
magicjay38 said:

Randal_Flagg said:
Screw it! I always wanted to live in a post-apocalyptic world. I guess I'll just start stockpiling can goods, potable water, gasoline, and shotgun shells. Talk to you guys later.... I got work to do.

Maybe Golden Dave can get us a deal on some beach front property in Australia!

I wish I could get some beachfront property here.

I think, with some hesitation, that a nuclear armed, moderate Iran would be good for the region, because it would even up the odds with Israel and force a resolution over Palestine.

Too bad its not at all moderate right now. With that in mind, I have no problem with air strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities. The trick is to find them, probably: no one could find North Korea's in time.

I definitely have a problem with a nuclear strike - I can't imagine any American official seriously contemplating a nuclear strike on Iran. Setting aside the ethical, legal and humanitarian issues of using a thermonuclear blast on a city filled with civilians, it would invite a war of terrorism that would last for generations.

Pimping my site, again.
