I'm sorry you went throught that Wonder Boy. Kind of sounds a little similar to what I went through with my ex-boyfriend.

My first, and only, boy-friend was when I was 26. We met 10 moths shy of his divorce being finalized for a year. Things went great, we talked marriage almost from the start, we loved each other, etc. But then one day, out of the blue, he broke up with me. No warning, nothing. In fact, just an hour or so before that, we were working on a premarital counceling work book together. I was severly depressed an upset for months. It wasn't until a year after the break-up that I finally started to really be my normal self again. I went out on "a test date" as my friend and I called it and it felt good. Now granted, that was the last date I went on and that was back in 2000, but I've always been like this. Prior to my ex, I only went out on 4 dates, over the course of 8 years with 4 different guys.

There's nothing wrong with being alone. I'll admit, in my early 20s I was at a point in my life that I wanted to go out on dates, have a boyfriend and so a big thing with me when I finally did have a boyfriend was that I wasn't sure I was any good at being in a relationship, never having been in one before. What I found is that I can make it in a relationship, even due to my lack of experience. The relationship had it not ended when it did, would have ultimatly ended some how. Whether by either of us before vows were exchanged, or in divorce. Looking back at it, even a year after the fact, there were red lights during the relationship, that I ignored, didn't bother to acknowledge. I thought he was the one, but now I know better. I grew so much after that relationship in so many ways.

But listen to Wonder Boy, he said it bed.

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.