
the G-man said:
True, DSN is probably the one exception to that statement. However, by running DSN more or less concurrently with either TNG or Voyager, you had the one show that was trying to do something a little different being further diluted by the other shows (and vice versa) since you had two/three shows from the same producers in a short period of time trying to come up with ideas.

Going back to TOS and TNG, you see that, generally, the best shows were the ones that were about something, that served as metaphor for themes our nation was grappling with at the time the series aired.

TOS, being a creature of the 60s, mined real world events such as the cold war and the civil rights movement.

TNG, being a creature of the 90s, mined real world events such rampant technology, environmentalism and homosexuality.

Because the two series were so far apart, the passage of time allowed each to have a unique voice that later sequels, churned out one right after the other were denied.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.