
Danny said:

King Snarf said:

Aw, damn. When you said spoilers, I never imagined it was specific. Many a time I've clicked on a thread that said "spoilers" and the "spoiler" was something assinine that anyone who'd seen the trailer would know. Ah, well. I'm sure there are other surprises in the film.

There are indeed.

My thread title specifically states there are spoilers. I feel no remorse. I figured it would be a conversation starter for those who had actually seen it.

And you should feel none. I take full responsibility. I've just noticed people put spoiler warnings for the most insignificant things, like a specific plot point for what happened on Alias 3 seasons ago.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!