
Nowhereman said:
All those people complaining clearly dont get the point of these boards!

Also the double standards from some of those people is quite humorous!

All the things that have been noted as being "negative" are the sole purpose of these boards creation.

Dont forget the main reason Rob created these boards was to get all the trouble makers away from DC, so is it any wonder most of us are arseholes.

What one person says is a worn out joke, another person says is tradition.
What one person says is annoying, another person says is tradition.
What one person says is gay, another person says is rex!
The minute you start spouting off about whats bad about these boards, thats when you automatically become a target of some of the biggest internet arseholes you have ever witnessed.

I'll let you all into a secret, one of the reasons the sports forum is rarely attacked is because I prefer not to moderate it in the same method as the media or deep thoughts forum, meaning you can pretty much do what you want in there.
That basically means a lot of good topics dont get swamped by spam, and if at any time they do, I just go with the flow & let it slide as thats what these boards are about!
Of course I cant speak for the other sports mod, but as far as I am concerned, the forum is not above the usual hijinks of other forums.

If you wanna be serious, join a serious message board!

You make some valid arguments, in a way.

However, those are exactly what I'm talking about. A handful of posters think certain things are "tradition". Whereas, everyone else, plus any prospective new people, consider it oft-putting. And, double-standards don't exist if both standards are represented equally.

Stating that the boards were "created" by arseholes does not justify the behaivior. A rapist stating that he knows raping someone is wrong does not, in effect, clear him of the moral and legal ramifications of it. Just because something is "expected" does not mean it has to be.

You say that people should find a "serious message board", whereas I ask why must it be one or the other? Why cannot a balance be found within these forums? Why cannot certain forums/threads be respected for serious, or semi-serious conversations and debate, while others exist to be ejaculated over with the nonsense? Why is one person attacked incessantly if they voice opinions that contradict the group mentality?

I'm not asking for another fucking Athanon. If I wanted pretentious pseudo-intellectual conversations all the time, do you think I would fucking come here? And keep coming here for five years, as well as moderate a forum? Of course not. All I was saying is that a balance should be found, and the ability to attract new blood should be welcomed....not berated or visciously driven away. That's all.

Now, should I translate all of that into Welsh..."eh"?