
Rob Kamphausen said:

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
i said me, are you really that obtuse, or you just hate being exposed easily?

heh. just like in shawshank!

i addressed how i mentioned it to you, above. i apologize if you honestly don't remember.


britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
you claimed that nowhereman and sneaky and myself were invited but declined.

no. i said you and nowie.

Can I just point out that I was never "invited".
Somebody here told me about the said forums existance and I asked Rob if could be made a member so I could refuse to post there.
It was all part of a joke, an ongoing joke at that, that Rob has constantly refused to give me membership.
He is correct though that I do not desire membership into that particular forum!

My issue is that the forum should indeed be out in the open, and if anyone wants to keep their thoughts private, just PM each other.

I also think that being asked to write regular columns and not being able to headline them yourself is crap.

Yes, I used to write regular RAW reviews, and yes, I told Rob I did not want them headlined every week, but my personal belief is that all mods should have this ability should they desire it.
We all know how certain people abused their abilty by constantly front paging stuff they liked, knocking off new headlines within an hour of it being posted, so we know that some people definetley use their powers to their own benefits rather than being the "fair" people they are sposed to be!

Once again, like the mod forum, all mods should be equal, not some more than others!

If you choose not to use those perks that come with the job, its then your own choice, and if you abuse those perks then your modship should be revoked, not just the perks.