
Nowhereman said:
Whats happening there is a singling out of one thing!
For every post where I call you gay, I post 20 where I dont!
Whether there is any thought gone into the insult or not, its just a very small part of what I have contributed to this hell hole!

agreed. i didn't mean it as a specific calling out, but rather a sample of what i see from most everyone.

which applies to...


Nowhereman said:
Were I to feel I could not have the freedom to be repetetive, unoriginal & dull if I want to, then I would move on to somewhere I would have that freedom.


often times, it appears every one not only knows they have that freedom, but chooses to express it, all at once.

whether thats someone like yourself, who does put in 20 good posts for every "you're gay"... or the dozens or hundreds of others whose ratio isn't nearly as high.

giant picture