Well, I found out which episode I had missed yesterday - it was " Tapestry." One of my very faves! Oh well....

Today on Spike TV :

" Starship Mine." Another fave!

then - "Lessons". Picard falls for this woman who is an officer aboard the Enterprise. She plays piano, he plays that little flute he got from that probe launched 1,000 years ago from the now dead people of the planet Kaatan, whose sun went supernova.

They fall in love, He sends her on a mission and gets really worried about her.

He oughta realize that those on the job romances are tough to maintain.

After that, " The Chase." The Doctor dude from St. Elsewhere, who was also the asshole Principal in " Dead Poet's Society" plays a dickhead of an ex archaeology teacher of Picards'. Picard goes off on a special mission,
diverting the Enterprise from bringing another shipment of dildos or something to some federation planet.

The last 5 minutes were pretty cool.

Today on G 4 :

" Booby Trap" : Enterprise trapped in asteroid field booby trap. Geordi falls in love with a woman propulsion expert who designed the warp engines used by the ship.

A good one.

Now on : " The Enemy."

Geordi is trapped on Galandon Core, a stormy, dangerous planet with a Romulan officer for company.

It never made it as a sitcom, but was a very good watch!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.