
Beardguy57 said:
I agree on this wholeheartedly. I want to see a GAY character in Trek..I just don't want a character who is gay MERELY to have a gay character......I want to see a character who just happens to be gay. That is how I see myself. I have many interests. I have my hopes, my dreams, my ups and downs..and I just happen to be gay..much like others here are themselves with their lives. ...only they are straight.

Having any character be believable and real is just good writing.....be they a gay or straight one.... a gay character ought to be filled out and given a history...feelings...likes, dislikes..same as any other character.

The main cast of Next Generation seemed real to us because they were written and performed that way.

That is all I expect in a gay Trek character....or any other Trek personality, for that matter.

If a gay character is to be accepted..it ought to be on his own merit as a personality. Not as a man or woman who pushes his sexuality onscreen and turns it into a big issue. Just have him - her be like anybody else.


I absolutely agree with your post! I'd also like to point out that you are a great example of this because up until now, this noob did not know that you were gay. I assumed from Jim and Klinton that gay posters on Rob's Boards wore their sexual orientation on their sleeve, but this is obviously not the case. Can you be on Star Trek?

Reveling in the knowledge that Sammitch will never interrupt my nookie ever again. 112,000 RACK Points!