The Time Trust: Plus, I keep on mistyping and have to use the backspace button.
brown sugar ball: yo
UltimateJaburg53: Yo!
Balloonknot666: Yo
FirstAmongstDave: I'll have two of you in my cofee thanks.
david finn 13: Yo?
UltimateJaburg53: Play along
UltimateJaburg53: He'll kill us all.
FirstAmongstDave: Shall we do a roll call?
TheElisaPrincess: brb *workin on math article*
UltimateJaburg53: Annette!
FirstAmongstDave: Who is here?
UltimateJaburg53: I'm here
FirstAmongstDave: Ah, a Mousketeers joke.
brown sugar ball: BSB in the hiiioooooouuuuzzeee
The Time Trust: From the never-ending reaches of the timestream, it's THE TIME TRUST!
david finn 13: I'm Batman.
FirstAmongstDave: Am I the only one with broadband?
UltimateJaburg53: Nope
FirstAmongstDave: Hi Bruce.
TheElisaPrincess: no i have cable too dave
Lord Mxypltk: What the fuck is this?
Jlfgrimm13: dave likes balls in his coffee?
PenWing424: no, i'm batman
The Time Trust: Cable here
PenWing424: and i'm joe mama
UltimateJaburg53: Dude you outed Batman!
PenWing424: and...
UltimateJaburg53: Cable like a motha fucka!
FirstAmongstDave: TTT is Cable?
PenWing424: i'm mzy
david finn 13: I'm PenWing!
PenWing424: that's mxy
The Time Trust: Of course
FirstAmongstDave: I'm Rob!
PenWing424: no way
The Time Trust: D'oh!
FirstAmongstDave: and how!
brown sugar ball: i'm gundamwingpilot
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PenWing424: oh
UltimateJaburg53: Good
PenWing424: where have you been?
The Time Trust: Dave is Not-a-Man!
FirstAmongstDave: Not me!
FirstAmongstDave: I mena, no, I'm not!
brown sugar ball: away
UltimateJaburg53: I like water
Lord Mxypltk: oookay, I'm gonna minimize this and ignore it. call me if it gets interesting.
FirstAmongstDave: Not not a man.
UltimateJaburg53: MXY!
The Time Trust: Are too
FirstAmongstDave: Hi Mxy.
jaclynangelo has entered the room.
FirstAmongstDave: Am not.
The Time Trust: Rack Mxy
The Time Trust: Whatever that means
david finn 13: Hi CJ
PenWing424: ceej!
The Time Trust: Hey Jackie
FirstAmongstDave: Exactly.
jaclynangelo: guys never leave....
jaclynangelo: howdy everyone
FirstAmongstDave: Purple?
UltimateJaburg53: I only exist in this chat
david finn 13: Who's brown sugar ball?
The Time Trust: That's the burning question of the hour
UltimateJaburg53: Gundumwingpilot
FirstAmongstDave: But I'll take ... oh I did that joke already.
david finn 13: Well ut some tough actin' Tinactin on it
brown sugar ball: purple penis pop pariah poooper
FirstAmongstDave: Ut!
UltimateJaburg53: Heh
The Time Trust: You know who would like this chat?
The Time Trust: brown sugar ball
david finn 13: fingers don't work so good
FirstAmongstDave: Who?
The Time Trust: Wish I could tell you
david finn 13: Secret-keeper!
UltimateJaburg53: I can't believe it's the goddamn Seth Green interview again!
The Time Trust: I'm lousy at keeping secrets
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
david finn 13: no?
FirstAmongstDave: I blame Al Gore.
The Time Trust: I blame the horrible lack of decent names for U.S. presidential candidates lately.
FirstAmongstDave: If not for him we'd all be outside now.
The Time Trust: I mean, Gore? Bush?
UltimateJaburg53: Who is in charge of the Worst Ofs?
The Time Trust: Come on!
david finn 13: Would you vote for a Lenny Cockknocker?
The Time Trust: It's like some 2nd-rate comedy writer came up with those!
The Time Trust: Depends...
FirstAmongstDave: Why aren't you peolpe all asleep?
david finn 13: Cuz my mommy fed me sugar!
FirstAmongstDave: Its Sundat night - a school night.
UltimateJaburg53: I like staying up
david finn 13: I'll be up all night!
The Time Trust: It's only 8:45 here.
david finn 13: 11:45
brown sugar ball: I gotta bounce dawg i'll check wit you lata
Glacier16: heh
UltimateJaburg53: Who are you?
FirstAmongstDave: I'm Batman.
TheElisaPrincess: hey glacs!
david finn 13: Tell your friends
The Time Trust: He's brown sugar ball!
The Time Trust: Can't you read?
brown sugar ball: i'm gundamwingpilot!!
TheElisaPrincess: thats kidna reduntant dont ya think trusty
FirstAmongstDave: BooBerry Fanatic is very quiet.
UltimateJaburg53: He was an alt!
david finn 13: Chewy is asleep. Shhhhhhhhhh.
TheElisaPrincess: if he couldnt read, he wouldn't be able to get to the mbs :P
Jlfgrimm13: HEY CHEWY WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brown sugar ball: whose alt??
jaclynangelo: type louder!
TheElisaPrincess: grimmys!!!!!!!!!!!
FirstAmongstDave: Elisa, you're in Texas?
TheElisaPrincess: yup in dallas dave
TheElisaPrincess: never been outside the u.s......lived in alaska though
Jlfgrimm13: CHEWY!!!!! CHEWY, WAKE UP, IT'S SONNY, HE NEEDS YOU!!!!!!111
david finn 13: Why?
UltimateJaburg53: Say goodnight Gracie
PenWing424: goodnight gracie
david finn 13: Goodnight Gracie
FirstAmongstDave: I've got a good friend in Austin and a client in Dallas who keeps telling me I should visit.
Balloonknot666: Goodnight Gracie
UltimateJaburg53: Roy!
brown sugar ball: whose alt am i
TheElisaPrincess: you should downtown dallas is like new york
FirstAmongstDave: I want some cowboy boots.
TheElisaPrincess: huge skyscrapers, tons of shops, etc
The Time Trust: I saved the life of an Alabama man once.
TheElisaPrincess: its not like that though dave ;-)
UltimateJaburg53: Mine?
Jlfgrimm13: elisys!!!!!
UltimateJaburg53: No
Atomikboy64: I thought Texas was a myth.
TheElisaPrincess: nobody wears cowboy hats/voots/skirts/country music
TheElisaPrincess: we all hate it :P
FirstAmongstDave: And a big Stetson hat.
TheElisaPrincess: i like elisys :P
The Time Trust: Well, not exactly saved his life.
UltimateJaburg53: Ultra Mega chicken?
brown sugar ball has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: thats only at the rodeos that take place like once a month in fort worth
The Time Trust: Delivered a specially-made key, though.
FirstAmongstDave: My friends all have funny accents.
Jlfgrimm13: deep ellum is cool.
jaclynangelo: hey...i wear a cowboy hat and boots with my skirt...
FirstAmongstDave: The Texans I mean.
The Time Trust: So he could drive his car.
The Time Trust: He was grateful.
brianjonopulos has entered the room.
Glacier16: hey BJ
TheElisaPrincess: Grimms been to deep ellum? dum dad um dum
FirstAmongstDave: TTT has a funny accent.
TheElisaPrincess: you be wild boy :P
TheElisaPrincess: where bouts?
brianjonopulos: Damn
The Time Trust: I do?
david finn 13: I wear a cowboy hat and boots. But only for the right girl.
FirstAmongstDave: Sure.
UltimateJaburg53: Damn?
brianjonopulos: I hate this computer
Jlfgrimm13: yeah, a few years ago.
TheElisaPrincess: lol david :P
TheElisaPrincess: do tell........did ya go to The Door
The Time Trust: Is this better?
FirstAmongstDave: Much.
TheElisaPrincess: christian rock club thingy
The Time Trust: Right.
TheElisaPrincess: i always wanted to go!
FirstAmongstDave: I spoke to Year of the Bastard on the phone once.
FirstAmongstDave: He sounded American!
The Time Trust: No way
FirstAmongstDave: Really!
TheElisaPrincess: i have free long distance :P
Jlfgrimm13: no. I don't remember the names of the places. couple clubs, an internet cafe.
brianjonopulos: Shut up glacier
The Time Trust: That must be weird.
Glacier16: lols
TheElisaPrincess: cool grimmys what were ya down her efor?
Glacier16: ;P
The Time Trust: You all sound Canadian in my head.
FirstAmongstDave: It was. Who'd have thought!
UltimateJaburg53: Eh
The Time Trust: Unless I make an effort.
The Time Trust: Or you use phonetics.
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* o where is my paper
UltimateJaburg53: Take off
The Time Trust: Like "y'all" or something.
Jlfgrimm13: we went to the Tattoo the Earth show.
brianjonopulos: You all sound like electronic voices to me.
david finn 13: You all sound like Tom and Jerry to me.
FirstAmongstDave: Watsonwil used to think I sounded like Tony Blair
UltimateJaburg53: you hoset
UltimateJaburg53: hoser
TheElisaPrincess: its ya'll poor trusty
FirstAmongstDave: Ya'all.
TheElisaPrincess: cant get it rought :P
TheElisaPrincess: not y'all :P
The Time Trust: Whatever.
FirstAmongstDave: Now someone explain Hollerback girl to me.
TheElisaPrincess: its okay youre not texan trusts!
FirstAmongstDave: Buggered if I know what any of that means.
david finn 13: Hollaback Girl is what we Americans call "crappy pop music"
FirstAmongstDave: American football?
The Time Trust: I'll try to get that down right before I visit.
Glacier16: finn is right
UltimateJaburg53: That chick just ain't right Dave.
FirstAmongstDave: Who?
david finn 13: Me
UltimateJaburg53: Gwen Stefani
FirstAmongstDave: Oh, I know that.
Atomikboy64: this shit is bananas
Atomikboy64: B
Atomikboy64: A
Atomikboy64: N
TheElisaPrincess: yeah shes odd
Atomikboy64: A
Atomikboy64: N
Atomikboy64: A
FirstAmongstDave: I just don't understand the song.
Glacier16: aw no
TheElisaPrincess: spammer :P
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
FirstAmongstDave: Disco san,
brianjonopulos: 18 people in here.
FirstAmongstDave: ima tomatte!
Atomikboy64: S
UltimateJaburg53: Maybe she has some mental problems
FirstAmongstDave: But what does the song mean?
The Time Trust: I hate talking on the phone.
UltimateJaburg53: It's a cry for help.
The Time Trust: I sound really impatient to get off of it.
brianjonopulos: Me to
FirstAmongstDave: Your neck gets sore?
Atomikboy64: She really likes fruit
FirstAmongstDave: how do you like them apples?
Atomikboy64: But if she left it, she wouldn't go back to it.
david finn 13: Hollaback Girl is about a woman who makes a solo album to take money from 13yo girls who'd otherwise be slitting their wrists because Britney's a knocked-up redneck
Atomikboy64: She doesn't "holla back"
FirstAmongstDave: Huh?
The Time Trust: Bruised.
Jlfgrimm13: heh.
The Time Trust: Each and every one of 'em.
PenWing424: holla if ya hear me
david finn 13: Yeah, I said it!
TheElisaPrincess: im such a spazzer grrrrr
FirstAmongstDave: Ah, I kind of see it now...
david finn 13: And I'll punch Gavin in the cock if he doesn't like it!
Glacier16: ha
UltimateJaburg53: Eck Old Frenchi
FirstAmongstDave: Honi siot qui mal y pense.
The Time Trust: How much are you charging us by the minute, counselor?
david finn 13: Greesy British fuck.
FirstAmongstDave: Its a day off.
The Time Trust: For your time?
UltimateJaburg53: Troi!
FirstAmongstDave: Bien.
The Time Trust: Oh, that must be especially expensive.
UltimateJaburg53: Picard!
The Time Trust: Overtime, y'know
FirstAmongstDave: I charge at AUD$350 an hour.
Jlfgrimm13: punch 'im inna cock, joe!
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
FirstAmongstDave: In HK I was HK$3396 an hour.
TheElisaPrincess: youre a cpa dave?
The Time Trust: Fuck.
FirstAmongstDave: Which is New York rates.
UltimateJaburg53: Damn
FirstAmongstDave: Pricey.
FirstAmongstDave: LAwyer, Elisa.
TheElisaPrincess: sweet, what kind of law?
david finn 13: Oh, I'm bringin' it Grimm! It's already Brought!!!
FirstAmongstDave: Intellectual porperty.
TheElisaPrincess: real estate/defense/?
Glacier16: its in his interview
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhh wow bou the stories you coudl tell :P
FirstAmongstDave: Patents, designs, trade marks, copyright.
TheElisaPrincess: bou=wow :P
UltimateJaburg53: Nice
TheElisaPrincess: yeah i know what it is.......oh the joys
UltimateJaburg53: Sounds ugly
TheElisaPrincess: meet some pretty intresting people dont ya ;P
david finn 13: I like lawyers. Especially Puert Rican Jewish lawyers from NY.
brianjonopulos: heh
FirstAmongstDave: Huh?
jaclynangelo: i will say nothing this time
david finn 13: (Harley)
brianjonopulos: sure
FirstAmongstDave: OK.
Jlfgrimm13: heh
FirstAmongstDave: Harley is a lawyer?
TheElisaPrincess: come on Jac's he's a lawyer i mean come on :-)
TheElisaPrincess: i didn tknow was a lawyer
david finn 13: And I'm her kept man.
TheElisaPrincess: always wnated to go to law school ;P
UltimateJaburg53: Me too
FirstAmongstDave: It wasn't much fun.
UltimateJaburg53: My knees kept me out
FirstAmongstDave: I did drink a lot though.
FirstAmongstDave: Don't ask me a question abut property law.
brianjonopulos: I heard that if a lawyer takes viagra they grow taller
FirstAmongstDave: Because I was shitfaced in those lectures.
The Time Trust: I was interested in criminal law for a short time, until I realized what a complete and utter JOKE the Canadian legal system is.
FirstAmongstDave: How so?
jaclynangelo: don't work, in legal system is a joke everywhere
UltimateJaburg53: Did you become Canada Man TTT?
jaclynangelo: brian -- best lawyers joke ever
The Time Trust: Basically, yeah.
brianjonopulos: :-D
FirstAmongstDave: I'm already tall.
FirstAmongstDave: Big.
FirstAmongstDave: And throbbing.
FirstAmongstDave: Purple, too.
UltimateJaburg53: What is your outfit like?
The Time Trust: No....
FirstAmongstDave: I have the standard cape and mask.
The Time Trust: ....whatever gave you that idea...?
FirstAmongstDave: And tights.
PJPGYRO has entered the room.
Glacier16: pjp
The Time Trust: Tights?
PenWing424: peej!
UltimateJaburg53: That would be great
FirstAmongstDave: Red ones.
The Time Trust: Ha! I gave those up years ago
brianjonopulos: PJP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PJPGYRO: hey sorry I had to leave abruptly
FirstAmongstDave: With a blue cape.
PJPGYRO: minor emergency
PenWing424: someone should invite rex
The Time Trust: I'm into nude crimefighting.
UltimateJaburg53: If lawyers had to dress like super heros in court
Jlfgrimm13: lol@dave!
brianjonopulos: yes, someone should invite me
PJPGYRO: gaynopulos
brianjonopulos: yes?
Jlfgrimm13: someone should invite pjp.
FirstAmongstDave: TTT, Lex Luthor would kick you i the balls.
UltimateJaburg53: I would never turn off court tv
The Time Trust: I got bored with nude skiing, and nude crimefighting seemed like the next big thing.
The Time Trust: It wasn't.
TheElisaPrincess: yawns yet again
TheElisaPrincess: hiya pj
FirstAmongstDave: What happened?
TheElisaPrincess: welcome back
TheElisaPrincess: lol@nude crimefighting
UltimateJaburg53: You ok Pete?
brianjonopulos: 19 people now, and this chat has been going on for a little over two days.
FirstAmongstDave: Bank robbers would point and laugh.
FirstAmongstDave: Crime foiled.
Glacier16: mine says 20 BJ
brianjonopulos: I'm on here twice.
jaclynangelo: goodnight everyone
Glacier16: ahh
brianjonopulos: night
TheElisaPrincess: night jacs
FirstAmongstDave: Adios.
Glacier16: night
jaclynangelo has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Night CJ
PJPGYRO: business emergency
The Time Trust: I got into it so I could tell my stories to Penthouse.
FirstAmongstDave: PJP
PJPGYRO: some kids tried to leave without paying
The Time Trust: With a bit of creative embellishment.
Glacier16: none Elisa
TheElisaPrincess: a know a guy that could actually do that trust ;P
UltimateJaburg53: Kill them
TheElisaPrincess: and his wife is like a music minister :P
Glacier16: ill look into that whole work thing in Sept.
FirstAmongstDave: "Catwoman held a big cucumber to my lower back"
TheElisaPrincess: really glac, college still?
PJPGYRO: I know their parents
UltimateJaburg53: Extract the food
Glacier16: nah, finished college
The Time Trust: All the bank-robbers I fight in my stories are hot, sexy female ninjas.
PJPGYRO: they paid
TheElisaPrincess: i wanna chill one summer
HarleyQ33: I've been gone awhile and now i really have to go - and yes, FADaves - I'm a lawyer, but a nive one! Lol
UltimateJaburg53: Induce vomiting
PJPGYRO: cops made them
TheElisaPrincess: are ya workin part time anywhere or just chillin?
HarleyQ33: nice
FirstAmongstDave: Harley what do you do?
The Time Trust: Who look like this:
Glacier16: chillin
TheElisaPrincess: if you say chilling im gonna be sooooo darn jealous ;p
UltimateJaburg53: Poor waitress
TheElisaPrincess: ohhh SHUT UP :P
TheElisaPrincess: so not fair
FirstAmongstDave: PJP are you at work?
TheElisaPrincess: you get to enjoy your summer........i wanna be poor and mooch ;P
PJPGYRO: no home
UltimateJaburg53: Fucking kids
Glacier16: not poor
HarleyQ33: there's a pic on my thread - page 28 I think
The Time Trust:
FirstAmongstDave: Don't get it
PJPGYRO: she is hot
The Time Trust: Dammit, I'm slow.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah yeah.......i was just thinkin back to my own life
Glacier16: heh
HarleyQ33: thanks pete :-)
FirstAmongstDave: Halrey are you hot?
PJPGYRO: so are we going to vegas harley
brianjonopulos: she's very hot.
PJPGYRO: yes a hot lawyer
FirstAmongstDave: Huzzah!
TheElisaPrincess: which one is she?
brianjonopulos: She posted a pic somewehre
UltimateJaburg53: Viva Las Vegas!
Glacier16: in the middle
FirstAmongstDave: Is that harley?
Atomikboy64: "Amazing!"
HarleyQ33: LOL - I work for NYC - litigation
PJPGYRO: id be divorced if that was harley
FirstAmongstDave: Really?
TheElisaPrincess: way to stay in shape hars
FirstAmongstDave: I use Coudert Bros in NYC.
The Time Trust: She is hot -- but I usually prefer them a bit more buxom.
HarleyQ33: Sweet - what law do you do now?
PJPGYRO: nice muffind harley
Atomikboy64: I'd say something, but that only gets me in trouble. Bastard women.
FirstAmongstDave: I dish out heaps of work to US law firms,
FirstAmongstDave: IP law.
UltimateJaburg53: Heh
UltimateJaburg53: He Pees
UltimateJaburg53: He said it
HarleyQ33: ah - I interned with a barrister in London years ago - while I was still in school
The Time Trust: I can no longer follow this chat.
UltimateJaburg53: He can't take it back
PJPGYRO: I liked your q & a with Pro dave
FirstAmongstDave: Cheers
FirstAmongstDave: I did too.
FirstAmongstDave: It was a lot of fun.
HarleyQ33: Loved it - loved London - been there five times
klinton77 has left the room.
PJPGYRO: been ther once
PJPGYRO: very drunk
HarleyQ33: I like to travel
FirstAmongstDave: Been there once. I get job offers in London
UltimateJaburg53: Klinton, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PJPGYRO: travel to NJ
klinton77 has entered the room.
FirstAmongstDave: but its no place to bring up kids.
The Time Trust: UltimateJaburg53: Klinton, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
klinton77: shush
PJPGYRO: or vegas with a new jerseyan
FirstAmongstDave: Haley what type of lit?
HarleyQ33: Thought about staying there - but love NYC the most
UltimateJaburg53: East Coast!
PJPGYRO: the best
david finn 13: East Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide!!!
Glacier16: heh
FirstAmongstDave: Never been to NYC.
PJPGYRO: strong side
UltimateJaburg53: Propa
PJPGYRO: youd love it dave
FirstAmongstDave: Got to Atlanta last year and been to LA once.
FirstAmongstDave: Yeah I thnk so.
FirstAmongstDave: Got some frined sthere who really enjoy it.
PJPGYRO: restaurants broadway shows
HarleyQ33: a lot of state cases - some federal - 42 USC 1983 - constitutional stuff - waiting for my Circuit admission
david finn 13: If I'd been in the audience when Snoop badmouth the East Coast, Biggie and Pac would still be alive cuz I'd have PIMP-SLAPPED him!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
PJPGYRO: multi cultural paradise
FirstAmongstDave: Contracts?
HarleyQ33: You like Sydney? Sydney reminded me of a smaller version of NYC
FirstAmongstDave: Yeah that sounds cool.
FirstAmongstDave: I owned a place on the water in Sydney but sold it.
PJPGYRO: museums
FirstAmongstDave: I figured if I wanted to work long hours I'd stay in HK.
HarleyQ33: Gah! I loved Sydney - why seel - was the market good?
FirstAmongstDave: Musuems are good.
UltimateJaburg53: Porno stores where you can still get at them
HarleyQ33: sell
FirstAmongstDave: Made a lot on the sale, which was an incentive.
FirstAmongstDave: to sell.
PJPGYRO: yeah good porn in NYC
brianjonopulos: hey harley, did you know that dave eats poo?
HarleyQ33: That's always a plus
david finn 13: HAaah
UltimateJaburg53: It's no Japan
FirstAmongstDave: Its true
HarleyQ33: I thought it was bum caviar!
brianjonopulos: ha!
FirstAmongstDave: but only with tobasco
david finn 13: HAH HAH
FirstAmongstDave: Japan was a funny place
FirstAmongstDave: I was hung up on a girl, y'see
FirstAmongstDave: those goddamn half Japanese girls
PJPGYRO: dont know whats that like
UltimateJaburg53: Can you really get panties in vending machines?
FirstAmongstDave: yes
HarleyQ33: I ran into a guy I knew from the comic shop in Narita airport while wating form my connecting flight to HK - talk about a small world!
FirstAmongstDave: saw it myself
Atomikboy64: it to me every time
FirstAmongstDave: EXACTLY
FirstAmongstDave: nerver been to Topkto
UltimateJaburg53: I want to go to Japan
FirstAmongstDave: Tokyo
HarleyQ33: Expensive!
FirstAmongstDave: I lived in Osaka. Been back a few times since
UltimateJaburg53: I'll have to practice a Canadien accent
PJPGYRO: yo mxy
FirstAmongstDave: Cool culture in Japan.
FirstAmongstDave: Kind of goofy
david finn 13: There are Canadians in Japan?
FirstAmongstDave: Lots
UltimateJaburg53: No
FirstAmongstDave: Guys in Japan pick up
PJPGYRO: damnit mxy im talking to you
FirstAmongstDave: Japanese girls love Westerners
david finn 13: Do they say "Domo Arigato, eh"?
UltimateJaburg53: I figured maybe one or two might still be cross at America
PJPGYRO: its important
FirstAmongstDave: not really
HarleyQ33: I have to go = night all - nice to finally "meet"Dave
FirstAmongstDave: see ya Harley
david finn 13: G'night
PJPGYRO: night harley
Glacier16: night
UltimateJaburg53: Night Harl
The Time Trust: A friend of mine visited Japan there. Said all the girls thought he looked like Brad Pitt.
HarleyQ33: later everybuddy . :-)
The Time Trust: He looks anything but.
FirstAmongstDave: Yeah ist like that
HarleyQ33 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: White devil all look alike
FirstAmongstDave: I saw some beautiful Japanese girls dating pretty average Westerners.
PJPGYRO: I got a PM from Rob today
FirstAmongstDave: TTT, you'd liek it there
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
FirstAmongstDave: Lots of Asian girls with boobs.
The Time Trust: Word up.
UltimateJaburg53: What did it say PJP?
FirstAmongstDave: You'd like Korea better though.
PJPGYRO: he said that about 20 people have responded
The Time Trust: Yes, I am going there.
The Time Trust: Korea, I mean.
PJPGYRO: and more than half want gman out
FirstAmongstDave: Bigger breasts
The Time Trust: I know.
FirstAmongstDave: LOL
The Time Trust: I have several friends who are Korean
PJPGYRO: but he also said he thinks they are joing the revolutin for fun
PJPGYRO: revolution
FirstAmongstDave: Ah
PJPGYRO: so he may do nothing
FirstAmongstDave: TTT are you seriously going?
UltimateJaburg53: I don't care
UltimateJaburg53: I just stay out
The Time Trust: Thinking about teaching ESL there.
FirstAmongstDave: Very very good idea.
The Time Trust: I know someone there already doing that.
FirstAmongstDave: I did that.
FirstAmongstDave: Taught English in Osaka
UltimateJaburg53: I don't know shit about shit anyway.
FirstAmongstDave: Got sick of law
FirstAmongstDave: Threw it in for a year.
FirstAmongstDave: Had a great time
UltimateJaburg53: Except Trek
The Time Trust: Cool. I didn't know you did that.
david finn 13 has left the room.
FirstAmongstDave: It was 96-87.
FirstAmongstDave: 1997
The Time Trust: Ah.
UltimateJaburg53: Joe Momma! Noooooooooooooooooooooo!
UltimateJaburg53: Damn Darth Vader
Jlfgrimm13: he was so young. . .so much still to offer the world. . .
FirstAmongstDave: I rocked up with no cash, and went home with no debt and $4000 in my pocket
Jlfgrimm13: WHY, GOB, WHY????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
The Time Trust: Seems like I know a lot of people who are teaching English in Asia or have done so.
FirstAmongstDave: And I got to travel a bit
FirstAmongstDave: Well a lot of peole do it
FirstAmongstDave: Heaps of Westerners there
TheElisaPrincess: yeah trust its what hte college kid does during summer
FirstAmongstDave: Only trick is you need a uni degree
The Time Trust: Yeah, I know.
PJPGYRO: elisa.did you fart
FirstAmongstDave: It was her!
PJPGYRO: what is that smell
FirstAmongstDave: Stinky!@
UltimateJaburg53: Poot!
FirstAmongstDave: Pfft!
Glacier16: ahh, nowhereman's interview
The Time Trust: I had a friend who went to Korea to teach on a college certificate.
PJPGYRO: oh my good ness
brianjonopulos: Your getting dave hungry!
PJPGYRO: what did you eat
FirstAmongstDave: MMMM
FirstAmongstDave: Nachos!
The Time Trust: He had to go home on his own money after they realized he didn't have a Uni degree
FirstAmongstDave: Shit that's bad luck
PJPGYRO: it smells liek something died
FirstAmongstDave: MMMM
FirstAmongstDave: I'm surprised he didn't try and wing something
PJPGYRO: im surprised that a smell like that came from elisa
TheElisaPrincess: owwwww my poor more slicing oranges grrrrrr
TheElisaPrincess: Pj's back!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: just get off of work?
brianjonopulos: Anyone have uschi's AIM name?
PJPGYRO: no that was this morning
The Time Trust: He doesn't seem like he's all that bright. though
UltimateJaburg53: Still here Rex?
FirstAmongstDave: Ah
PJPGYRO: im not
brianjonopulos: yes
FirstAmongstDave: no
PJPGYRO: gaynopoulos
UltimateJaburg53: How far have you gotten in Season 2?
FirstAmongstDave: exactly'
The Time Trust: He's not my friend anymore, anyway.
TheElisaPrincess: no rex
TheElisaPrincess: lol pjs
brianjonopulos: No farther.
PJPGYRO: mine neither
TheElisaPrincess: its oni the boards somerwhere :P
FirstAmongstDave: this is getting hard to follow
The Time Trust: He date-raped some girl, and we never saw him again
UltimateJaburg53: Homewrecker?
brianjonopulos: I've been too busy to watch anymore today.
FirstAmongstDave: WAHT!
TheElisaPrincess: im toooooo tired to look i tup and i gotta read something else ;p
FirstAmongstDave: that's bad shit
PJPGYRO: elisa
PJPGYRO: did you get some today
UltimateJaburg53: Is Co-Pilot next?
Lord Mxypltk: TheElisaPrincess: owwwww my poor finger..
Glacier16: heh
brianjonopulos: I don't know.
FirstAmongstDave: Anyway I've got to go or else I'm going to get shot for not speding a day off with my family
brianjonopulos: Episode seven is next
The Time Trust: Yeah, it was pretty grim.
UltimateJaburg53: Night Dave
The Time Trust: OK, seeya Dave
Glacier16: see ya dave
FirstAmongstDave: see ya guys
FirstAmongstDave has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: Pj what do you think? I was in the library studying half the day :P and the other half spent cleaning my house
UltimateJaburg53: I'll check
TheElisaPrincess: and besides that all my guy friends are serously dating or married :P
Lord Mxypltk: hold on, Dave was here?
The Time Trust: D'oh!
Lord Mxypltk: Hi Dave
TheElisaPrincess: yeah mxy you missed out babe ;-)\
Lord Mxypltk: TheElisaPrincess: owwwww my poor finger..
TheElisaPrincess: yeah i cut it with a knife slicing open an orange
Lord Mxypltk: ah
Lord Mxypltk: just as I imagined.
TheElisaPrincess: for the butterflies........third grade project
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: heh jack van impe
TheElisaPrincess: you have to put sugar water on it
Atomikboy64: The Time Trust: Yeah, it was pretty grimm
TheElisaPrincess: woah db is watching trinity network thing
The Time Trust: Well... it was.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sadly yes, i wanted to hjear the cracked out stem cell opinion
UltimateJaburg53: Ok
TheElisaPrincess: sweet nowheremans question thing is up
Atomikboy64: Oh wait, Grimm isn't in here.
UltimateJaburg53: I know where your at
TheElisaPrincess: lol db
TheElisaPrincess: wow.....who knew ;P
The Time Trust: Damn.
The Time Trust: That's why I used that word.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: odd cause i'm atheist
The Time Trust: And it wasn't noticed.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.