Fuck right, BSAMS. I don't like the moderators putting their personal spin on stuff. Maybe there could be another way, change the font color or something instead of moving a post out of a thread, for example GMANIMEANYOUGODDAMNIT. This is specifically about the Deep Thoughts forum because it's the only one I get moderated the fuck out of in. I don't like to be too serious so when I post a "deep thought" I sometimes like to mask it in assholery or bad comedy. It's my nature, I do this in real life also. Just because I look like a cunt doesn't mean I'm not trying to make a point or add something to the discussion. So maybe I make a fake dead fetus ID in order to make a new argument about abortion by taking the opposite side of what I am arguing. That should be obviously a serious post in need of at least letting it stay where it is put. I'm making an anti-abortion point by posing as an aborted fetus that is pro-abortion. It's dark comedy AND something to discuss. AND it isn't straightforward boring shit. I like how Burg moderates. He puts objective thought into his decisions.

As for the boards, I love it here. I took everything wrong twice and left forever twice and now I'm back forever twice. The annoyances/traditions are like friends waving from across the street to me. It's comforting to know that there really are complete asshole dorks who act and think a lot like I do. This is my After School Special for learning how to deal with difficult personalities. My life is so much less stressful since I came here the third time. Once I finally GOT it I have been able to apply the easy-going nature to m real life. People can call me a hermaphrodite or whatever they want and I'm just okay with it. This place has helped me through a difficult time in my life and brought me to a healthier, happier state of being.

Someone (Nowhereman?) mentioned 'if you don't like a thread, skip it.' That's goddamn right. We're all (mostly) adults here. Nobody ought to be the PC police making sure things are kiddy friendly. Bitching about reading stuff you don't want to is like when people sign up for Livejournal Communities called, for example, "BAD TASTE" that post in large fonts that lj-cuts are for pussies and THEN have the audacity to bitch that they got fired for the grotesque obscenities being on their moniters at work. Don't click it, right? Stop blaming other people for your own inadequacies. Like Rob mentioned, if you want more posts like X, then post them.

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"