
Jim Jackson said:
I do not see how this is so difficult to grasp. When you think it might be a bad thing to do, just substitute the word "black" or "asian" with gay and then rethink your position.

And I think you need to go back re-read what I wrote before you knee-jerk me in with the crowd. When, my entire point was...


Jim Jackson said:
I'm not saying "create a queer just to have a queer." I'm saying "create a queer character who's a substantive character."

...that. If THAT is what you're saying, then, I agree. I just don't want to watch an episode of Trek where it's a hard life for Lt. Smith because he's gay. It would be an irrelevant fact by that century, logically speaking. It should be as normal as Kirk snogging a chick. No better. No worse...