
britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
so robert would you like to take a vote on wether mods should move/delete and stick to it, or just more of the saying its up to the people and then having your goons do the dirty work?



britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
if you go with the vote please dont do as the remove g-man as deep thoughts voted where everyone votes to remove him and you say that you recieved top secret pms asking that he stay, i think only public votes should count.

you've always been quite uncomfortable with those that disagree with you.


britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
also i think rex should get a job and quit making his poor parents support him. theyve did their job its time for him to suck it up and get a job. the cost of keeping him in clean socks alone must be unbearable.

he doesn't actually need clean socks.


britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
bobo likes to think he's a manipulator, he doesnt like being honest about the boards thats why the secret forum is there.

well done, lil death!

actually, that forum is there so's mods can discuss modly things without fucking up regular conversations. so, instead of "hey dave, more elektra" posts in the comic forum and "hey g-man, less dubya" posts in the deep thoughts forum, mods can make suggestions to one another in there, off to the side.

its similar to all of the PMs you and i share, when you're all cranky about something and want it brought to my immediate attention. sure, you could bring that up on the boards, too ... but that'd also be silly.


britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
he'd rather say all his decisions are the peoples decisions and im not really sure why?

"the people" and "bsams" aren't always the same, dear friend.

i listen to your concerns just like i listen to rex's. for example, you two agree on your hatred of g-man. ... but then rex also hates you. disco steve used to tease other posters ... and then got so mad about other posters teasing him, he left.

you, and others, feel the current board is too "restrictive" (for lack of a better term). prometheus, and others, feel the current board isn't "restrictive" enough.

clearly, there are issues that everyone disagrees with. yes, i have my own personal biases and thoughts as to how i'd like things. and even though it pains you to note, i honestly do try to make sure everyone has equal footing in terms of their "voice" from all sides of that disagreement.

you'll note, no changes have been made, other than my asking posters to create the change they're looking for.

how else should i go about things?

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