TheElisaPrincess: lol steve.............yeah im clueuless
Atomikboy64: "It's an actor?!"
rqbumbershoot: No, wait...
captainsammitch: I'M MXY!
Atomikboy64: MAn.
MtotheJLA: LOL
MtotheJLA: ;P
TheElisaPrincess: oh that guy
TheElisaPrincess: im good with faces.....bad with names
Pariah186: Huh?
MtotheJLA: He's on second
Pariah186: What the bloody fuck is all this
UltimateJaburg53: 9!
rqbumbershoot: You're also bad with cities, E....
Pariah186: What the hell is this!!
MtotheJLA: 32
Pariah186: ?
UltimateJaburg53: 42
StevensLastNight: you're british?
Pariah186: What the hell have you done!>?!
MtotheJLA: 32
rqbumbershoot: "Snarfies, you live in New York."
Pariah186: You fucking fuckers!!
TheElisaPrincess: Snarfs just where your concerned :P
TheElisaPrincess: wb parys
UltimateJaburg53: I hunger, cowards
TheElisaPrincess: he's in the anger stage
TheElisaPrincess: that was quick :
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Pariah.
PenWing424: i just read about DC signing the Kuberts.
PenWing424: damn
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: You'll all rue the day!
UltimateJaburg53: Really?
TheElisaPrincess: come on snarfs.......the anger stage lasts a reallllly long time, took me a month :P
MtotheJLA: Uh huh
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
Atomikboy64: They also signed Kareem Abdul Jabbar
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
UltimateJaburg53: What are they going to work on?
PenWing424: rob posted it in the comicbook forum
PenWing424: didn't say yet
TheElisaPrincess: snarfY snarf jla
MtotheJLA: gotcha
TheElisaPrincess: i started calling my dog snarfers :P just sounds cute
MtotheJLA: snarfy snarf
UltimateJaburg53: I like one but not the other
TheElisaPrincess: she was ragsy
PenWing424: i always forget which one wants to draw superman, and which one wants to draw batman
UltimateJaburg53: also I forget which is which
Atomikboy64: Andy is the good one.
Atomikboy64: Adam is the lame one.
PenWing424: but i figure one will go to 'tec once the current run is finished
UltimateJaburg53: 1601
Atomikboy64: 1602
UltimateJaburg53: or whatever
Atomikboy64: That was Adam.
MtotheJLA: 1313 Mockingbird Lane
PenWing424: the other will probably go to adventures of superman to boost rucka's sales
Atomikboy64: EERR
Atomikboy64: Andy
PenWing424: that's what i would do with them
Atomikboy64: Adam did Ultimate Fantastic Fuck.
PenWing424: adam was great on that
UltimateJaburg53: Rucka sucks
PenWing424: yes
PenWing424: but omac is good
Pariah186 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Pariah had to go
MtotheJLA: All that Batman writers are fucking mcfuckers
MtotheJLA: the whole lot of 'em
UltimateJaburg53: Rucka has an internet restraining order
PenWing424: 'tec is great
PenWing424: i reread broken city today
PenWing424: i picked up the trade yesterday
rqbumbershoot: Rucka wrote a short story in a Buffy the Vampire Slayer anthology that I thought was really good...
PenWing424: fucking amazing
Atomikboy64: I liked Broken City.
Atomikboy64: BATMAN WAS WRONG. I love it.
PenWing424: i am sorry that i criticized azzarello while the story was in progress
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
UltimateJaburg53: it ended well
PenWing424: i have since learned to be more patient
UltimateJaburg53: Began a little ehh
PenWing424: the ending blew me away
Pariah186 has entered the room.
PenWing424: yeah, but when you read it in one sitting, it's awesome
PenWing424: azz really put a lot into it
MtotheJLA: Parys is back! Yay!
Pariah186 has left the room.
Atomikboy64: I missed an issue. Must pick that one up.
rqbumbershoot: Ha!
Atomikboy64: His Superman, however...
PenWing424: was great
Atomikboy64: I don't even want to finish it.
PenWing424: you should
Atomikboy64: Really?
rqbumbershoot: The Superman books stink nowadays.
Atomikboy64: It seemed to go on forever.
Atomikboy64: I really liked it at first.
PenWing424: unlike most dc stories, azz actually writes endings
PenWing424: real endings
Atomikboy64: I liked how he wrote Superman himself.
rqbumbershoot: It makes me nostalgic for the days of Scorn and Electric Blue Supes.
PenWing424: but you should read the superman story all at once, or over a series of consecutive days
Atomikboy64: I probably have only a few more issues to go anyway.
PenWing424: azz gets into the head of his protagonists
PenWing424: his take on superman is just brilliant
Atomikboy64: There's something very distant and alien about him.
PenWing424: the fans were so mean to him during his supes run that he said he won't be writing another superhero book for a while
PenWing424: superman is an alien
MtotheJLA: Well, goodnight all
Atomikboy64: Exactly.
MtotheJLA has left the room.
ChrryVanilla06: Night JLA
rqbumbershoot: And now, a song...
rqbumbershoot: All I wanna do...
Atomikboy64: It was refreshing to read a Batman with coherent thoughts in his head.
rqbumbershoot: Is make sweet love to yoooou...
Atomikboy64: Instead of the Jeph Loeb "I'm Batman. Fuck. City. Mine. Punch. Hate."
PenWing424: lol
brianjonopulos has entered the room.
brianjonopulos: I'm back.
UltimateJaburg53: I'm Batmasn
PenWing424: someone should invite rex
brianjonopulos: yes
Atomikboy64: Bat-Mason?
PenWing424: he's like this chat
UltimateJaburg53: The Batmasim
Atomikboy64: Where's regular Mason?
UltimateJaburg53: Batginisim
UltimateJaburg53: Battacular
Atomikboy64: "I'll giver her a Batgasm!"
PenWing424: roll call
UltimateJaburg53: Keiser
rqbumbershoot: Tis I, Snarf!
UltimateJaburg53: Stand and deliver!
brianjonopulos: I'm mxy!
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah, me too
PenWing424: i'm batman
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
PenWing424: tired?
ChrryVanilla06: i second that PE
TheElisaPrincess: JLA left man
TheElisaPrincess: hey girl!
TheElisaPrincess: how did things work out with your dad?
Atomikboy64: BATMAN
ChrryVanilla06: hi :-)
PenWing424: begins
rqbumbershoot: I'm waiting for sneaky to make a comment about Elisa having clients.
ChrryVanilla06: seem to be going alright :-)
Lord Mxypltk has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: what happened between chewy and parys?
TheElisaPrincess: di di mis somsething?
UltimateJaburg53: Mxy
TheElisaPrincess: lol snarfs she did about two hours ago
PenWing424: where?
Atomikboy64: John Byrne.
TheElisaPrincess: seriously what whappened
Atomikboy64: More like John Buuuuuuuurrnnnnnnnnn
PenWing424: noooooooooooooooooooooooo
Lord Mxypltk: chewy fucked pariah up
PenWing424: really?
Lord Mxypltk: big time
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah?
Lord Mxypltk: yeah... it was nasty
TheElisaPrincess: what did he say?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i dunno how she gets any, cause her corners on highway 288
Lord Mxypltk: chewy can be mean when he wants to
PenWing424: is this true, chewy?
TheElisaPrincess: lol too ya a while sneaks
TheElisaPrincess: i should scroll up huh ;p
UltimateJaburg53: Where?
PenWing424: what?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i have my short bus pass i have the right to be slow
PenWing424: i thought you were a bunny
ChrryVanilla06: lol
Atomikboy64: Bunnies hop!
PenWing424: very quickly
rqbumbershoot: Bunnies bounce.
rqbumbershoot: Bounce bounce bounce.
TheElisaPrincess: oh the movie thing
Lord Mxypltk:
TheElisaPrincess: yeah saw it already mxy
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks i have at rain one :P
TheElisaPrincess: i dont know if it works on the bus though
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* breathe
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: the bus? doesn't your pimp give you a ride?
rqbumbershoot: Cat fight!
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa
Atomikboy64: OH SNAP
rqbumbershoot: Snizzle snap!
TheElisaPrincess: sneaks no my car ;-)\
TheElisaPrincess: nice try though
TheElisaPrincess: sorry my dogs needed out just then
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: your car? your that much of a disgrace to him eh
PenWing424: good night everyone
brianjonopulos has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: Good night penwing.
PenWing424: good night snarf
PenWing424 has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: Good night chief.
rqbumbershoot: Good night McCloud.
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks
TheElisaPrincess: snarfers is leaving
TheElisaPrincess: noooooooo
rqbumbershoot: No I'm not.
Lord Mxypltk has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: i gotta go in fifteen anyways
rqbumbershoot: I was saying good night to Penwing.
TheElisaPrincess: or i wont get up at eight am
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhh
TheElisaPrincess: i missed it ;P
ChrryVanilla06 has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: Wow. Like rats off a sinking ship....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: they drank the kool aid
rqbumbershoot: But not you.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no i made sure i mixed my own
rqbumbershoot: Well, now that we're alone...
rqbumbershoot: All I wanna do...
rqbumbershoot: Is make sweet love to you...
rqbumbershoot: Sneaky Bunny...
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ...oh snarf i've wanted you for so long...
captainsammitch: MAKE IT STOP!!
rqbumbershoot: Shut up, sammitch.
TheElisaPrincess: yawns yet again
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks
TheElisaPrincess: you are so funny
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn this always happens
rqbumbershoot: Wha happened?
TheElisaPrincess: the room stops
TheElisaPrincess: and everyone goes to sleep or something
Atomikboy64 has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: see and now steves leaving ;P
rqbumbershoot: Not me.
rqbumbershoot: I'm like the Pinkertons!
UltimateJaburg53 has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: And another leaves. Who shall be the last man standing?
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: i hated that show snarfs
TheElisaPrincess: they voted off the BEST comics
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* dont wanna be lonely no more
rqbumbershoot: I'll sing too!
rqbumbershoot: All I wanna do...
TheElisaPrincess: lol HAVE THe experience
TheElisaPrincess: I LOVE THAT SONGis get up early in the morning
rqbumbershoot: Is maaaake sweet love to you...
TheElisaPrincess: i cant find it anywhere though........i now i have it
rqbumbershoot: Princess Elisa...
captainsammitch: horsepants
TheElisaPrincess: no you messed up snarfs
TheElisaPrincess: its HOW I LOVE YOU BABYthen all i wanna do
rqbumbershoot: Shut up sammitch.
TheElisaPrincess: or say yeah
TheElisaPrincess: is your loves extraordinary its extraordinary baby
TheElisaPrincess: i dont remembe rthe makin love part in that song :P
rqbumbershoot: I made it up.
TheElisaPrincess: mrhm so it seems :P
TheElisaPrincess: and i thought you were a better than ezra fan
brianjonopulos has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: wb rex
TheElisaPrincess: stretches
UltimateJaburg53 has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53 has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: wow UJ even left
rqbumbershoot: And came back, and then left again.
TheElisaPrincess: wow......pretty amazing...i whould be going to bed myself :P
UltimateJaburg53 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: *Sings* so you have had a bad day
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: dont drink the koool aid
UltimateJaburg53: I'm back
UltimateJaburg53: again
rqbumbershoot: Jaburg's back
TheElisaPrincess: wow wb ujays
rqbumbershoot: Back again.
TheElisaPrincess: that was quick
rqbumbershoot: Jaburg's back
TheElisaPrincess: bunny........shouldn't have had the im hyper :P
rqbumbershoot: Tell a friend
UltimateJaburg53: Cocain can do that
TheElisaPrincess: lol ujay CAFFINE
TheElisaPrincess: not illegal drugs!
UltimateJaburg53: white lines!
UltimateJaburg53: Blow away!
brianjonopulos: druggie!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i gave her a triple stack
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, sneaky.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i just wanted to give the gal a good buzz
rqbumbershoot: Very commendable.
klinton77: Hyper coked up princess?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: should i pass her the bong?
rqbumbershoot: Pass the dutchie on the left hand side.
TheElisaPrincess: no.........starting to relax a bit now klints
TheElisaPrincess: i took some tylenol
TheElisaPrincess: lol@triple stack
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: mmmki wonder if she even knows...
rqbumbershoot: I'd like some triple sec.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ooh triple sec
rqbumbershoot: That's right.
brianjonopulos: So who is still chatting?
TheElisaPrincess: just us
TheElisaPrincess: and im fixing to jet off to bed
TheElisaPrincess: *yawns* yeahhhhh for sleep ;p
rqbumbershoot: Tomorrow's my drinking night. I might have a shot of Jaeger.
brianjonopulos: " a shot"
brianjonopulos: lightweight
rqbumbershoot: Amongst the other drinks I plan to have.
klinton77: this thing stopped working....
TheElisaPrincess: no klint people just quit typing :P]
klinton77: It takes forever for shit to load
rqbumbershoot: Not me!
TheElisaPrincess: btw kling you have me addicted to mahjong now :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: "drinks" snarfs gonna have whiskey sours all night
TheElisaPrincess: thanks alot :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: not you..minute man
TheElisaPrincess: loL@minute man
rqbumbershoot: Actually, sneaks, my drink of choice is usually a white russian.
brianjonopulos: .
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: wow a period...
rqbumbershoot: And I can down shots of Tequila like nobody's business.
brianjonopulos: yes
TheElisaPrincess: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: rack sneaks
TheElisaPrincess: ok ok im off to bed!!!!! night guys!
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: Owner of a Lonely Heart!
brianjonopulos: night
brianjonopulos: wow
brianjonopulos: You guys are talkative now.
rqbumbershoot: Sorry. I was looking at porn.
brianjonopulos: PERVERT!
rqbumbershoot: And how!
rqbumbershoot: Only for you, sneaks.
brianjonopulos: Why isn't rexstardust99 saying anything?
brianjonopulos: rqbumbershoot: Sorry. I was looking at gay porn.
StevensLastNight has left the room.
brianjonopulos: fuck it
brianjonopulos: I'm leaving also.
brianjonopulos has left the room.
rqbumbershoot: I'm the last one left.
rqbumbershoot: Now there's time to read this books...
rqbumbershoot: *glasses break*
rqbumbershoot: Motherfucker!
rqbumbershoot: It's not fair! I had time now!
captainsammitch: heh
rqbumbershoot: Let's get it on...
rqbumbershoot: Let's maaaake sweet love till dawn....
rqbumbershoot: Sneaky Bunny...
klinton77: poor sneaky
rqbumbershoot: Wow.
rqbumbershoot: I was expecting Sammitch to be the first to respond.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ooh a double stuffin'
rqbumbershoot: What? From me and klint or me and sammitch? Or sammitch and klint?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh i don't care
klinton77: you guys can hve her
rqbumbershoot: That's the problem with kids today. They just don't care.
rqbumbershoot: Thanks, klint.
klinton77: no problem
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh c'mon klint
klinton77: fuck I can barely type
rqbumbershoot: You still got me, sneaks.
rqbumbershoot: You know, I would use this as an opportunity to tell the New Year's story, but there's no one here...
klinton77: I'm here
klinton77: shoot
klinton77: just not tping
rqbumbershoot: I'll warn you. It's a little saucy...
klinton77 has left the room.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: you scared him away
rqbumbershoot: Wow. I didn't even say anything. Except, "It's a little saucy..."
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i guess he doesn't like saucy
rqbumbershoot: I guess not.
rqbumbershoot: I should just post it to the Random Chat forum sometime.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes you should
rqbumbershoot: Oh? Do you like saucy stories?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh yes i do
rqbumbershoot: Perhaps I'll post it then.
klinton77 has entered the room.
rqbumbershoot: It's one of my saucier stories.
klinton77: get
klinton77: I need something to wake me up
klinton77: and get this cloud out of my head
klinton77: never shoot sour puss...nasty shit that
rqbumbershoot: Not quite as saucy as the time I licked edible massage oil of a topless girl's back and tickled her with a plastic flower, but still quite saucy.
klinton77: that was a dream, mate
rqbumbershoot: Oh, no it was real. I have witnesses.
klinton77: Palmela?
rqbumbershoot: No.
klinton77: Santa Clause?
rqbumbershoot: No.
rqbumbershoot: Yo' mama!
klinton77: Ok...I can believe that.
rqbumbershoot: ...
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: the boogie man?
rqbumbershoot: Where?!?
klinton77: BOO!
rqbumbershoot: I hates the boogie man!
klinton77: the smilies in here suck!
rqbumbershoot: I know. Yahoo has the best smilies.
klinton77: Yahoo chat?
rqbumbershoot: Instant messenger.
klinton77: shit...these things are like fungus..
rqbumbershoot: I've never done Yahoo chat.
klinton77: It used to just be ICQ
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ah the good old days
rqbumbershoot: Though they don't have the Ric Flair smilie...
klinton77: did it have to get so complicated?
klinton77: Ric Flair smile?
klinton77: :-$
klinton77: what is that?
klinton77: seriously?
rqbumbershoot: The Ric Flair smiley. Y'know, one of the smileys on the RKMBs?
klinton77: yeah, yeah
klinton77: got ya
rqbumbershoot: The Smiley that looks like Ric Flair.
klinton77: yup
klinton77: got it
klinton77: thanks
klinton77: whatever
klinton77: isn't that exclusive to BKMBs?
klinton77: y?
rqbumbershoot: Possibly.
rqbumbershoot: What do YOU think, sneaky?
klinton77: I love how the 'y' fits into the '?"
klinton77: y?
klinton77: thats fucking cool
rqbumbershoot: Wuh?
klinton77: change your font to lucida G
rqbumbershoot: I will not.
rqbumbershoot: You can't make me.
klinton77: whatever
klinton77: don't cryè
rqbumbershoot: For me Argentina.
klinton77: tell me your tawdry story
klinton77: is Rex still in here?
klinton77: y?
klinton77: love that
rqbumbershoot: I have decided to instead post the tawdry story to the Random Chat forum at some point in the near future.
klinton77: alright
klinton77: fine then
klinton77: be that way
klinton77: see if I care
rqbumbershoot: I will.
klinton77: 'cause I don't
klinton77: ass
klinton77: meanie
rqbumbershoot: Besides, that way EVERYONE can enjoy my tawdry story.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: butt nugget
rqbumbershoot: Whore.
klinton77: slunt
rqbumbershoot: Homer sexual.
klinton77: lesbernan
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: cheese dick
klinton77: there's no topping the cheese dick
klinton77: Sneaky...your prize is hot cyber with me
klinton77: aergj hfhjkg
rqbumbershoot: klint, you're not fooling anyone.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh well goodyu
klinton77: I'm not?
rqbumbershoot: Nope.
klinton77: I thought I was pretty convincing...
rqbumbershoot: Nope.
klinton77: *ahem* I like girls!
klinton77: Yes I do!
klinton77: They are prettyà
klinton77: They smell like flowers
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes yes they are
rqbumbershoot: Sure, JQ, suuuure...
klinton77: They cook and clean well
rqbumbershoot: Maybe the girls you know...
klinton77: They make great kitchen appliances
ChrryVanilla06 has entered the room.
rqbumbershoot: They make better bedroom appliances.
rqbumbershoot: Hey-o!
klinton77: No...that's for boys only!
rqbumbershoot: Hey, Meeko's back.
klinton77: Hey Meeko
rqbumbershoot: Hi Meeko.
ChrryVanilla06: yeah im pretty bored
ChrryVanilla06: what's going on
klinton77: Snarf is gonna tell us a story
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ooh i'll get cookies
ChrryVanilla06: why are there always a ton of poeple names on the side that have left
klinton77: they're still here
klinton77: just silent
rqbumbershoot: But deadly!
klinton77: Or they just stayed logged on and left...
klinton77: I tried that...
klinton77: Look where it got me
klinton77: back in here
klinton77: Shit!
ChrryVanilla06: i guess sammitch isn't in here anymore huh
klinton77: Or he's ignoring you
klinton77: is there something you need to share?
rqbumbershoot: Let me check...
ChrryVanilla06: yeah probably
ChrryVanilla06: nothing i need to share
rqbumbershoot: All I wanna do...
rqbumbershoot: Is maaake sweet love to you...
rqbumbershoot: Meeko...
klinton77: LOL!
ChrryVanilla06: =-O
rqbumbershoot: If he's here we'll know in a sec.
rqbumbershoot: :-D
ChrryVanilla06: his computer just went into idle cause my stupid screen flashed
ChrryVanilla06: so he's not here anymore but I guess he was ignoring my messages 20 min ago
ChrryVanilla06: Some men are stupid
klinton77: all men are stupid
klinton77: never forget that
ChrryVanilla06: well i didn't want to piss anyone off by stating that
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yep they all are
klinton77: 's alright...we all know it
rqbumbershoot: Especially the smart ones.
ChrryVanilla06: Gosh that is soooooooooooo true
ChrryVanilla06: I've met so many guys who are so smart but have NO common sense
klinton77: Yup
klinton77: but it makes us
klinton77: That need to be cared for?
ChrryVanilla06: some guys can get away with it....others it gets pretty damn old and annoying
rqbumbershoot: No, doesn't work.
rqbumbershoot: I've been playing that card for years.
ChrryVanilla06: some girls can put up with that, but i think the babysitting stuff does get old after a while
klinton77: Oh, for sure
klinton77: It moves into the 'yes ma'am' phase quicklyè
ChrryVanilla06: lol
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: it does? i haven't gotten that yet
klinton77: you don't deserve it
rqbumbershoot: I've gotta be more assertive with the opposite gender.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh that hurt
rqbumbershoot: Wha?
klinton77: sorry....
rqbumbershoot: Oh.
klinton77: ma'am
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: errr, hate ma'am
klinton77: uh...sir?
rqbumbershoot: Yes, Marcie?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no its olga
klinton77: Where'd Meeko go?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh, i dunno
rqbumbershoot: What do I look like, a doctor?
klinton77: I think sneaky bumped her off
klinton77: women are like that, you know
klinton77: all jealous of eachother
rqbumbershoot: Women are the DEVIL!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: meh, i frankly could care less
ChrryVanilla06: im here
ChrryVanilla06: just really bored
klinton77: yay...did the bad lady hurt you?
ChrryVanilla06: haha
ChrryVanilla06: nah, nobody hurt me
ChrryVanilla06: i dont think it's true that all women are jealous of each other
klinton77: Sneaky...use the bigger whip
klinton77: no, I don't think so either
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i''ll get the chains
klinton77: oooh! chains
rqbumbershoot: Who's got the ballgag?
ChrryVanilla06: I think SOME are.....which cause them to be immature, but I hate when people group women and say they are all jealous. I do not consider myself a jealous person when it comes to other women in general
klinton77: I am really territorial around other men
klinton77: I have to be the center of attention
klinton77: dunno why
ChrryVanilla06: if it is MY boyfriend....that could be possible
ChrryVanilla06: men in
klinton77: not my bf...just guys in gerneral
ChrryVanilla06: :-P
ChrryVanilla06: nah, i dont think that is true
ChrryVanilla06: then again I always have the maybe that's why ;-)
klinton77: lol...
rqbumbershoot: I'm kinda shy around girls. I waver from wanting there attention to not wanting there attention.
klinton77: guess so
ChrryVanilla06: just kidding
klinton77: You seem like a wallflower Snarf
klinton77: you need to open u^
ChrryVanilla06: i think it's just a sign of immaturity...i dont feel il have to be center of attention when it comes to guys
klinton77: up
rqbumbershoot: Well, when I'm sober, yeah.
rqbumbershoot: After I've had a few, it's sometimes a different story.
klinton77: I totally need to feel superior to other guys around me
ChrryVanilla06: women like men who are confident
klinton77: not that I want thier attention
klinton77: I want them to respect me
ChrryVanilla06: That's very understandable
ChrryVanilla06: I did that for a long time
ChrryVanilla06: now I don't really care as muc
ChrryVanilla06: much*
ChrryVanilla06: if they don't like me for who I am, too bad
klinton77: really? I'm super competetive
rqbumbershoot: It's hard to be confident when you have a 0.05% success rate with da ladies.
ChrryVanilla06: because I'm awesome---how could they not! ;-)
ChrryVanilla06: You must be meeting the wrong girls--or you have a really bad approach
klinton77: snarf...that success rate is hand in hand with your self esteem
ChrryVanilla06: That is definitely true
rqbumbershoot: A little from column a, a little from column b, meeko.
klinton77: approach it like your going to succeed and you will
ChrryVanilla06: not snarf in general
ChrryVanilla06: i men that statement is very true
ChrryVanilla06: If you have it set in your mind you're going to get rejected then it probably will happen
rqbumbershoot: It'll happen anyway.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.