
Wednesday said:
In the military, a soldier, sailor, or whatever is under contract for a fixed number of years. That means he or she can't quit until his or her end of enlistment or commission.

Good up to this point. Now for a turn to the wacky.

And THAT MEANS that until that time, the military can do whatever the heck they feel like with you, including demote you, take away half your pay for the rest of your time in, make you scrub the decks and peel the onions...forever, or send you to Alaska (winter coat not provided).


Not the military I served in up until 4 years ago.

Sure, they can demote you, but that takes an appreciable effort on the part of the command, and you really have to do something stupid to warrant the demotion. Especially if you've achieved a high enough rank, where it takes an act of Cngress (or just short of same) to authorize a pay/rank cut. The same applies to taking away the pay. Even for privates, it takes a blatant enough act on the part of the grunt to get slammed for the funds. Sending you to Alaska? Hey... it counts as OCONUS service. Not friggin' likely.

And scrubbing decks and peeling onions... are you talking about the US military or a fuckin' pirate crew? Welcome to the 21st century.