Another thing about the "gay" thing... Beardguy. C'mon. We all love the fella. He's just so... well... happy. Even when something totally wrong happens, he's always relatively peaceful. He's like our wise elder, gay or not.
Plus, he's not annoying like Elisa and he sure as shit can write!
oh... and he chased Rextard off the boards.

But, yeah, I can basically agree with about everything said here. Jimmy is a bitch, granted, but I can live with that. Klinton is just downright fun. He's like the life of the proverbial party when it comes to this place.
Without those three happy homosexuals, this place would be duller than hell.

The jokes do get stale and repetitive quickly, and some people just need to remove their heads from their asses [are you there, Mr. Adler?] but otherwise... this place is... going places.

Last edited by PCG342; 2006-03-10 9:45 PM.

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
-- Lothar of the Hill People