i think if pro wants serious anal discussion, he should check out nightly.net. i think what pro means is he wants joking when he wants joking and seriousness when he wants it. much like rob. when things were a free-for-all and we moderated ourselves this forum grew and grew. now that we have moderators who moderate each forum to their tastes it has stagnated. its cool to see how pro considers people "elitist" and "gang mentality" yet you look at random thoughts depending on who writes a thread it gets moved. what had set this board apart from other boards was the fact that the people were all smart enough to realize that if you didnt like a post skip it, if i was for instance having a conversation with rob about wether hulk hogan was the greatest ever, and ROY BATTY posted that he was a big orange bastard, then jokes ensued and the conversation continued, along with the jokes. because there may not be people that cant stand to have a joke made in their serious thread, well they need to get over it.

but really, as far as your whole list goes its basically elitist bs, for everything you list that you dont like, obviously there are people who do like them, or they wouldnt be doing them. so if this board is flooded with that which you consider offensive, doesnt that tell you that is what the board is about?

talk about bandwagons, the humor and the "no rules" attracted many here, now that the board has grown many of those people wanna run it and give it rules.

now pro will say he was just venting, and not implying that people should be forced to post his way. but watch how the forum is moderated. see if people really decide what they wanna post were, or if he thinks he knows what is good for you. he'll gladly move and/or delete if you dont know where YOUR thread should be. doc will too, REX will but he'll lie about it. rob will and say hey its what the people want.

if pro really wants a consensus let people post, how they post will tell how they want the board to go. if you moderate and moderate you get your vision not the peoples vision.

ROY predicted this from the begginings of this board, the postings of guys like mxy,franta,and countless others made peole wanna stop by, not the name rob kamphausen on the mantle. now that there is some good traffick why not change it into rob/pro/doc whoever is mod of the forums vision.

this was a free expression place, and it is just a message board so im sure that the people doing the one liners and the bsamsing and the sock fucker jokes are much like myself and dont give it another thought except when they are using it,

and hey if a few of you wanna turn it into nightly.net thats up to you and rob i suppose, its just a shame this wont be the free flowing place of ideas and comedy(READ ANUS COMICS) that it used to be.

i cant plug nightly net enough for you pro i really think its what you are looking for.

rex is a sock fucker.