i wont debate in this thread to much because it takes time away, from my baking muffins, but pro i didnt take anything personally, as far as i know i dont know anyone here personally. your playing semantics that you didnt say people were being elitist and that cool, im not gunna get in a semantics debate.

rob of course cops out again and says its the peoples board, they can post what they want but he puts puppets in place to move and delete stuff. so keep copping away bobo, its expected. if you truly meant what you say youd take the move/delete function from the mods but that aint gunna happen.

if all the mods could be like dave stewart the world would be a better place, he allows the insanity and insures serious discussion stays on track. he's not attracted to the pretty buttons but on moderating the forum.

i see pro didnt consider my nightly.net suggestion, there are lots of forums with serious discussions, and moderator allowed jokes. it is seriously all you describe. but i think the fact that your not a mod there is its downfall.

we now return you to robs shell game......