
Attention Whores : I could spout off a list of posters that simply create useless threads to try and get attention. You know who they are. You know if you're one of them. It's one thing if it's just a one-time, having fun kind of thing. It's another if it's a constant stream of pointless "Hey look at me! I need validation! Your opinion of me is important!" threads where nothing is served and nothing is gained. You know who you are.

*gasps* Attention whores....at the rkmbs!?! Say it aint so ;p


Pick the Victim : Whether it be Rex, Chris Oakley, or any other, there is a serious habit prevalent on these boards of going after a single poster in every possible fashion, and in every possible thread. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm certain some deserve it. However, it's one thing for, say, PJP to tool on Rex consistently. It's almost damn expected, in that sense. It's an entirely different matter for everyone else to jump on the bandwagon and just lambast the guy with sock jokes, for no other reason than to be "included". Group mentality is a dangerous, pathetic notion that is as real here as it is in society. As with BSAMSing threads and being an attention whore, just get an identity. Be yourself, and be unique. Otherwise, you simply blend in with the crowd. And that, in my opinion, is boring.

Victims on the rkmbs?!? Hey I know Jla's been through a lot but come on, guy!


"He's thinking on his own....GET HIM!!" : This is a follow-up to my last point. If someone is critical of anything that goes on here, in the least, the mob mentality turns against them. For example, I'm certain any number of response could...and will...be made about the points I've listed here. If it isn't the oft-norm inferiority sarcasm of "Hey, he's trying to take a message board seriously", then, it will be the creation of a mirror/insult alt, with mocking dialogue to accompany....or, the most common....is to take excerpts from the posters content and use as a sig line to make fun of the individual, claiming some form of "victory". Predictable, assured, and, in the end....only funny to those that have their own inferiority issues. Of course, another response would be an outlash of "Who are you to criticize?" and the like. Also, expected and predictable. In the end, the point that should be considered is, why can't it be discussed or debated without it turning into personal insults? Why skip over the points, just because you either have no serious opinion on the subject, or, wrongly feel singled out, as if the criticism is being leveled at you personally? I think the RKMBS would be better served on a whole if individuals were allowed to speak their minds without the fear of reprisal from those that have inferiority issues, and wish to be the "cool" one. High school mentality will only serve you just so long.

That's what makes the boards exciting like fifth period......the "high school mentality." Besides....what do you think the average mentality is on these boards anyway?!? Hey.....better yet: how bout IQ?!?


What are your gripes or complaints

Hrm.....we all still haven't gotten together at a party yet ;p

I have one....who is that Emporer Joker guy and why the hell did he steal my mahjong title?!?