That is sad, Ariel. Families can be like that.... mine ain't so hot, either...I understand...

" Tin Man " was on G rocks! Tamm Elbrin, a telepath from Betazet, born with his telepathy switched ON at birth
unlike most Betazoids, who mainfest telepathy at puberty
( Sounds like a race of mutants! ) is in telepathic contact with an alien being the size of a large spaceship!

" Hollow Pursuits " Reg Barclays first appearance of several. He is addicted to the holo - deck! Has created versions of the Next Gen bridge crew where HE is in charge.

" I am the Goddess of empathy."

Good ones - both of them.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.