
Jim Jackson said:

Wednesday said:
Back on topic, Jim's right, one weak allusion does not a theme make.


But that doesn't mean TNG wasn't a product of its time. In many ways it was, and DS9 even moreso.

I understand that. It's not that I find the lack of gay characters or substantive gay themes bases on which to criticize TNG. It was great stuff. But TV still wasn't ready for an openly gay character or blatant gay themes. I'm cool with that.

But if TREK ever reappears, the lack of a gay main character will indeed be grounds for me to take it to task and believe me, I will.

As long as that gay main character isn't a flaming queen like the guys in " Queer Eye For The Straight Guy." I would want the general public to see that not all gay men are fem.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.