Okay, fair enough.

But all I really did was express mild suprise that a Libertarian (which you had once claimed to be) was supportive of McCain. I did this because I wanted your opinion, as a professed libertarian, on some of McCain's positions.

It was an attempt to draw you into a conversation about specifics related to McCain's platform. Had you just said "well, I was kidding about the libertarian thing, I'm really a democrat (or whatever)," I would have probably made the same joke and then asked you how you, as a democrat (or socialist, or whatever), felt about other aspects of McCain's platform.

That's called "dialogue."

In fact, if you want, you could STILL talk about McCain's beliefs.

So, tell us, Pro. What about McCain appeals to you?

His stance on the war? His views on abortion? His views on taxes?

What exactly does a person such as yourself see in John McCain's views?