No, you heard that right. At the end of last week's ep she asked Jack to tell him about the baby, but she never finished the sentence. Jack cut her off and said he'd take care of it. All she got out what "Could you take care of..." or something along those lines. I'll have to watch my tape again for the exact wording.

But she felt bad about telling Will that Vaughn's dead but had to.

I think the best line was after Jack dropped the and Syd runs into the kitchen worried. He tells her how she shouldn't leave sharp edged objects around with a baby, then Syd points out she's only 5 weeks old. Jack's response is something about Never leave sharp objects around young Bristow girls.

Makes you wonder if something happend when Syd was a baby/little that she doens't remember. :p

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.