THanks Captain Sweden!

Today's Spike TV episodes :

" Kayless "

This is a VERY spiritual episode, meant to not only be a Worf episode, and a good one at that, but also a very good analogy for ALL beliefs.... Love What Kayless said to Worf :

"Which is more important : The words or the man who said them? "


" Second Chances "..not a big fave of mine, but two Rikers is ..most unusual.

" Timescape " .... A sort of " Cause and Effect " part two.

You get to see the following :

Captain Picard with a set of Lee's press on Nails.

Captain Picard draw a smiley face!


A fine trio of Next Gen episodes.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.