Ultimate Jaburg53

a household name and icon in message board posting.

A driving guitar beat heralded his explosion to the boards with his signature image posts and face paint. His intensity was unparalleled. His controversial personality is equally unmatched. Learn about the man and the myth from the people who witnessed his meteoric rise to the RDCW Championship in a victory over Bsams before 65,000 fans at Robblemania VI. Hear from the superstars who worked with the man. Did he burn out or drop out? Relive his feuds with PJP, Nowhereman, Franta, and more. Exclusive interveiws with Rob Kamphausen, and the Doctor break down Jaburg's stints in RDCW. Find out exactly what happened at SummerScam 91 when Ultimate Jaburg held up RDCW for more money!

Extra Full Matches!


Brian Jonopolous
Saturday Nite Shite10/24/87

Intercuntinental Championship Match SummerScam8/29/89

Title vs. Title Match RobbleMania VI 4/1/90

"Fravishing" Frick Franta
RDCW Championship Steel Cage Match Summerscam8/17/90

Roy Batty
Retirement Match Robblemania VII 3/24/91


LLance tells a story about wrestling Ultimate Jaburg in Kentucky

Jaburg University

Captain Sammitch impersonates Ultimate Jaburg

Nowhereman tells a story about an autograph signing with Ultimate Jaburg