
wannabuyamonkey said:
Please America, don't listen in on suspected terrorists phone calls.... or at least if you're going to let them know first. My tollerance for this nonsenses is dissipating daily. We are at war. There acctually ARE people who want to kill us.... that's me, you, your family.

As much as you all like to make jokes about 9-11 it did happen and when it did tehy didn't pat themselves on teh back and say, "well, we made our point, lets move on" They went right back to the drawing board and started planning again for the next attack and the next one.

We have been successfull at thwarting alot of attempts to attack us, but slowly but surely some people have forgotten and want to chip away at the tools that we use to defeat them, slowly inching closer and closer to the dog house just to see ho wlong that leash really is.

All teh Democrats seem to want to do is defeat Bush as though he's the enemy of America (and teh only one at that) When the Gorrelic (sp?) wall was resurected teh press touted it as a defeat for Bush, well, it was a deafeat for national sucurity, wich means it was a defeat for the American people.

They'll do anything to get at W, even leak CIA information that interfears with our execution of the war and endangers us and our troops (who we're sure you all support soooo much). It seems the only kind of CIA leak they care about are those that DON'T compromise national security.

With all due respect, your comments distort the concerns of many wiretapping critics.

As MEM has mentioned, many of us who have voice concerns over wiretapping aren't out to see it scrapped completely. If it needs to be done, and in certain cases when dealing with certain people, it probably does, it should be done with just cause, to the letter of clearly written laws, and with proper oversight in place to prevent abuses of power. And many of use are concerned that this isn't happening.

Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea to make sure that the government's not wasting time, effort, or taxpayers dollars to spy on people who pose no threat to the country at the expense of not devoting enough manpower or resources to tag the real bad guys.

And be careful about comments like "you all like to make jokes about 9/11."

"Well when I talk to people I don't have to worry about spelling." - wannabuyamonkey "If Schumacher’s last effort was the final nail in the coffin then Year One would’ve been the crazy guy who stormed the graveyard, dug up the coffin and put a bullet through the franchise’s corpse just to make sure." -- From a review of Darren Aronofsky & Frank Miller's "Batman: Year One" script