Those three are all good first season episodes, but they all also really show how much the show and the characters matured by the second and third seasons.

Worf had grown a lot by the second season episode, " The Emissary." Michael Dorn had had a year and a half to work with the character, and he had Worf down cold by this time. This was how Worf would be through the next 5 seasons..the proud warrior who has honor and is a Klingon, yet was raised by humans and so has a human side to him.

Data was ridiculous in the first year, trying so hard to be human by imitating sneezing, and not knowing expressions that his computer mind would have had stored.

He said in other episodes, " I remember every fact I am exposed to." Well, in season one, he behaved as though he did not!

In season two, Brent Spiner began to behave more like an android, and by season three, he was quite believable in his role as Data.

Patrick Stewart was ALWAYS good at being Captain Picard from episode one onwards. He just got better at it with time.

I will write more on the maturation of the other characters

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.