice!
Sjshahman: limited printing of 1000, yada yada.
klinton77: I don't think I've ever actually read him
klinton77: perhaps i've come across his stuff in lit classs
The Time Trust: I couldn't get into Fear and Loathing.
The Time Trust: Maybe I wasn't in the right mood for it at the time.
Sjshahman: I saw the movie first, then read the book
Sjshahman: Movie helped make it all a bit comedic
klinton77: didn't he do a book about a guy who thought he was water...?
Sjshahman: otherwise, I would have read the book at a cynic
Sjshahman: Water? hmmm. I never read the Rum Diaries...
Sjshahman: might be that.
Sjshahman: but I dunno
klinton77: just checked your link...looks like a fun book for fans
The Time Trust: Haven't seen the movie... I was waiting until I'd read the book. Heh.
Sjshahman: I am one of those--see movie, read book
klinton77: the movie was alright...
Sjshahman: Because movie has less than the book (in all cases). Reading the book first, and you get disappointed
klinton77: that's truew
The Time Trust: Interesting...
klinton77: except with 'Hanibal'...where the movie was much beter
klinton77: better
Sjshahman: But, if you like the movie (i.e. Shining, or L.A. Confidential)
The Time Trust: I know someone who reads movie adaptations before she sees the movies. Now that is bizarre.
Sjshahman: and you want to learn more, the book gives you a lot of shit, and EXPLANATIONS
Sjshahman: that is stupid
The Time Trust: Novelizations, I mean.
Sjshahman: Hannibal was crap.
klinton77: I liked the movie
Sjshahman: Both book and movie. I read the book first
klinton77: sorry...
Sjshahman: and I was like, "Where is the lesbian sister? I want a naked chick!"
Sjshahman: but there was noooo naked chick :-(
rexstardust99: I'm back.
The Time Trust: WHOA!
klinton77: she was a big old bull dyke
klinton77: hi rex!
Sjshahman: well, Lucy Lawless could have played her. I dunno
rexstardust99: I see its still working.
klinton77: so...about Rex's penchant for small mamals....what were you saying?
Sjshahman: see, you LOST me
klinton77: hmmm...i ain't drawing a road map to that one
UltimateJaburg53: rex
UltimateJaburg53: Mission to Mars
UltimateJaburg53: What a turd movie
klinton77: I hate 'space thrillers'
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
klinton77: if it's not full on 'Star Wars' or the like...don't bother
Sjshahman: crap, I need to goooo
Sjshahman: later
The Time Trust: Seeya
klinton77: bye
Sjshahman has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Who was that?
rexstardust99: ?
The Time Trust: Soy
klinton77: soy...sumthin
UltimateJaburg53: Ah
UltimateJaburg53: Soy
The Time Trust: Soy un Perdedor
klinton77: that'S the one
rexstardust99: oh
The Time Trust: I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?
klinton77: *stab*
The Time Trust: I bleed.
The Time Trust: OK, I need to go and pick up my comics and divorce my comic shop at the same time.
The Time Trust: Well, separation, at least.
The Time Trust: I expect I'll be heading straight to sleep after I get back.
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: hey guys
TheElisaPrincess: and everyodys asleep
TheElisaPrincess: this is nice!
rexstardust99: Elisa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: meant everybody........everyone must be in the destroy G thread
TheElisaPrincess: REXY!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: but you drank like five beers last nihg
TheElisaPrincess: tno hangover at all?!?
TheElisaPrincess: im in awe
WiuJeremy80 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: JEREMYS!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH
TheElisaPrincess: dude, i have so freakin missed you!
TheElisaPrincess: you have no idea ;P\
TheElisaPrincess: im surrounded by math people that arent that funny dirng hte week ;P
WiuJeremy80: holy crap this is a lot of people
WiuJeremy80: Hi Elisa...I missed you too
TheElisaPrincess: yeah jeremys but nobodys talking!
TheElisaPrincess: Hows the bookstore?
WiuJeremy80: good
rexstardust99: heh
WiuJeremy80: business is slow lately, and lucky me I get to go back in less than an hour
TheElisaPrincess: glad to hear it ;P I have homework...HOMEWORK this sdad
TheElisaPrincess: Jer how did you get online?went home from lunch?
WiuJeremy80: homework?
BrianXzavior22: Hi Elisa...sorry everybody, but my girl was iming me...i got distracted
TheElisaPrincess: its ok bry
WiuJeremy80: oh yeah, I forgot about homework
TheElisaPrincess: um...........yeah jeremys dallas is putting us through two grad teaching math courses
TheElisaPrincess: we only have three weeks in we're in class six hour sa day
WiuJeremy80: damn!
TheElisaPrincess: totally and one of them is pointless; reading literacy
WiuJeremy80: I hope it's easy stuff
TheElisaPrincess: what the crapd oes that do with math :P
TheElisaPrincess: and the other class is methods for math teaching which i like!
TheElisaPrincess: shes kinda soft spoken though......but she doesnt give us much homework *yeahs*
WiuJeremy80: somehow I can see you going ballistic in one of those classes
TheElisaPrincess: LOL Jeremys.......i got most enthusiastic the first day
WiuJeremy80: dial up blows!
TheElisaPrincess: yeah matzo introduced me to the class as the most enthusiastic math interview
TheElisaPrincess: he ever had
WiuJeremy80: brb
Glacier16 has left the room.
Glacier16 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwwww poor jeremys!
PJPGYRO has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: GLACY!!!!!!!! i thought yo uwere away?
PJPGYRO: well hello
Glacier16: whoa
TheElisaPrincess: PJS!!!!!!! woah.......all you boy swake up from naptime the exact same time?
rexstardust99: PJP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PJPGYRO: everybody get my PMs today:-D
klinton77: LOL @ rexers!
TheElisaPrincess: NOOO Pjs the first, second, or third one :P
PJPGYRO: Imust have sent a hundred of them
TheElisaPrincess: klinty!!!!!! Whats up?
Glacier16: heh
TheElisaPrincess: there arent that many regs pj
rexstardust99: .
Glacier16: .
TheElisaPrincess: i know thoughts exactly, i dont wanna focus past the dot ;P
PJPGYRO: Rob sent r3x a PM saying "you guys had quite the conference"
WiuJeremy80: OMG Hi PJ's!
PJPGYRO: Hi jers
TheElisaPrincess: LOL PJ!!!!!!!!!!! A conference?
TheElisaPrincess: what the crap?
Glacier16: lols
TheElisaPrincess: how did you find that out? Hack into robs account or something
TheElisaPrincess: yeah jeremys is back! We should have a celebration
PJPGYRO: no r3x sent it to me
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* someobdy said you'd better let go
PJPGYRO: whos brian22
WiuJeremy80: awww she's seranading me
Glacier16: Brian A. Ortiz
PJPGYRO: hello brian
BrianXzavior22: Hello everyone
WiuJeremy80: Hello Brian
PJPGYRO: jers what have you been up to lols
TheElisaPrincess: yeah brys is in here
TheElisaPrincess: pj dont be all lols :P
TheElisaPrincess: thats girly :P
Glacier16: exactly
PJPGYRO: yeah I knw lols
WiuJeremy80: lols PJs, I've like been so freakin' busy
TheElisaPrincess: so Jeremy......met any cute girls in teh bookstore yet?
WiuJeremy80: oh there's some nice t n' a there
PJPGYRO: you pervert jers
WiuJeremy80: hehe
Glacier16: lols
WiuJeremy80: alright
WiuJeremy80: speaking of, I gotta get there after going to a grad party
TheElisaPrincess: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jeremy you cant leave
WiuJeremy80: I'm gonna make like a banana and split
TheElisaPrincess: so not fair :P Who will I talk to math with online? *sniffs*
PJPGYRO: relax elisa you still have piggies
TheElisaPrincess: have fun workin jeremy! try not to work too hard.........
TheElisaPrincess: yeah what the crap ever PJ :P I don't count people who havnet talked to me in more than two months :P'
PJPGYRO: oh wait he not around anymore
WiuJeremy80: I'll have to tell you what my new cell phone number is
TheElisaPrincess: yeah jeremys so i can call ya!
PJPGYRO: lucky you jers lols
TheElisaPrincess: no biggie though alright? I cant have youb eing late to work!
WiuJeremy80: not around these homos though...God knows what horrifying calls I'll get
WiuJeremy80: lols
TheElisaPrincess: Seriously take care alright? ANd keep me updated on your cousin
Glacier16: ha
WiuJeremy80: will do
PJPGYRO: I would call you every hour on the hour
PJPGYRO: to tell you what a great guy you are lols
WiuJeremy80: awww PJPs you're so...
WiuJeremy80: gay
TheElisaPrincess: LOL......that was awesome
WiuJeremy80: for me that id
WiuJeremy80: is
TheElisaPrincess: Pj i dont call every hour, i usually get permission first, then number, then call once
TheElisaPrincess: its not like i calle veryone every day and am like, "totally, like hows life and stuff :P"
rexstardust99: every hour.
WiuJeremy80: ok, I'm off like a dress on prom night
BrianXzavior22: later jeremy
Glacier16: heh
TheElisaPrincess: lol......rack the jer
TheElisaPrincess: still hasnt lost his touch!
PJPGYRO: how's chewy and time trust doing
PJPGYRO: and glacier16
WiuJeremy80: rack me all night long baby
TheElisaPrincess: dont forget to battle dialup once a week
Glacier16: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
TheElisaPrincess: Lol! that was awesome response!
TheElisaPrincess: see ya later!
TheElisaPrincess: thanks for coming online!
WiuJeremy80 has left the room.
Glacier16: ew
TheElisaPrincess: so now motivated to go to the library now ;p
PJPGYRO: what the hell is that smell......elisa did you fart?
BrianXzavior22: lol
rexstardust99: hehe
PJPGYRO: like something died
BrianXzavior22: maybe those are my jokes
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* im yours...........take me as I am
TheElisaPrincess: now Pj i just got outta the shower, I smell sweet!
BrianXzavior22: the ones i've been telling diane are getting old...i need new ones. she's got a corny sense of humor.
TheElisaPrincess: now=naw :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: wow she's showering between clients?
Glacier16: heh
BrianXzavior22: zing!
PJPGYRO: that's what the extra 50 bucks is for
PJPGYRO: cleanliness
TheElisaPrincess: no sneaks before i got in here i showered
TheElisaPrincess: the pizza guy surpirsed me.....had to go out in my towel :P
PJPGYRO: aint no sloppy seconds here
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i've done that
TheElisaPrincess: lol guys are so pitiful :P
PJPGYRO: you don't even have to tip when you do that
PJPGYRO: the free show is enough
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: pretty much
PJPGYRO: I'm surprised he charged you for the pizza
PJPGYRO: next time show a little nip
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: might bet free bread stick
PJPGYRO: fo sho
TheElisaPrincess: Pj.........its the same guy that always comes to my house. Hes like late thirties
TheElisaPrincess: or has for like six months anyway
TheElisaPrincess: SNEAKS........yeah there ya go, "teachers gone wild" caught on tape ;P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: so old guys need love too
TheElisaPrincess: on news at area junior high teacher flashed pizza boy :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hurm....sounds too soft core
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks with my luck it oculd happen :P
PJPGYRO: 30sis not old thank you very much
TheElisaPrincess: hold on brb.......gotta figure out what to wear the library
TheElisaPrincess: not for you Pj....but he's like late thirties
TheElisaPrincess: and married
TheElisaPrincess: what is it with yall trying to hook me up with someone anyweays :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hey if you got teh nose hairs its old
PJPGYRO: married could be a problem
TheElisaPrincess: speaking of which the only guys that ever flirt with me now adays are pahthetically sad
TheElisaPrincess: on the train to work, in class during the day, at the gym......what is the deal these days?
PJPGYRO: they are horny
PJPGYRO: or just messing around
PJPGYRO: a little flirting never hurt anyone
PJPGYRO: shannon knows what I'm saying;-)
TheElisaPrincess: whatever......teh guy should be loyal to his girl in all areas: flirting included ;p
TheElisaPrincess: i dont care if i am old fashioned that way
PJPGYRO: you've never flirted with someone while dating someone else
PJPGYRO: all girls flirt constantly
PJPGYRO: it's their way
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hell i flirt with the bill collectors
PJPGYRO: who is gooz03
Glacier16: dunno, sounded familiar though
BooBerryFanatic: Gooz03 is Gooz.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah girls flirst but they usually watch who tis worth
TheElisaPrincess: hold on brb
PJPGYRO: ask a stupid question
BooBerryFanatic: (Which you did...)
BooBerryFanatic: Okay. Just checking... ;-)
BooBerryFanatic: Whassup, Peej?
PJPGYRO: not much
BooBerryFanatic: Good to hear.
BooBerryFanatic: How 'bout the rest of you?
Glacier16: same
BooBerryFanatic: Good to hear, Glacier.
PJPGYRO: I am busy organizing the RKMBs to force Rob to have new election in the Deep Thoughts forum
TheElisaPrincess: fixin to jet out chews........homework and all that
Glacier16: indeed
PJPGYRO: want inj
TheElisaPrincess: Pj...our fearless leader against all that is evil, and horrible in the world
BooBerryFanatic: New election for...?
TheElisaPrincess: wait...its just getting Gman removed as mod, my bad :P
PJPGYRO: Moderators
BooBerryFanatic: Ah.
PJPGYRO: wednesday knows his job is safe
BooBerryFanatic: What's wrong with G-Man as mod, if I may ask?
BrianXzavior22 has left the room.
BooBerryFanatic: I never go on Deep Thoughts, so I have no idea.
Glacier16: I go, but I usually have nothing to contribute
PJPGYRO: he is constantly moving and deleting threads and posts
PJPGYRO: that are not offensive
PJPGYRO: just offensive to him
TheElisaPrincess: When is Wed gonna get aim darn it
BooBerryFanatic: But are they off-topic?
PJPGYRO: not usually
TheElisaPrincess: Glacy i gave up going.......not taken seriously that often ;-)
PJPGYRO: sometimes but not usually
PJPGYRO: I take you seriously elsia
Glacier16: lols
PJPGYRO: plus he has started with personal attacks against several posters.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah Pj.....*cough* totally :P
BooBerryFanatic: That's a tricky forum to moderate. It's hard to find a balance between 'deep thoughts' and... well... everything else.
TheElisaPrincess: so did bsams............
PJPGYRO: I have tried to be very nice to him
BooBerryFanatic: Personally, I wouldn't want his job.
TheElisaPrincess: brb *getting dressed for the library*
PJPGYRO: yeah well he likes it
BooBerryFanatic: MediaX suits me fine...
PJPGYRO: and I aim to do my best to fuck it up for him
klinton77: Personally, I wouldn't want his life....
klinton77: Mine suits me
PJPGYRO: I hear that klints
klinton77: G man is just annoying as hell these days
PJPGYRO: Chewy is a helluva mod
klinton77: stuck up ass
Glacier16: as is Wed
BooBerryFanatic: *shrug* I rarely talk to him, so... yeah.
BooBerryFanatic: Heh. Thanks, Peej.
PJPGYRO: wednesday is a gret guy
BooBerryFanatic: I do like Weds. He's an awesome mod and an all-around good guy.
Glacier16: its true
klinton77: Taht actor chap in the media forum is all right...
PJPGYRO: I sent him a PM before I did anything. If there are new elections wednesday would win very easily again
klinton77: Wednesday should be co-mod in every freakin' forum
klinton77: he doesn't need 'personal time'
PJPGYRO: somebody else sent me a PM saying that too
PJPGYRO: I got so many today I can't remeber who
klinton77: 'twas the one armed manà
klinton77: man
BooBerryFanatic: Weds just has good ideas and a variety of talents. Plus, he contributes to just about every forum consistently and very well.
klinton77: So...let's get back to Canadian politics
Glacier16: heh
klinton77: that was the highlight of this chat so far
BooBerryFanatic: Damn... and I'm already out of the conversation...
PJPGYRO: I just got a PM from Jim Jackson
Glacier16: thats great
klinton77: asking for man sex?
PJPGYRO: he's on board too he just sent Rob a PM
PJPGYRO: no that was yesterday
klinton77: ah...

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.