....Grimm? Sweetheart? You okay?

I'm baffled. Truly baffled. I can only surmise one or more possible things have occured...

1) You went fucking brain dead, and spilled the neural backwash onto the keyboard.

2) You got drunk, and thought this was the Writers Block.

3) You got drunk, and thought this was the Wrestling forum.

4) You got drunk.

5) You've recently completed your almost-thirty-year training in the occult, and have seized control of Jaburg's soul for want of your own pleasure.

6) You wanted to get Jaburg's attention, and decided to throw out a "Hey, what's up?" the size of a fucking Sears catalog.

7) You wrote this in the Wrestling Forum, and someone moved it here.

8) Sex with Doc isn't what it used to be, so you've had to come up with something new to fill your time.

9) Three words: Really. Fucking. Bored.

10) You got drunk.

Apart from trying to peel pieces of my frontal lobe off the monitor, I'm going to leave this here....if nothing else....just to see if it...you know...grows hair, or something...like a Chia pet...with words....lots and lots and lots......and lots....of words...
