Alrighty here it goes!

i agree with everything Pro ranted about.
for starters.

many a times have threads been made that ment for a serious discusion, even in the deep thoughts forem, that ended up shortly after being created turning into a flame war or "joke."

i also agree with the constant hounding upon people, especailly newbies whom posters have run off because of the overwhealming flow of bashings. i remember the time i appeared here, migrated over from the DCMBs, and you all ran me off. i can back of course because robby baby couched me and gave me the crash course on how to "survive" here. i will say one thing the RKMBs are like none other baord i have ever seen! its great but ruff and rothless too.

and like IM said :

The Indestructible Man said:
What Pro says here is EVERY reason I no longer post a lot -- its a cliquefest I'm no longer a member of, but one that if I raised said points about, I'd probably be berated for in every juvenile fashion. Hell, most of the regulars here weren't even here in my heyday of posting on the DCMBs and Athanon, when I was a storytelling postmachine.

P.S. Pro, always good to see ya about.

that unfortunately is the common placed reason why only a meer of us post here. those that do post here run into that same problem, but that is what happens and i dont mind either. i love everybody! i try not to take sides. i stay outta most of the gangups. for the most part im happy with it. i have made some good freinds here like MisterJLA, PenWing, Sideways, and a bunch others. some i carry off the board to chat too others i havent. i do sometimes hinder my chats to some people because of the constant flaming and the constant gossipy gangup nature some poeple have here. some you just cant trust. such is life in the real world to, so to speak.

i agree that sometimes "jokes" are takin to far and some actually offend people no matter if they are ment as "play" or not.

i also agree on the organization of the threads needs handled a lot better.

it seams that we have a problem of moderators geting to freindly with posters, so to speak. im not blaming anyone or pointing fingers. again im saying this in a general. i have no problems with moderators posting to threads and makein their own as well. i have no problems of them voiceing their opinions either. i do however have a problem with the moderators useing their "power" to single out and flame posters. sometimes it seams moderators forget about their "jobs" and dutys here. and we all know that mods are safe from any wrath their might be. this board isnt one for banning people, shoot this is where all the bannies come too! which i think is a good and bad concept.

i dunno. i love this board. something do need a change tho, just slightly.

Last edited by Lor; 2006-03-11 12:46 AM.

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