Those are some FINE choices, Pro! I forgot Tapestry in my top that one!

I could have easily made it a top 20! Or 30!!!

Others I like :

Tapestry ( " Hello, Jean - Luc. You're dead..welcome to the afterlife. " )

Samaritan Snare ( " We look for things that make us go.")

The Naked Now ( I LOVE watching Data put those chips back into their slots at super speed! ) (" This will take slightly more time than we have left!" )

The Enemy ( " The first Federation - Romulan Co - Venture!"

The Pegasus ( " I was stupid..I should have shot you instead of defending you." )

The Next Phase ( " Where is the other one like you...the scientific officer?")

Time's Arrow one and two ( " I know now that I can die..this brings me one step closer to being human." )

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.