
Prometheus said:
First of all, Mxy, thank you for actually expressing an intelligent opinion on the matter.

Second, I want to clarify that I'm not neccessarily saying that this place should take itself seriously. I'm just saying that a balance can exist. The balance would still allow for everyone to have a free-reign-run of chaos...as they are prone to do. But, at the same time, making it viable for new people to come here without immediately being accosted with it. Some people out there that would actually have something positive to add to this community, while growing to understand the sly subtely of humor around here. I find that more new posters are run off simply because they absolutely cannot have a moment of serious discussion on any subject. Of course, the natural fallback reaction is "If they can't handle it, then they shouldn't be here". This is, in my opinion, a total phallacy and a kneejerk reaction. Not everyone is the same, and some have to find an accepting base before they are able to tolerate the gay-fuck-chaos-orgy that thrives within the parameters of these boards. Not everyone comes from the DC Boards and know or understand the personalities that make up the RKMBS.

See, things is, I do think that if someone wants to have a serious discussion about something it'd be smart for them to go somewhere else. A lot of guys here have fun with the bsamsing and llancing and general trolling, and I think it would be unfair to take it away from them. There aren't many places online where you can make a hundred alts to piss off another poster and not get banned. The whole point of this place is that we're free to do stuff like that, and if we have members that wanna behave more maturely, fine, you can do so too, as long as you don't mess with the natural order around here. It's not just that we trolls came first, it's also that, as I said before, it's the "free for all" what makes this place special.


Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
Ray Adler is a genius. He is here everyday developing new innovative ways to troll deep thoughts and drive people batshit.

He creates!

He makes me want to be a better confrontational fuckface!

I agree, Mr. Adler was born before his time.