
Prometheus said:

Beardguy57 said:
I agree on this wholeheartedly. I want to see a GAY character in Trek..I just don't want a character who is gay MERELY to have a gay character......I want to see a character who just happens to be gay. That is how I see myself. I have many interests. I have my hopes, my dreams, my ups and downs..and I just happen to be gay..much like others here are themselves with their lives. ...only they are straight.

Having any character be believable and real is just good writing.....be they a gay or straight one.... a gay character ought to be filled out and given a history...feelings...likes, dislikes..same as any other character.

The main cast of Next Generation seemed real to us because they were written and performed that way.

That is all I expect in a gay Trek character....or any other Trek personality, for that matter.

If a gay character is to be accepted..it ought to be on his own merit as a personality. Not as a man or woman who pushes his sexuality onscreen and turns it into a big issue. Just have him - her be like anybody else.


See, that is exactly what I'm talking about. Homosexuals should be accepted as equal in all measures of life, not the equal-but-seperate bullshit.

Well spoken Jerry...

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.