
Beardguy57 said:
So this is what YOU do, Rex....dump your unhappieness, undealt - with issues and self loathing on others, instead of dealing with it?

dude, calm down. Stop projecting your shit on me and get a sense of humor.


Unlike you, I DON'T take my anger out on others for NO good reason. I DO push back when someone pushes at me, though.

What anger? How do you know when I'm argry or not?


I'm not like others here, Rex,..I don't taunt you or make fun of you for the hell of it. I don't make sock jokes, I don't turn you into the butt of crude jokes. I don't go for the obvious in others. That shows a lack of kindness and no imagination. Sadly, that seems to make no difference to you.

You want a cookie?


I don't treat you like a joke. I don't make hateful or humiliating threads about you. I don't push at you to try and drive you away from here. I respect your right to be here and enjoy yourself. I believe you ought to be treated like a person, not a punching bag. It's a shame you can't show me that same decency, and let me be ME here.

See previous comment.


Or maybe you just enjoy going after others whom you think you can injure or ridicule. Those whom you consider to be vulnerable. That makes you no better than the ones who REALLY dump on you here. Worse, maybe,...because you are intelligent and ought to know better.

There is only one or two posters I go after here, and those posters deserve what they get. Most the time I'm joking around with friends. I leave most people here alone until they mess with me. Try to pay attention.


Ever heard of TACT, Rex? I don't think so. You might have said, " You know, Jerry, I would really appreciate it if you would try to post stuff in threads where it might at least be relevant."

Or you could not do it in the first place.


Instead? You chose to be a prick. Another time, I might have simply ignored you, as I usually do....but you caught me at the wrong time.

Thats your fault, not mine.


The sad thing is, these words are written for one who will not listen. I must be stubborn, myself, because I am good to people...I try to see the GOOD in others, Rex..even you. Especially you...because you seem to need that compassion...more than most.

Stop being so damn gay.


I don't dislike you, Rex... I feel sorry for you.. You sought to make me look the fool..but in making your remark, you only proved yourself to look foolish.

I don't need your pity. Go pity PCgay, he's the one that needs it.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.