
Matter-eater Man said:
My record is one of consistent support of McCain G-man. If I hadn't meant it I wouldn't have said it. I'm just not as one-sided as you. For you any Dem presidential candidate will be painted as something terrible no matter the merit behind your accusations. I understand thats how the political game is played but it renders your claims of bullshit...well, as bullshit. Your record precedes you buddy.

I've seen that you consistently voice a liking for McCain, M E M.

And while I think you like him, I don't think even you can say for certain whether you'll still prefer him to any of the Democrats offered. (And I don't mean that in an ulterior motives way, I simply mean it in an attitudes and issues change way.)
I was disappointed with Bush in early '04, and was determined not to vote for him, but when Kerry was the alternative, I voted Bush.

In past elections, I would have voted Lloyd Bentsen for president over Bush Sr.
Or Sam Nunn.
If I was old enough, I would have voted for Jimmy Carter in 1976.
And I wish Joseph Lieberman was a candidate. I would have voted for him in 2000, or '04, if he'd been offered.
Joseph Biden (despite his penchant for candid and politically incorrect remarks) is another good choice, with extensive defense and foreign policy experience.
Democrat senator James Webb is another credible choice, perhaps in 2012.

But the Democrats seem to always select someone from the extreme left wing of the party as their nominee. If they'd pick from the center, they might finally have a shot at winning.