
Prometheus said:
You do realize that every time I've claimed to be a Libertarian, I've been joking, right?


the G-man said:
Heh. By your own standards that means you were lying about it.


Prometheus said:
And by my standards, you're a hypocrite. Shall we begin with the insults, then?

Think about what you just wrote.

I made a comment about your own standards making you a liar. You didn't dispute that. Instead, you said that your own standards also make me a hypocrite.

In other words, you're saying I'm a person who lives by a double standard which can, of course, be an unconcious behavior. Lying, however, is a concious behavior.

Therefore, you've actually cast yourself in a worse light than you cast me.

Not exactly a brilliant comeback.

Furthermore, as noted on the other thread, my premise was not that you, or WB, were lying. Instead I was pointing out that not every disputed or untrue statement is a lie and suggesting that you might want to consider that as part of a more reasoned, or polite, tone to all our on-board discussions.

So I was not actually insulting you here, simply pointing out another illustration of how someone can look like they are lying when, in fact, they are not.

Not everything is black and white. Not every thing is a lie. Not everything is an insult.